MiyukiGainsborough: I suppose I should thank you all for being patient with me. I'm having such a hard time getting out of writer's block with my fics.


Natasha leaned against the wall of the gym, panting heavily, beads of sweat dripping down her face as she looked over at the Asgardian God leaning against the other wall. "You let me win, didn't you?" she asked him though she didn't need an answer. She was good at hand-to-hand combat but there was no way she was able to beat an Asgardian God.

The blonde male chuckled and stood up, one hand brushing through his hair. "It would not have been very gentlemanly of me to have won that fight," he responded as he walked over to the woman. He looked down at Natasha and placed his hand on the top of her head. "Though you are much stronger then when we last battled Loki. I am quite proud, Lady Natasha. I promise you, we will get her back soon." He gave a light pat then removed his hand. A gentle smile came to his lips before he exited the gym.

The Widow's hand moved to the top of her head where the God's had once been and she let out a light laugh. With a soft exhale, she picked herself up from the wall and took up a white, hand towel. As she started to wipe the sweat from her face, she heard Coulson call her name from the comm in her ear. "What is it, Coulson? I'm about to go take a shower," she responded. She listened to the man's simple sentence before gave a light groan. "I'll be right there.


The moment Natasha stepped into the SHIELD bar, she saw Clint's fist fly and connect with Tony's jaw. Though there was a decent amount of force behind the drunk man's punch, Tony wasn't knocked back and still worked to calm down his fellow Avenger while Steve grabbed Clint's free arm to make sure he couldn't get in another hit. "Clint!" Natasha's stern voice shouted. Normally, if she had ever raised her voice, everyone either froze or hid. This time, while everyone else stopped, Clint still tried to struggle in Steve's grip as if he didn't hear her.

She stormed over to the group of men, Tony jumping out of the way the moment she was within a foot of him and Steve releasing the archer to be taken care of by his lover. Her strong hand grabbed Clint's arm, twisted it around before she slammed him, face first, onto the nearest table. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she hissed, holding him firm against the table despite his struggling. "Wait. Don't even answer that. Our daughter was kidnapped by some lunatic and you want to get drunk and start fights with your friends? Straighten up, Barton!"

Clint stopped moving and stared out at nothingness. Though he was still drunk, he understood every word she had said and was quick to realize that he was acting like a fool but he was honestly scared, not of Loki, but of losing his child, the child that Natasha had believed she would never be able to have. "I'm...sorryyy," he slurred sadly.

"You should be, Barton," a different voice called. To the best of his ability, Clint looked behind him and saw that was not Natasha holding him down but Loki, a devlish grin on his pale face. "You're wasting time aren't you? I still have your baby."


Clint inhaled sharply as his eyes snapped open and looked around the room only to stop as he found he was dizzy and had the worst headache. He was still drunk but not as much as before. He wasn't in the bar anymore but in his room on the hellicarrier. "Clint, it's okay," a soft voice said. He watched Natasha's hand reach out and gently stroke his cheek. He relaxed as his eyes met hers, enjoying the touch of her smooth skin and trying to calm his nausious stomach.

"Nat...what happened?" he asked, bringing his own hand up to run through his hair.

She pulled her hand back and placed it on her lap. "You tried to start a fight with Steve. When he tried to defend himself but still try to keep you from hurting yourself, you ended up smacking your head on the bar. I made it just in time to see it happen." She wanted to laugh at the memory but she knew it was no time for that. Clint would not have been drinking so heavily if he wasn't so worried about Nedeah.

"What if he's already done something to her? What if we're too late?" he started to ramble, his voice cracking just slightly. "What if-" He left out a sigh, he eyes filled with tears that he refused to shed. "You thought you would never be able to have her and now she's been taken. I don't want you to have to live with that fear again."