So the italics, are flashbacks. During the flashbacks the writing will be in normal font, which indicates that Selena is talking since she's telling her mom.

Sorry I took so long, but I had to rewrite this chapter. So I hope you enjoy 6,000+ words of this story.

Demi's Pov

"Are you gonna be able to sleep tonight?"

It's been a week since it happened, and I still can't get any sleep. I mean I sleep, but only a couple of hours, and it takes me forever to actually fall asleep. I just toss and turn for the majority of the night.

"I don't know Jennel. I hope so. I'm getting tired of this."

"So am I. I hate seeing you like this Demi. I don't get why you're beating yourself up for this. It isn't your fault." She has a point, I guess. Who am I kidding, it's all my fault.

"Jennel, I hurt her. I told her I wouldn't hurt her and I did."

"So? It's not like you intentionally hurt her. You weren't doing anything wrong."

"Yes I was! I shouldn't have kissed you! I could have just stayed on the sand and everything would have been perfect, I would actually get some sleep and I wouldn't be stressing out over Selena." I shouldn't have said that, I shouldn't have even had that in mind.

"So you regret kissing me?"

"No. Jennel, I'm sorry."

"So now you're lying?"

"Jennel, please. I didn't mean it."

"But you still said it, and it hurts Demi."

"I- I'm sorry. I just hate this. Everything was perfect between us, and now she's ignoring me. And now you're upset with me."

"I'm sorry Demi."

"It's not your fault babe, there's no need for you to apologize."

"But still. I'm giving you a hard time. You're stressing out, and I know how you can get. I should be more understanding."I peck her forehead and walk out.

I just want to be alone. I love Jennel, and I want to be with her, I need someone to be there for me, but I'm just pushing her away. Selena is more important right now, she's the only one I wanna be with right now. I know Jennel would kill me if I told her that, but it's true.

I just got Selena back, I'm not ready to lose her, not again. I don't think I could handle another fall out.

"Hey this is Selena. I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message and I'll call you back when I can."

"Um hey Selly. It's Demi, but I'm pretty sure you already knew that. I mean well there's caller id and stuff and well yeah. Um please call me back, we really need to talk. Um I love you, bye."

I shouldn't have let her walk away, I should have tried to fight, well fight harder. I should have insisted ,but I was scared at the moment. She kinda overreacted, but maybe I would have too.

The look on Jennel's face when it happened, she was just as scared as I was. I mean everything was just so unexpected. In a twisted way I got what I wanted, for Selena to be with me for New Year's.

I don't even wanna get in. It was my idea to be at the beach, but after last night I'm completely exhausted. Jennel is so, she's different when we're alone in the bedroom.

"Demi pass me a towel." I throw the towel at her face. I'm not mad, I just hate that she always gets her way with me, stupid puppy dog look, being all extra cute, making me give in.

"I'm sorry Demi, do you wanna go back in?"

"No babe, I'm fine. I think I might get in actually, come with me?" I don't wanna keep her locked in with me if she wants to be outside.

"But I just got out. Can't you go with Dallas?" She wines and pouts.

"No I'm tanning." What? But she was buying ice cream like a minute ago.

"Fine, I'll go in. Last one gets a dare."

I didn't think I could run so fast in the sand. Well, I kinda had a head start since, I um well, I kinda pushed Jennel down and ran towards the water.

"No. Fair. You. Cheated." She says in between breaths.

"Did I? Hmm, I hadn't noticed oh well, time for your dare." That's the only reason I knocked her down, I couldn't risk it. Jennel can be so evil sometimes, I don't even wanna know what she would dare me to do.


"I dare you to let me touch and kiss you."

"Pfft. Is that all? Babe you do that all the time."

"I know. But you can't do anything. You have to just stand there, you can't kiss me back, and you can't touch me, oh and you can't make a sound."

That's when everything started to go wrong. I shouldn't have even suggested that.
I shouldn't have listened to her. We could have stayed there and nothing would have happened.

"Oh." She let out a small moan.

"Well, looks like you couldn't keep up with the dare."

"Why don't we go some where a bit more, private?" She whispers in my ear.

She takes my hand and guides me to the other side of the beach. It's already quite secluded, which is why we didn't care if anyone saw us together. But from what I can see there's no one here, it's like she wanted us to be here, completely alone.

"Demi, I need you." She grabs my hands and places them on her sides, I instantly pull her into me.

I take in her appearance. How did I not realize she's in a bikini? She looks gorgeous, and she'd look better if she had less clothing on.

I don't know how it happened, but she's under me, placing kisses on my chest. This just feels right. I mean yeah there's the risk of my sister walking over, but I mean it's just her, it's not then paparazzi or anything.

I peck her nose and then her lips. She presses her lips against mine, I respond, but a little harsher. Her tongue escapes her mouth and traces my bottom lip, begin for entrance. I slightly part my mouth, giving her access.

We're both in need of each other, I wasn't gonna tease her.

We constantly pull back, trying to catch our breath, only to lean back in, capturing each other's lips.

She pulls back again, her eyes slowly flutter open, but then quickly widen.

She's not looking at me anymore, she's looking past me. I don't move. I just look at the spot next to her and she the shadow that's taken over a spot in the sand.

Jennel doesn't speak, she doesn't make any noise. She just points.

Everything collapsed in that moment. There wasn't anything I could do about it. Both Jennel and I were both in shock, we didn't expect that to happen.

(1 week later)

"She's still ignoring you?" I throw myself onto my bed and pull the sheets so they're over my head.

"How did you know?"

"Demi I can read you like a book. You're being distant. When things were okay between you two, you were happy, now you're anything but that."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to affect us." I feel the bed dip, she probably laid down next to me.

"Don't apologize. I'm giving you the space you need."

"How did I get so lucky with you? You're perfect."

"Babe it's not nice to lie." I pout, even though she can't see me.

"I'm not lying. In my eyes you're perfect Jenn. I love you." I pull the sheets away from my face and lean over to kiss her.

"Have you tried calling her?" I don't respond, I just pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Selena's number. I press the speaker button.

"Hey this is Selena. I can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message and I'll call you back when I can."

"It goes straight to voice mail?" I lift up my finger, signaling for her to wait.

"You have reached the limit of voice mails. You cannot leave anymore voice mails." And then the line goes dead.

She's laughing, why is she laughing?

"Hahaha. Damn baby you're desperate. I didn't even know there was a limit."

I groan and hide in her chest. I can't help but laugh a bit. I really am desperate aren't I?

"Why don't you call from my phone?"

"Ha." I let out a sarcastic laugh, she just looks at me confused.

She grabs my phone and looks for Selena's number.

I see her pull the phone away from her ear.

"You have reached the limit of voice mails. You cannot leave anymore voice mails." She shakes her head. I was desperate and I thought Selena would pick up.

"That would explain the laugh. Call her house phone?" Ah my baby is a genius.

Selena's Pov


"M-mandy. Uh it's Demi. Is Selena there?"

I told my mom to put the phone on speaker before she answered. I'm not surprised she called my house, I haven't talked to her for 2 weeks. Whenever I'm home I've been watching X Factor. It all makes sense.

"No she left a while ago. But she should be home soon."

"Oh. Can you tell her I called? I really need to talk to her."

"Don't worry Demi, I'll tell her. But have you tried calling her?"

"Yeah. I've been calling and texting her since New Year's, but she hasn't been responding."

"Well I'll let her know you called."

"Thanks Mandy. Take care." My mom hangs up and faces me, by the way she's looking at me I think I might be in trouble.

"Care to explain why you're ignoring Demi? Does she have anything to do with you coming back home early?"

"N-no, not at all."


"F-fine. Yes kinda. I mean it's not her fault. I'm just stupid."

"Honey, what happened?"

I sigh before speaking up. I've been keeping this to myself ever since.

"Well you remember how I left Justin and checked into another hotel?" She nods.

"Well Demi happened to be in that hotel, along with Dallas, Marissa, and Jennel. The first day I tried hiding from them. I saw Dallas and Marissa first, but they never saw me."

"I don't get what this has to do with you ignoring Demi."

"I ended up seeing Demi, and well she definitely saw me."

She's in the room next to me, and she was having sex. Not only that but I could her moans through the wall. It calmed down though, lucky for me. Also for everyone else around us. There were a lot of complaints, I overheard people talking when I went to get breakfast.

"Did you hear that couple last night?"

"Ugh yes. They have no manners."

"I'm so disgusted."

"I thought it was pretty hot."

I'm quick to cover my mouth. That last comment really made me wanna laugh.

"I went to get breakfast that morning, and I overheard people's conversations. They were saying how loud this couple had been the night before. Referring to Demi.

After that I left. A walk on the beach always relaxes me, so I went there to try and clear my mind."

I don't think I'm gonna get in the water today, I kinda just wanna walk and clear my mind. There's just too much going on in my head.

I'm breaking up with Justin once we get back, I just can't be with him anymore. I don't think I should be tied down for no reason, it's not like he's stopping me from being with someone. Me and Demi just won't and can't happen.

She's happy with whoever she's with, and she isn't into girls. I wouldn't wanna get in they way of her relationship.

It's not like she would wanna be with me anyways. Even as friends we don't go out in public, everyone assumes we don't talk to each other, and I kinda don't like that. But it's her choice.

"I kept walking along the shore. I was going to a specific spot, knowing no one would be there, but I was wrong. Demi's was there with Jennel. And that's when everything collapsed."

There's people here, why? I've been to this beach plenty of times to know where the secluded areas are. I could stay, but looks like they're about to get it on, and after the moans I heard last night I've had enough. I guess I'll just have to keep walking to the other side; I just wanna lay down.

I don't mean to stop, it kinda just happens. It's out of shock. I wish my legs could function, but they've planted themselves in the sand. I can't move, I can only stare.

Jennel doesn't say anything, she just points at me. Both of them stop , it's like they're paralyzed.

I wanna run. I wanna be far away from here, but I can't. I'm stuck, my chest is tightening, my throat is burning, tears are slowly racing down my face. I'm just completely numb and broken.

"S-Selena. I-I." I only see fear in her eyes. Demi most likely didn't want anyone to find out.

"I- I'm sorry." I don't even understand why I apologize. Maybe cause I saw them, but its not like I knew they would be there. I wasn't spying on them, I didn't do anything wrong, but that's the only thing I could think of at the moment.

She broke me. I know she didn't mean to, and she doesn't even know what I'm feeling right now.

"Selena please." I hadn't noticed I started walking. I have no control over my body right now. I'm stuck inside my head, I can only hear my thoughts.

She tugs on my arm, making me crash into her. I don't look her in the eye, I can't. I know if I do, I won't stop crying.

"Please don't tell."

"Don't worry. I won't tell. You obviously didn't want your best friend to know, so why would you want anyone else to know right?"

"Selena why are you being this way?" Because I like you! Because I wanna be with you. And it pains me to see you with someone else that isn't me.

"Being what way?"

"Please look at me."

"I c-can't." I can already feel the tears again. There's a lump forming in my throat.

She tilts my chin and makes me look at her.

"Selena. What's wrong?" I see Jennel walking away, probably so we can talk alone.

I just shake my head. I don't think I can speak. I don't really want to.

"Selly, please."

"Don't, call me that."

"I don't get why you're making such a big deal."

"Because you didn't tell me anything. I opened up to you! You're the only one I've talked about my crush! You're the only one that knows everything that's going on! I trust you Demi! And I thought you trusted me too."

"I thought y-you would leave me. I thought you'd hate m-me."

"I could never hate you Demi. I love you, you're my best friend."

"Then why make such a big deal out of this!?"

"B-because. Y-you didn't trust me. You don't trust me." I didn't look her in the eye. That's not the only thing bothering me.

I mean yeah I wish she would have told me she's bi, or lesbian, or that she likes girls. Or that she's with Jennel, it would have saved me this heartbreak.
But seeing her with someone is what really got to me.

"You're not telling the truth. Please look at me Selena." I look up at her. I can't stop crying.

She pulls me into her, but I don't hug her. I just stand there. Her arms are wrapped around me, and mine are just hanging by my sides.


"P-please. J-just don't call m-me that."

"Don't cry beautiful. Please, it hurts me to see you like this. Why is this hurting you so much?"

"It's nothing. Please just let me go."

"I know I overreacted, but it hurt to see them together."

"I'm sorry Sel. You really like her don't you?"

"Y-yeah. A lot more than I thought I would mom. She's different than anyone I've ever met."

"But I don't get it. You haven't told her you like her. Wouldn't that put you in the same place as her?" She has a point, but it's different.

"It's not the same. Demi doesn't think of me how I think of her. Nothing would have changed between us if she would have told me she's in a relationship with Jennel. But if I would have told her I like her, it would be different. Our friendship wouldn't be the same. It could be ruined. I could lose her."

"But you have to understand where she's coming from. Knowing Demi, I'm pretty sure she doesn't wanna lose you either, which is why she decided to not tell you."

"She doesn't trust me. I thought she would, but she obviously doesn't."

"You need to talk to her. She shouldn't have to call, I shouldn't have to lie for you and tell her you aren't here. You guys need to fix this. I don't think I can handle having you moping around here all day."

"What do I even say?"

"I can't tell you what to say. Just call her. I know she misses you just as much as you miss her."

"Thanks mom."



"Hey Demi."

"Selena! You answered! Well not really because I didn't call you, I can't really call you anymore, but you called! That makes it even better! Oh my gosh you called me! I-."

I cut her off. Why is she doing this to me? Her rambling is so cute and adorable.

"Maybe we should stop talking so I can get greeted like this more often."

"No! It's been hell. We can't not stop talking. I miss you too much."

"Demi, we need to talk. I'm sorry for everything."

"Me too Selly. I shouldn't have let you walk away. I've done that too many times."

"Y-yeah. But only cause I've walked away, which is something I shouldn't do. I'm sorry. C-can we meet up somewhere?" My voice ended up cracking, I'm hoping she doesn't notice.

What she said really hit me. She let me walk away. She should never let me walk away, I should never have to walk away from her.

"Hang in there beautiful. I'll come over right now. I'll see you in a little while."


"Don't apologize, there's no reason for you to. I love you Selena."

"I'll see you when you get here."

"Did you talk to her?" I go sit next to my mom on the couch. Well more like throw myself.

"Y-yeah. She'll be here soon."

"Is everything okay?" She's so focused on the screen trying to find something to watch.

"When you watched X Factor, was it obvious? Like Demi and Jennel's relationship?"

"Selena, honey don't torture yourself with these things. But yes, it all makes sense now."

"What do yo-"

"Someone's at the door. It's probably Demi. I'll go get it." Smart ass, saved by the fucking door.

"You could have came before Demi. You're basically a daughter to me Demi, this house is yours too. Plus, I'm almost always on your side." My mom walks into the living room with Demi.

I take in her appearance, and I immediately feel like shit. I can tell she hasn't been getting any sleep, and it's all my fault. Not only that, but her eyes are emotionless, they're empty.

"Mom, you shouldn't be talking with the enemy." My mom rolls her eyes and Demi scoffs. She walks towards me and settles down on the couch in front of me.

"The enemy? You can't face the fact that your mom likes me more. Isn't that right Mandy?"

"That's right Demi." What? My mom's already running up the stairs before I even have the chance to say anything.

"Coward!" I scream at my mom, I know she heard me.

"I'm sorry. I've missed you so much. I had gotten so you used to having you around that it hurt me not to hear or see you for these past two weeks."

"Demi breathe." I can't help but laugh a little. I know we should be serious, but I can't when she's speaking so fast.

"Sorry. I just really wanted to get that out. Do you know how hard it's been not talking to you're best friend for two weeks? Or having her ignore your phone calls and text messages? Or having her mom lie to you?"

"And do you know how hard it was having to ignore you? How hard it was to listen to your voice mails? Hearing you're voice crack a bit more each time, knowing you're the one responsible for it?" She stays quiet. I'm not trying to make her feel bad, but it's true. Whenever she's hurting, it hurts me just as bad.

"Then why did you? Selena you didn't have to ignore me. Maybe for like a day or two, but two weeks? Yeah you've been gone for longer before, but I thought we were past you walking out."

"I wasn't gonna walk out. I just needed time to think."

"Think about what? I don't get what you need think about." I like you, and I was jealous. I needed time away from you because it would hurt me even more.

"Demi I'm sorry. I was being selfish and thinking about me. I didn't think that me being away from you would affect you too."

"Don't try to avoid my question. I gave you the space you wanted, you're the one that asked me to come here, meaning you're ready to talk. So answer my question. What is there to think about?"

"I didn't ask you to come over. You're the one that said you would come." I really hate having to be a stubborn bitch, but it's the only way. I don't even have a cover up for this.

"So do you want me to leave?" She's beyond pissed right now. How does she even put up with me?

"Answer me Selena."

"N-no Demi, stay."

"Well since we obviously aren't getting anywhere, what do you wanna talk about?"

"Why didn't you tell me?" She sighs, loudly.

I get up and walk to the other couch so I can sit next to her. She turns around to face me and starts playing with her fingers.

She's nervous, and anxious. She won't look at me. Maybe we aren't ready for this conversation.

"Demi. I'm sorry. We don't have to talk about this if you don't want to. I can tell you feel uncomfortable about it."

"No, it's fine. I mean what's a friendship if secrets are being kept right?"

"Hm yeah." Damn. It's like she knows and is trying to make me feel guilty about everything.

"I, um well I'm bisexual. And I've been with Jennel since that day you saw me at the park with her." Now I start playing with my fingers. She said it, it's been said, it's real.

I don't even know what to say. I don't even think I can say anything right now. I'm speechless. I mean I already knew, but it's different.

It still hurts. I feel like I'm reliving that moment again. I can feel my heart slowly breaking again.

"Selena please say something. You're scaring me. You don't hate me right?"

I shake my head, watching as her body relaxes. She lets out a long sigh, I'm pretty sure she's been holding it in.

"Selena please? Can you say something? Or at least look at me?"

"I'm happy for you Demi. I really am." I still don't look at her, I know if I do, it won't help the situation.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought you'd be disgusted. I was scared I would lose you. And honestly I don't think I could have handled that."

"Demi. I wouldn't have left you. I'm not disgusted. I just kinda wish you wouldn't have been scared enough to tell me. I wish you could trust me."

"I never said I didn't trust you."

"That's because you didn't have to. You made it clear that day. You told me not to tell. You thought I would tell people about what I saw, but that never even crossed my mind. I would never do something like that to you Demi, but you thought otherwise."

Demi's Pov

"I, um well I'm bisexual. And I've been with Jennel since that day you saw me at the park with her." I watch her play with her fingers.

I wanna run out, or jump out the window. I don't wanna end up losing her, I don't wanna argue with her. I mean we aren't arguing but we always start off like this. We talk, and then we scream, and then we get mad and cry and then she leaves. I don't wanna go through that again.

She isn't replying, she won't even look at me. She's probably disgusted.

I mean why wouldn't she be? She was just reconfirmed that her best friend is bisexual and is dating a girl, it makes sense. She still isn't replying which makes it a lot worse.

"Selena please say something. You're scaring me. You don't hate me right?" She shakes her head, well close enough.

At least I can relax a bit. My body is so tense. I haven't been sleeping well, I'm exhausted.

"Selena please? Can you say something? Or at least look at me?" I speak up again. She's worrying me.

"I'm happy for you Demi. I really am." Her voice cracked a bit at the end, and she still won't look at me.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I just thought you'd be disgusted. I was scared I would lose you. And honestly I don't think I could have handled that."

"Demi. I wouldn't have left you. I'm not disgusted. I just kinda wish you wouldn't have been scared enough to tell me. I wish you could trust me."

"I never said I didn't trust you."

"That's because you didn't have to. You made it clear that day. You told me not to tell. You thought I would tell people about what I saw, but that never even crossed my mind. I would never do something like that to you Demi, but you thought otherwise."

I'm speechless. I don't know what to say. In a way she's right. It's not that I didn't trust her, I was just scared at the moment. I panicked, and that was the only thing I could think of at the time.

She's putting all this on me, but it's not fair. I was doing what I thought was best for our friendship. It's not like she's completely honest with me either. Who the fuck is Voldemort?

"It's not that I don't trust you Selena, I panicked I was scared. I didn't tell you because I thought I would lose you, don't you get that?! I need you in my life! I can't stand being away from you. Gosh Selena, you're putting all of this blame on me, but it's not like you're being honest with me!"

With all the yelling I'm doing it got her to look up at me. At least something came out of it.

But I'm starting to regret it a bit. She looks so broken right now. It's like she's not even here right now.

I hug her. We don't speak. She doesn't hug back. As much as it hurts me I try not to pay too much attention to it. But she does cuddle into me, I guess it makes up for it.

We just sit there. We still haven't spoken. I'm still hugging, trying my best to comfort her.

I don't understand her, and honestly I don't think I ever will.

We've known each other since we were 7, and we're now 20. I still just can't figure her out. She's so mysterious in a way. She would just always keep things to herself. Selena was never really the one to show her emotions.

I would always find out either way. She would just hold everything in, and then let it out at the end of the day when we were all alone.

But I didn't like that she would keep things from me. I always found out in the end, but still.

I don't think I'll ever finish getting to know her, I kinda like that. It's not that she changes, she just has more to her that I have yet to figure out.

Kinda like me. I've already experienced so much, it's toughened me up.

She lifts her head off my chest and wraps her arms around me. I tighten my grip on her. I needed this, I missed this.

It still amazes me how we fit so perfectly. We're like two puzzle pieces that are made to be put together, we need to be together, otherwise we're incomplete.

"Demi, are we okay?" I jump a bit at the sound of her voice, I had already gotten used to the silence.

Are we okay? I don't know. I'm holding her right now, and I'm not entirely sure if were okay or not.

"I don't know Selena. I just know I don't wanna leave this behind us. I know there's more to this, I know there's more to the tears that you're trying to fight back right now. I just wish you would tell me what it is. I'm not keeping anything from you right know. You know about my sexuality, and my relationship, but I know you're still keeping things from me, and I wish you wouldn't."

We fall into another silence. I wonder what it is she's thinking about. I'd give anything to be in her head right now, because I know she won't tell me what I want her to tell me.

"What's on your mind?"

"I'll tell you. But I can't right now. I'm sorry." Again with all of this. Gosh she can be just as stubborn as I am, probably even more.

"Fine. I'll drop it for now. Why were you at the hotel?"

"Justin and I got into a fight that day. I got tired of his shit, he told me to get out, so I did." Stupid Justin, what the fuck is his problem? You don't tell your girlfriend to leave.

"Do I have permission to go hit him, or I don't know take his car or something?"

"You're an idiot!" She laughs. Finally. I've missed her laugh too much, I'm glad to be the reason for it.

"I'll take that as a yes."

"No. You'll take that as a no. He was drunk. I just got fed up with it. He takes me to Mexico so we can relax and stuff, but he leaves to go drink. I was gonna leave either way. I just didn't expect to check in to the same hotel you were in." She looks down and starts blushing.

"Why are you blushing?" She blushes even more and starts laughing.

"Because, for some reason fate though it would be nice for me to check in to the room next to you. And hear your moans through the wall."

Aw she was in the room next to me. We could of hanged out or something. It would have been less shocking to see her if she would have knocked on the door. Wait she said something about a wall?

"What about a wall?"

"You and Jennel." Me and Jennel? A wall?

A wall! Me and Jennel! That explains the weird looks I got that day. Oh god no. Selena heard Jennel and I. She's traumatized. Good God, poor girl.

Damn, but me and Jennel went crazy that night. Unf, one of the best nights of my life.

"Eww Demi. You're thinking about it aren't you?" I wink at her, answering her question.

"Haha ew. Dems ugh. Mental image engraved into the back of my eyelids. It doesn't help that I already have the sound effects."

She did not just say that.

"Wipe that smirk off you face Gomez."

"Can't handle a little joke Lovato? Is that a blush I see?"


We don't say anything, all the laughing we were doing has died down.

We both look at each other at the same time, most likely sharing the same thought.

"You know, I find it extremely cute and comfortingly creepy that even after all these years, you're voice managed to sound exactly the same as it did in that vlog."

Yup definitely the same thought.

I know this will lead to more. I want it to. I was trying to get at this before, but she was being stubborn so I just dropped it.

I know there's more for her to tell, but she won't. And I hate that we're gonna leave things unresolved again.

"Demi you okay? You kinda zoned out."

"Y-yeah. I just the vlog thing made me think about us. I miss that. I mean we're good now right?" She nods. "I just wish I knew what happened. We kinda just left it alone because it caused us to drift away. I mean we're 20 years old, we aren't little kids, we aren't teenagers, we're mature adults. Well kinda, but you know what I mean."

We haven't spoken, we've kinda just been starring at each other.

"I don't get why you dodge this so much. I don't even understand how you get away with it."

"Demi, I'm sorry. Why can't we just leave it behind?"

"Because it's what you want, not what I want. I know I'm being selfish but it isn't fair to me. I don't even know why you left me before. I know things were getting bad, I wasn't with the right crowd. And I know that isn't why you left me, because you ended up coming back to me so I wouldn't go back to that. And then you left because I brought up the past.

Doesn't it bother you to keep it to yourself? Doesn't it bother you to run from the past? I'm sorry I brought this up again out of nowhere, but it frustrates me Selena. Does our friendship not mean as much to you as it does to me?"

I really am sorry. I was enjoying the time we spent messing around with each other, but I didn't come over just for that. I wanna fix things with her. I'm ready for this, but I'm just not ready to lose her. And I really hope I don't.

"Demi, I can't. I'm not ready."

"Bullshit Selena. You think I was ready to go to treatment? You think I was ready to publicly open up about my problems knowing I could lose fans? You think I was ready to perform after rehab? You think I was ready to come out to the people I came out to? D-do you t-think I w-was ready t-to lose you?"

My voiced cracked terribly, but I could care less.

I didn't take me eyes off of her as I spoke.

"Demi, it's just, I mean. I don't want things to change between us Demi. It's not like talking about what happened before is gonna help us."

"Selena nothing is gonna change between us. Whatever it is, you can tell me. It would help me understand where you're coming from and why things happened the way they did."

"Demi, just understand that I can't."

"You can't or you won't?"

She doesn't respond.

She breaks the eye contact and looks at the floor.

"I appreciate your answer." My voice came out colder than I intended it to, but it helped get my point across.

"I don't get you. I honestly don't think I'll ever finish getting to know you. You can be so frustrating sometimes. What's so fucking hard about telling me? Who the fuck is Voldemort? Why did you leave me? Two fucking questions that you have the fucking answer to. Two answers that I'm dying to know.

I don't care about your love life. It's something I wouldn't get involved with, but I'm curious because Voldemort has made you cry. I've seen you cry over him, you've fallen so hard for him and I want to be able to comfort you properly but how can I when I don't know who he is?"

I'm just so frustrated right now. We aren't getting anywhere, and I don't like to hold things. I know I sound like a crazy bitch right now, but I could care less.

"Why can't you understand that I can't right now?! I understand that you couldn't come out to me. Can't you see where I'm coming from? You thought you would lose me. Demi we just started talking again, I don't wanna lose you."

'Demi we just started talking again, I don't wanna lose you.'

Those are same words she said to me last year when she walked out. The same words that contributed to my heartbreak.

"You're gonna end up losing me if you're keeping things from me." I barely whisper.

She looks at me shocked, and then she shakes her head.

"I won't do that again Demi. Those words kept replaying in my head. I can't and won't leave you again."

"Then just open up to me. Please. I wanna leave this behind for good. You said so yourself when we started talking again that you were ready to face this again. And we never did, we forgot about it and moved it. Just please Selly, tell me why you left."

"I can't Demi. It isn't easy for me to say. But I can promise you that I will tell you."

"We can't fix this if you aren't being honest with me."

She grabs my hands, making me look up at her.

She's crying, I hadn't noticed before.

"I love you Demi. And we can fix this. It's you and me Demi. We'll get through this. I just need a bit more time."

This is the end, I didn't wanna put at the top but yeah I'm done with this story. I thought it would be good to end it. I might continue it, but only if my readers want to. Thanks to everyone that has reviewed this story, I'm sorry I didn't reply to them, but I appreciate them. And thanks to everyone that's read this story too.