Alex: This takes place 20 years after the movie. I own only a couple of characters.

Chapter 1: Life Now

Buddy Pine, or Barry Pyke as he now went by, sat at his kitchen table annoyed looking over his papers annoyed.

He couldn't figure it out. He glared at the plans for his company's newest designs. They weren't right. He wanted to tell his bosses but he couldn't. He had to lay low. He had to appear as nothing more than a lowly scientist/inventor.

It was killing him. He managed to buy himself a new identity and life but he didn't know how air tight it was and despite how much he wanted to be his alter-ego, how much he wanted to return to being Syndrome, he couldn't risk it. Not now.

"Dad?" a voice called as he heard the front door open and shut.

Not ever.

"In here, sweetie," Buddy called as he packed up the designs.

Buddy glanced to the kitchen door as his sixteen year old daughter walked in carrying a trophy.

Rei Pyke didn't look a lot like her father, but she did look enough like him. She had his red-blonde hair that was messy, though she usually managed to make it presentable. She had freckles across her nose and cheeks that she hated along with her father's pale skin.

"Won again," She commented as she sat the 1st place archery trophy on the table as she shrugged of her hoodie and hung it on the back of her chair and opened the fridge looking for a snack.

"That's my girl. Sorry I couldn't make it," Buddy noted as he picked up the trophy and walked over and put it by most of Rei's other awards she had won over the years, whether it be from sports, academics, or community projects.

"It's fine," Rei replied in an odd tone for her as she pulled out a coke and cold piece of pizza and sat down across from her dad's sit and glanced over a the designs Buddy left out, "There's no way those rockets are getting that boost."

Buddy laughed as he sat down across from his daughter, "So I'm trying to tell the boss." Rei nodded looking un-amused, which was odd for her as well, "Rei, what's wrong?"

Rei shook her head, "Nothing."

"Rei Pyke, tell me what's wrong." Buddy demanded not liking his daughter's attitude.

Rei sighed and began sounding very uncertain, "I…I thought I saw…."

"Saw?" Buddy encourage softly.

"Mom," Rei finished confused, "I thought I saw mom at the competition at Metroville."

Buddy glanced away ashamed, "Rei, it's okay. Sometimes I think I see your mom too."

Rei stood up tossing her can in the trash, "I know, dad. But….nevermind. I'll see you in the morning." She walked out of the room.

Buddy sighed and walked to the living room picking up the only picture on him, Rei, and Rei's mother together, "Metroville? Should have known."

Buddy never had the heart tell Rei the truth, "You abandoned us just like that bastard did to me." Buddy had lied to Rei saying her mother had died, and he wanted to keep it that way. Rei despite her attitude was density girl.

He sighed as he placed the picture down, "I'll have to try harder to avoid you."

Violet Rydinger rolled her eyes as her sons, TJ and TK, chatted away with their friend, Jason Jay, about the archery thingie they went to that after noon she ended up attending with Sky.

"I heard that Pyke chick was good but still," TJ muttered as he played with his food.

"She didn't miss a single shot!" TK added shouting earning a look from Violet, "Sorry mom."

Violet sighed, her life as a single parent was far from easy but with Tony ditching after the whole hero thing got out of hand she had no choice.

"But she was cute," Jason smiled as held hand out and a can of soda jumped into it.

"No powers in the house," Violet reminded the boys. Not only a single mom but single mom to three superpowered kids.

Jason nodded as he waved goodbye, "Got to jet. See ya tonight."

Jason, TJ, and TK, had formed a little team a couple years back to fight crime. Violet wasn't thrilled by it but allowed it since it seemed to help the boys channel there energy.

"Be sure your homeworks done," Violet warned as the boys jumped up.

Violet collapsed in a chair in the living room glancing at the TV as news story about The Incredibles popped.

Violet wanted nothing more than to jump back in the suit.


But with Sky still just a toddler it wasn't looking that was an option right now.

Alex: Review and stay tuned for more.