Knife in hand I stare down at it soaked in blood of my victim , a grin began to grow across my face like something snapped inside of me my sanity !
It hurt to smile inside and out . Like all my victims they're had every thing I wanted a smile , I wanted to smile for ever just like a sadist infecting pain. Looking into the mirror I look at my face it like a blank canvas pure white but my hands soaked red from the girl next door. Picking up the knife I guess it waiting to be drawn on pressing the blade against my check applying pressure as the knife blade cuts thought my skin getting deeper the more I press it in. Blood started rushing down my check still having that satanic smile on face I pull the blade back slashing my cheek and pushing forward taking a chunk out of my cheek . The chunk falls on the bathroom floor splattering blood on a plan white floor.
I look at my new look I am smiling for ever I laugh to my self insane a quick slash of the other cheek I laugh more like my sanity snapped how long have I wait for it to snap , I need no sanity with my new long lasting smile . Sanity is for the weak !
This is me a sadist with a smile made from pain and joy.