Disclaimer: I don't own anything. Except the storyline.

Stefan's reaction to finding out about what happened between Damon and Elena scared me :/ Which is whyyy I'm writing this mini-story! :D
And the good thing is I have until the next episode in a couple or so weeks to keep you happy, before we see what really happens between the two brothers! :o


Chapter One (Stefan's POV):

"We have family we can trust." Stefan meant it.

Despite everything, he knew Damon would be true to his word. He always was. If he didn't like something, he would say.

And he sure as hell didn't want to let Elena go, but he knew he must.

His honour shone through even when he denied he had any.

Caroline frowned uneasily and repeated "Yeah, you're right, Stefan. Trust...is everything."

Stefan shot her a quick glance. She didn't look like trusting family was a good thing...

"Have you heard from Damon?"

"Yeah, he's still with Jeremy at the lakehouse."

"Did he happen to mention" She gave a little shrug "where Elena was?"

Stefan tilted his head and walked slowly towards her. "Why are you - why are you asking me this?"

Caroline remained silent, but stared at him with knowledge in her eyes.

Stefan could feel the tension building. Something was happening, and he didn't know about it. He needed to know about it.

He thought back over their conversation, and something clicked.

"They're together, aren't they?" Stefan asked.

Caroline shook her head slightly, but her eyes told a different story.

"How together are they?" He put a little force in his tone. "Caroline...tell me. How. Together. Are they?"

She looked down, as if mustering the strength to tell him, then she whispered "They...slept together two nights ago."

Shock, mind numbing absolute shock swept through him.

It wasn't true. It couldn't be true!

They had...that night...As soon as he had broken up with her!

Wait, no, it wasn't her fault! It was Damon's fault! He made her do it!

A shout of anger erupted from his mouth and before he knew it, the chess pieces he had been idly flicking had gone flying, along with the board.

Not being enough to satisfy his sudden thirst for violence, he sped to the lamp and snapped it with his hands, chucking it at the chandelier.

Darkness rained down with the crystal glass, sprinkled on the floor.

"Stefan!" Caroline shouted his name and tried to wrench him away from any more damageable objects. "Stefan, calm down!"

"Caroline..." Stefan turned his face away and felt the anger influence his face to transform into vampiric mode.

"Stefan, let's talk through this..."

"Caroline, I'm done talking. Leave. Please."

"Stefan - "

Stefan twisted round to face her and shout "Get out!"

She took a step back but clenched her hands into fists by her side, determined to stick by her friend.

Unfortunately, Stefan was in no mood to have friends around him when all he could think of was his traitor brother.

"I won't leave - "

Stefan seemed to shimmer, picking up a shard of glass and holding it to her neck before she could finish her sentence. "Please leave now."

"You won't do anything, Stefan." She whispered.

Stefan laughed. A cruel, mocking laugh.

"You don't seem to know the real vampire me as well as you think. The normal Stefan who's your friend? He's a human inside. A pathetic, compassionate human."

"I'm a vampire Stefan, and we're just like each other. We aren't dark, or evil like other vampires. We're good..."

"Your jealousy."


"Your jealousy is vicious. You should see how you react around Tyler when he's with a pretty girl, even when they're the width of the room apart. It's ugly. You did this with Matt too, remember? Hey, isn't that the reason you broke up? Not a good sign, Caroline. You're just going to be a jealous ex again, seeing how close Tyler and Hayley are together."

Caroline slammed her hand into his jaw, making him lose his grip on the glass, then she kicked his leg, forcing him down onto his knees.

"You'll snap out of this. Then you'll see what an idiot you're being!"

Suddenly she was gone.

Stefan chuckled and stood up.

She'd left him. As had Elena. As had Damon all those years ago.

There was no one left, nothing to stay for.

He trod through the living room (leaving it a mess) and up the stairs to his room.

It was time to leave.

Please review :)