This is the final chapter. Just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who had read, reviewed, favorited and followed this story. I will be uploading more stories soon:)

I Will Always Love You.

Chapter 6-

The next morning the couple were completely separated, not like when they went asleep. Leonard was laid on his back facing the roof and Penny was laid on her right side facing the opposite way to where Leonard was.

Penny was the first to awaken; she was surprised that Leonard wasn't holding her. She was sure he had gone to sleep with his arms around her and she was in the exact same position as when she fell asleep so that means Leonard must have been uncomfortable and moved. She longed to be in his arms again so, tenderly, she moved his arm from his side to across Penny's pillow and rested her head on it.

Both of them were still naked from last night so Penny placed her hand on his chest to feel his heartbeat. Her touch startled him because Penny's hands were cold. Leonard immediately sat up wondering what had happened.

"It's ok, it's only me." Penny told him.

"Sorry, you just scared me that's all." Leonard replied.

He laid back down and outstretched his arm so Penny could cuddle with him. She placed her head on his chest. Leonard's arm wrapped around Penny making her feel safe.

It was Monday, Leonard had to be in work in 1 hour as it was 7:30, he planned to leave Penny's at 7:45 so he had time to get ready.

As the minutes past 7:45 soon came, Leonard wanted to get up put Penny dragged him back down.

"I don't want you to go." Penny told him.

"I don't want to go either!"

She kissed him, "Maybe I can stay just 5 more minutes." He said smiling before she kissed him once again.

7:50 came and passed so at 7:53 he told Penny he really needed to go. Leonard got up and started to get dressed.

8am was fast approaching and Leonard was getting ready, Penny was meeting Bernadette at 12 for brunch so she decided she would get up and ready too.

She went straight into the bathroom to brush her teeth but before she had time to pick up her toothbrush Leonard had come in and wrapped his arms around her waist. His nose was in the hair, he inhaled deeply so he could smell her coconut shampoo. Nobody could love anybody more than he loved her at that moment.

Penny placed her hands over the top of his and smiled at him in the mirror. He grinned and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you more..."

Leonard replied with "That's not possible."

Before Leonard went to work Penny gave him a quick kiss and he left.

She carried on getting ready and when it came to 12 she was waiting in the sandwich shop for Bernadette. When se arrived they greeted each other with a hug.

"So I heard you spent the night with Leonard last night." Bernadette said to Penny with a grin.

"Where did you hear that from?!" Penny asked.

"Howard told me!"

"And how did he find out?"

"Well, Sheldon realized that Leonard wasn't in last night and told Howard."

"Oh right."

"Soooo... What did you decide?"

"Well, I've decided I will do what ever it takes to be with him. I've invited him round to mine tonight for a meal and I'm going to make it really romantic."

"Sounds great!" Bernadette exclaimed sounding surprised.

That carried on conversing for an hour or so before the both went their separate ways.

Penny didn't have to work today so she started to get her apartment ready for the meal she was planning out.

She decided she would make him steak and chips, his favorite. At around 4 Penny left her apartment to go get the ingredients for the meal. She arrived home at 5.

Now it was time to get herself looking glamorous, she decided on a little red number that showed off her curves in all the right places. But first she took a shower, shaving everywhere that needed to be shaved. When she put the dress on she thought it would look better with straight hair, so that's exactly what she did.

Penny finished getting ready at 7:45 and had time to have her first glass of wine of the night before Leonard arrived.

8pm approached and Leonard was right on time, he knocked on her door and within a few seconds she had answered it.

As soon as Penny answered the door Leonard's pupils dilated, his heart skipped a beat and he mouthed the word 'wow'.

Leonard had also made an effort, wearing a blue tee with a blazer over the top and jeans with some smart shoes. He had let his hair free a little with the curls on top of his head visible. He looked very handsome.

"Not looking too bad yourself Hofstadter." Penny commented whilst wrapping her arms around him for a kiss. He placed his hands on her back so he had some control.

When they sat down to eat Leonard couldn't help but stare at Penny. 'She's so beautiful.' He thought to himself.

Penny had finished cooking the food and brought it over to the table, Leonard tucked in straight away.

After they'd finished their meal they both sat down on the couch, Penny with her head on Leonard's chest and him with his arm around her.

Throughout the day Penny had been thinking a lot about Leonard, yes she wanted him back, but she didn't want to rush into anything.

"Leonard I've been thinking, maybe we should slow it down."


"This relationship I think we should slow it down, I don't want to lose you again!"

"But last night..."

"Last night was amazing but I want to get to know you again."

Penny hadn't said anything wrong to Leonard, but something just didn't feel right. He stood up and walked out of Penny's door whilst saying, "I'm sorry, I have to go." With tears forming in his eyes he left. Leonard entered his own apartment and went straight to his room ignoring multiple questions from Sheldon.

Penny didn't know what'd just happened. She needed to speak to Leonard. Penny started to cry as she walked into Leonard's apartment and headed to his room, also ignoring comments coming from Sheldon.

"What was all that about?" Penny asked entering the room.

Leonard was facing towards Penny; at her words tears fell from his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?!" Penny wondered. "I only said let's take things a little slower."

Leonard turned over so he wasn't looking in Penny's direction.

"Go away, leave me alone." He told her coldly.

Penny walked to the other side of his bed and knelt down so she was eye level with him. She wiped away his tears with her thumb. Leonard swallowed.

"Remember our first date? When we got back you said we should slow it down, then the next day we broke up. I don't want that to happen again Penny."

"And it won't! It's different this time; we're more grown up. I love you Leonard."

More tears left Leonard's eyes from Penny's last comment.

Penny continued... "All night I've wanting to ask you a question..." From a kneeling position she brought one of her knees up so only the other was resting on the floor. "Leonard..." She took one of his hands in hers; he sat up on the side of the bed with his legs dangling over the side. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

A smile came over Leonard's tear stained face. She had done it! She had proved to him she wanted him just as much as he wanted her.

"I thought you wanted to take things slow?"

"Well I did, but only because I didn't want to hurt you again, but now I've hurt you by saying we should take things slow so maybe going fast will make you happy." She said whilst winking at Leonard.

He smiled his biggest smile, the smile he only used for when he was with Penny. "Yes Penny I will be your boyfriend! Will you be my girlfriend?" Leonard asked with a smirk.

"Of course I will!" Penny exclaimed joining Leonard on the bed by pouncing on him.

They started kissing when Penny pulled away. "I will always love you!"

Leonard looking straight into her eyes, he didn't say anything but started kissing her again; it was lucky Leonard had more condoms in his top draw...

Once again I do not own any of these or The Big Bang Theory! Please review this chapter, if you want me to add more chapters to this story please tell me.

Thanks again for reading!:)