
A/N: Sorry this "new chapter" is just some notes. I know it's annoying when authors due this but this piece has had quite a bit of revision and reformatting. Adding a chapter seemed to be the only way for the changes to be re-posted? Probably just operator error...

Anyway, one thing that is so interesting to me about the current characterizations of Sherlock and John is that they are such total opposites. Their upbringing is probably the biggest difference with Sherlock seeming to come from a very privileged family and John a very modest one. John, I think, struggles more with this than Sherlock does. For example in Hounds of Baskerville, he gawps at Henry's house and asks him if he was rich.

I tried not to make this a simple John's right and Sherlock's wrong piece. John's (over) reactions are colored by his history as much as Sherlock's actions are. I hope it works.

I don't own, etc. Not beta'd or Brit picked but have incorporated some excellent comments from Brits.