Steam rose almost eerily from the spring before him. The warm water beckoned his aching muscles to come and relax. Sesshomaru gave a moment's thought to not getting in. Rin and Jaken had just fallen asleep no more than a hundred paces away. Although there were dozens of trees to hide his nudity from anyone who might pass by, he could not help but feel the slightest uneasiness in the back of his mind. This was just a little too perfect to be truly real. Even if Jaken were to stir and go looking for him, dealing him his punishment would not bother him in the least…No. It was the girl child that made him precautious. The thought of a mortal watching him bathe was enough to make his blood roil with fury…But Rin,…If she were to see him…ALL of him…This image made him sick.

With a disgusted sigh, he roughly tore off his obi, and removed his armor. The great Taiyoukai would bathe here and now. Why did he consider anything as trivial as someone seeing him? If this happened though, …yes, of course, the punishment would be severe. His haori, no longer held together by his ornate sash, now hung loosely about his muscled chest. His flawless, pale skin was revealed as he pulled it off completely. Kicking off his boots, he gave the ties of his hakama an irritated jerk, and they too joined the pile of his clothing at his feet. A cool breeze struck his bare body as he strode into the warm water.

He shivered with pleasure. It was quiet aside from the slight splashing his movements produced; he sank below the surface of the pool and allowed the water to engulf him completely. Beneath the surface, the moon shimmered and rippled above him. His hair, caught in a weak current, streamed around his form, tickling his most sensitive places. Startled by the unexpected sensation, he released his breath through his tightly clenched fangs. As the bubbles rose past his face, his hand strayed to his stirring length. The water's warmth was beginning to arouse him.

He broke through the surface with a small gasp for breath, and tightened his grip slightly. His long, elegantly clawed fingers wrapped fully around his thick member. It had been quite a while since he had last been satiated, and his growing arousal could not be ignored. Giving himself a firm stroke, he felt the tension alleviate…but not nearly enough. He gripped himself tighter, closing his eyes, and pumped his erection a second and third time, creating a small series of ripples that rushed to the sandy shore. A noise! Behind him! He whirled, fangs bared and eyes menacing, scanning to find the intruder who had so ignorantly approached him. What he saw enraged him even further…

"Lord Sesshomaru?" It was Rin.

The impudent little wretch had waked from her slumber, and seeing her master gone, went looking for him. Fool. Her demon lord's body was concealed by water from the waist down…but the head of his erection was above the surface where she could plainly see. Color rushed to her face in an immediate blush as her lord glared enraged at her.

"…Oh," was all she could chirp out in alarm.

"'Oh?'" he mocked scornfully,

"Is that all you have to say for yourself, girl? 'Oh?!'" His youki flared about him as he prepared to pounce at her…then, …he had another idea…

He motioned with his deadly claws for her to approach him. She dared not to disobey him. He was already angry, she thought it best not to incur his wrath any further. She walked shakily towards him, stopping where the sand met the water. His dangerous look had not dissipated from his eyes, and he approached her. He stopped when his groin was completely revealed to her. She now stood just a few feet away. He felt her eyes upon his erection, and it swelled with another rush of blood. Her attention was captured by this phenomenon, and she found herself unable to look away. Yes, girl…look at me. His face was a mask of unhidden lust. You will aide me tonight. You will appease me.

"What are you staring at, Rin?" he whispered, almost kindly.

Her face reddened more at this. Did he want her to answer him? Her mouth went dry suddenly. She didn't know how she should answer him. She knew that seeing him like this made him upset, so why was he not punishing her for it? He reached out his hand towards her and, with one finger beneath her chin, tipped her face up to him. He queried again:

"What are you looking at, Rin?"

Words formed on her trembling lips finally.

"Y-you, my lord…?" It sounded like a question more than an answer.

A cruel smile tugged at the corner of his beautiful mouth. His hand left her face and traveled down the front of her sleeve until he found her hand.

"Do you enjoy looking upon me like this, Rin?" He smirked cruelly.

She had no idea how to answer this question. She did not like the strange way he was acting, but he was her lord…she had always liked looking at him. She could only nod her head mutely in agreement. This seemed to please him.

A smile passed over his beautiful lips, then disappeared. Gripping her wrist, he pulled her forward considerably, and placed her hand over his stiffening member. She gasped in shock and her eyes widened.

"…Touch me, Rin," he purred to her.

Her body trembled at this strange new contact. He felt so hot beneath her fingertips. Hot and hard. She looked back up at his face, not knowing what it was that he wanted her to do. She could feel him becoming angry again. Panic spread through her. If she did not do as he commanded of her, she feared what punishment would befall her.

When a low, menacing growl escaped his throat, she gripped his length in fearful response. He made another sound then…one not so terrifying. She loosened her grip and squeezed him again, this time watching his face. His eyes closed and his brow was furrowed in what could only be an expression of pleasure.

"Mm, yes…like that," he murmured softly.

She gripped him once more, harder this time.

"That's…good," he praised. His slanted eyes parted a bit so he could watch her. He used his grip on her wrist to guide her hand over him instead of just letting her tease him as she was. She pumped his length again, sliding her hand down…then back up. He ground himself into her palm suddenly.

"Unh," he groaned,

"Harder now…that's it…" The sight of their hands moving over him aroused him impossibly more. She gripped him as tightly as she could and stroked him a few more times.

"Ohh,…" he could not fight back the moans now. It felt so good,…but, this would not do…

"Rin, do you want to please me?"

She met his gaze again, her were eyes a little hurt. She was not pleasing him already?

"Y-yes,…m-my lord." she answered truthfully.

He smiled approvingly at her. Of course you do, wretch. That shall be your only purpose from now on. To appease and pleasure me whenever I desire.

"Place your mouth upon me," he commanded her.

Once more, she stared blankly at him. Her mouth? Where? He saw her confusion and complied by touching her shoulder, in an almost loving manner, and pulling her face forward towards him. She was the exact proper height to perform this little act. This idea sparked dark, perverted fantasies in the corners of his mind.. The very thought of her doing this for him every single night made him lick his lips unconsciously. But for now…

He touched her soft, pink mouth with a single finger, tracing its curve seductively. After a moment, he succeeded in parting her lips, and he explored her wet tongue with the tip of his claw. She understood now that he wanted her mouth open, and did so obediently. Now, let us see how you well you can do, he thought. He pushed his hips forward until her mouth was upon the satin of his skin.

"Go ahead…" he encouraged her, pulling her slightly forward again.

She placed chaste kisses upon his flesh. He tasted sweet against her lips. She dared to trace his length with her tongue. He hissed and pushed his hips forth again. She fully understood now, and licked down to the base of his shaft. Then, licking her way back up to the head of his erection, took him into her mouth. Yes, this was what he had wanted all along. She felt his grip on her shoulder lessen, then he moved his hand to the back of her head…and pushed himself further into her hot, wet mouth. The movement caused her to take more of him into her parted lips, and he moaned beautifully as her tongue danced along his length.

She quickly discovered that it pleased him when she took more of him in, and tried her best to do this on her own. When he met the back of her throat, she nearly gagged. Her teeth found his flesh momentarily. He made an angry sound now, and gripped the back of her neck threateningly.

"Careful…" was all he said, but she knew that what she had done was unacceptable.

She wanted to please him so badly now, to make up for her error. This time, she reached forward with her trembling hands and wrapped them securely around his waist. She took more of his length into her mouth, ready for the same sensations as last time. When he once again met her throat, she stopped. Instead, she moved her tongue over his shaft, and touched what was still exposed of him with her hands.

"ah,….unh, better," he said between little sounds of approval.

He was beginning to enjoy watching her now, and traced the pulse at her neck with his talons.

"Faster…" he urged.

At that, she quickened her pace. She slid her lips over his length, breathed, then took him in again. Her hands squeezed the rest of him tightly. His hips jerked forward and he gripped her hair. She listened to his moans and cries of bliss. Feeling a little bolder, she let her eyes stray up to his face. His markings were jagged now, and his eyes, though tightly shut, gave off an almost frightening glow between his heavy lashes. She pumped his now slick length with both of her hands and panted for breath. She wasn't sure how much longer her lord would have her do this, but she didn't dare stop without his consent.

"Ah,…Ah!" His voice strained louder.

She replaced her mouth on him again, taking him in as deeply as she possibly could. His hand seized suddenly and he gripped her head in an almost bruising vice.

"Unh,…Rin," he began, then cut himself off with a satisfied cry.

Something filled her mouth. She started to pull her lips off of him, but his grip prevented her.

"…Swallow it…All of it…" He gasped between pants.

She obeyed, and swallowed. Then she removed her mouth completely from him after he released his hold. Seeing more of the whitish liquid on his softening erection, she began licking every bit of the strange fluid from his skin until he was thoroughly cleaned. His features returned to that of her stoic master and he looked down at her. She was panting too. Her cheeks were flushed and there was a droplet of his seed at the corner of her mouth. He gathered it onto his fingertip and fed it to her. Her tongue swirled over his claw. This erotic act would have aroused him again if he had not been utterly spent.

He lowered himself to the ground and sighed as she made a move to join him.

"You may leave now," he told her without a glance.

She was crushed. He did not want her near him now? After everything she had just done?

She didn't budge from where she stood. He turned to her, the beginnings of anger in his eyes.

"Now." he commanded.

"B-but,…Rin wants to st-stay." she nearly sobbed.

"I know. That is your punishment." he replied simply.

"Now go before I think of something worse for you."

This time she obeyed, sadly leaving her lord as he washed her scent from his body.

"Rin," he called suddenly.

She turned back, hoping that he had changed his mind.

"Next time, it will be much worse for you."