Chapter One

Right, this is my new story that I started ages ago. It's Embry/OC and I'm not sure if there's one like it out there. I hope there's not! Anyway, this starts before Jake becomes a wolf, just so you know.

Disclaimer – I do not own Twilight, all rights to Stephanie Meyer. I do own Hetani though.

Jacob Black did not like social services. They were filled with people that thought they were in control and had all the power. One in particular, he thought her name had been Mrs Martin, had tried to take his little sister away. Hetani had been found abandoned in the middle of the forest when Harry Clearwater and Billy Black (then with the ability to walk) had been hunting and social services had pounced on them like vicious piranhas attempting to snatch the vulnerable five year old away. Jacob remembered being seven at the time and watching as a skinny and weak Hetani slept on his worn couch. It had taken several months but it had finally been decided that the poor girl could be officially adopted into the Black family. It might have been something to do with the note that Jacob had found tucked into the single sock Hetani wore.

To whom it may concern,

We pray that some caring individual finds our darling Hetani. We wish only the best for our little girl and have found that we cannot provide that for her. Take care of our little angel.

Hetani's parents

Jacob hadn't found it odd (at the time) that it had been signed 'Hetani's parents' but the adults had. They had later deduced that the parents had wanted to keep their identities hidden. Jake still remembered when Hetani had been told she was staying with the Blacks.


Jake watched, slightly put out, as all the attention was drawn to Hetani who had no last name. She was very thin, basically all bone as she cowered slightly on the couch. She was obviously of Native American decent with her deep black hair that fell in straight, kind of lank strands to her waist. The seven year old Jake had thought her skin was naturally blue/grey but he later found out that it was because she was sick and because she was still recovering from almost frostbite.

"Hetani, do you want to come and live with Sarah, Billy, Jacob, Rebecca and Rachel?" Mrs Martin asked in a sickly sweet tone that caused Jake to grimace and fidget slightly. Hetani looked beyond shocked as her wide, chocolate brown eyes gazed at the red headed, prim dressed woman. Jake twitched towards her at her obvious discomfort. Rachel and Rebecca, his older twin sisters, watched warily as Hetani retreated from the social worker's 'welcoming' hand. The young girl did not speak but nodded her head meekly and Mrs Martin looked like she'd been slapped. Rachel and Rebecca looked like they would be happy to make that assessment perfectly true. Hetani was obviously at her wits end as the scary social worker approached with a smile that Jacob could only describe as eerie.

"Very well, sweetheart. I'll draw up the papers and bring them around tomorrow. Good day." And the scary woman departed. Hetani breathed a loud sigh of relief and Rachel cautiously approached her, placing a hand on her knee. The young girl jumped slightly but relaxed when she looked into Rachel's reassuring face.

"Our mom will be home soon. Are you hungry?" she asked and Hetani smiled weakly, nodding. She was dressed in a dark grey dress from somewhere Jacob didn't know and some clumpy black shoes. She looked uncomfortable.

"Jacob, why don't you go and find Hetani some more comfortable clothes? There are some boxes of our old stuff in our room," Rebecca suggested and Jacob nodded once, leaving the room. He knew that everything had changed but he also knew it was for the better.

*End Flashback*

"Jake, if you keep thinking so hard, you're going to get worry lines," said a familiar teasing voice. A grinning Jacob turned away with his long black hair flopping over his shoulders to look at his baby sister. She had certainly grown up from the ill-looking girl that had been found in the middle of the forest. Her hair was much thicker and had a slight wave that drove her up the wall because it wouldn't just hang straight and her skin had turned back its natural russet tones after a long time of curing her and feeding her up. She had slight curves (as much as a fourteen year old could) but she was tiny. She was also one of the shyest people Jacob had ever met but that suited him just fine. It meant that she didn't talk to many boys and boys were less inclined to talk to her (except for Quil and Embry who he didn't have to worry about – they knew the rules). Despite that, Jake knew that Hetani had a little crush on Embry but one that he knew she would never act on. She was far too shy to even admit her feelings to Jake and she told him everything.

"Oh, be quiet you," he replied jokingly and her chocolate brown eyes sparkled happily. She crossed to where he was standing and hugged him. He hugged her back carefully – he was so scared of crushing her fragile form. He hoped that she stayed away from Sam Uley and that cult because they were absolutely huge and they certainly would crush her.

"You are not thinking protective thoughts about me," she scolded as they pulled away. Jake shrugged but she was glaring at him and he sighed.

"I just worry about you!" he cried defensively. She sighed in exasperation and Jake knew it was because she hated how annoyingly protective he was over her.

"This has to stop," she complained and led the way out of the room. Jake grimaced at her outfit. Clearly, despite their departure, Rebecca and Rachel had an influence on her clothes. She was wearing a dark green tank top with a cropped, tan leather jacket and black skinny jeans with black heeled ankle boots. At least she wasn't wearing make-up. Jake wasn't sure he could cope with that. He heard her laughing quietly and walked out of his room, seeing his two best friends: Embry and Quil, both with long, black hair and teeth exposing grins. He rolled his eyes at his little sister's blush as she gazed at Embry. Ugh.

Hetani POV

I had grown up in the Black household and had been welcomed warmly into their arms. I had even grieved for the loss of their (well, our) mother. And Jake was the best big brother anyone could ever ask for, even with his practically stalker like tendencies. Honestly, it was like I would run off and never return at some point. He was insane but I loved him dearly. Rebecca and Rachel were great and had been wonderful to confide in when they were around but Jake was everything to me. I told him everything and anything and he knew it too. And although I never told him about my very embarrassing feelings for Embry, I was pretty certain that Jake knew anyway. It was kind of obvious when Jake smirked at me as I laughed with Embry and Quil, knowing very well that I was paying more attention to Embry than Quil. And Embry had been bulking up a lot lately and his temper was slightly sensitive. In short, he was weirder than normal. But I didn't particularly mind. I still remembered the day I first met him.


I was very nervous. It had been a week since I had been officially adopted into the Black family and it had been spent getting to know my new family and trying to get over the fact that my parents had completely abandoned me. They hadn't even taken the liberty to drop me at an orphanage or a police station. They had just dumped me in the woods. No matter how caring their note was (one Jacob had found in my sock for some reason), I hated them for their abandonment. I had settled in as well as could be expected due to my situation and Jacob seemed to have assigned himself to look out for me. I had tripped and smacked my head against the counter three days after my official adoption and he had freaked out. A lot. But that day, four days after my bump (with the bruise still there), was the day I was to meet Jake's friends for the first time. He had apparently known them from a very young age and they were coming over because he hadn't been allowed to see them for a week. And they wanted to meet me, which made me nervous. I cowered slightly behind the armchair as Jake bounced into the room with a wide smile, followed by two other Quileute's sporting nervous smiles. I skulked further away in an attempt to blend in with the worn material of the armchair. I wasn't good with new people. It had taken me all of the months of the adoption process for me to open up properly to my new family.

"Is that her?" the one on the left asked eagerly as he eyed me. I wasn't really sure what he could see besides a tiny bit of my face and my hand but whatever.

"Yeah, that's my new little sister: Hetani," Jake answered, approaching slowly and holding out his hand. At his slightly pleading look, I shuffled out from my hiding place and held onto the warm flesh for comfort. He grinned encouragingly at me and I looked at the other two hesitantly. The one who had spoken was smiling widely at me and the one on the right was eyeing me with interest.

"I'm Quil," the smiling one said then nudged the other friend who had been staring at me a little too hard.

"I'm Embry," he informed me and I swallowed, nodding shakily. I really didn't like new people.

"She's not good with strangers. It took her three weeks after she was found to say more than two words to us," Jake told them airily. I hid behind him for the rest of the visit, occasionally spotting Quil smiling at me kindly or Embry watching me avidly. They were a strange pair but I knew Jake was a good judge of character and he was clever enough, even at seven, to know if they were bad people – which they weren't.

*End Flashback*

"Hey, Hetani – you ready to go?" Embry's voice broke through my reverie and I looked up with a gentle smile, nodding mutely. Words weren't always necessary and almost everyone knew that I didn't use them very often. I just wasn't a vocal person. Embry grinned, ruffled my hair and departed. I blushed furiously, ignoring Jake's wide eyes and ran after Embry. How embarrassing.

That's obviously just the first chapter but I've been dying to get this out there. I think of it as 'happy Christmas Bianca!' if I'm honest, lol. Anyhow, hope you liked that and my next update depends on reviews/favourites/alerts. Love Bianca :) x