Alex: Little something extra enjoy. I don't own Buddy, Violet, or E.


"This is ridiculous."

"I doubled majored in psychology, I fail to see the problem."

Rei just glanced up from her phone at Buddy arguing with E as Violet sighed annoyed.

It had been about 5 or 6 months since the Pykes and Rydingers began living together and it had taken this long for them to seek out therapy to deal with their problems. Thus here they were at E's, since she seemed to a psychology degree and therapy training.

Rei glanced at TJ, who was staring into space, and TK, who was reading a book for his English class, "How long have we been here?"

"About 45 minutes," TK replied without missing a beat, "Kinda glad Sky's with Uncle Jack-Jack for the day. Otherwise she'd be bouncing off the walls."

"Well, she apparently doesn't have a problem with you and Buddy," TJ added annoyed.

"And you do?" Rei shot back raising her eyebrow.

"Well, I don't like you always taking along with me, TK, and Jason are superheroing," TJ complained.

"And I don't when you leave the toilet seat," Rei teased causing TJ to groan and TK to laugh.

E slammed a book on the coffee table causing all the Pyke-Rydingers to look down at the short woman.

"Dear lord! Your problems are so simple! TK, TJ, and Buddy don't like Jason and Rei cuddling? Get them to go out! Buddy can't cook? Let Violet make dinner! You're a family now! Just talk them out! Is that clear?! "

The family nodded at the woman a little scared. As she pushed them out the door, "Don't go get pizza and make up!"

E slammed the door leaving the family standing awkwardly outside before they busted out laughing.

Alex: Review and thanks for reading.