Title - Running For Life
Chapter title - Saving Young Den
Author - OblivionsGarden
Genre - Romance/Sci-Fi
Disclaimer - I do not own Attack The Block in anyway shape or form. I only own my original character, Robyn Hill. (And her mum.)

Summary - Follows The Film. Robyn didn't know the boys that well, only vaguely recognizing them from the block. That soon changes when two creatures burst through Tia's window and she winds up running for her life, trying to save the block. And with this extra pair of hands will Dennis and Jerome be saved? (Pest/Oc)

A/n - I watched ATB for the first time a few days ago. I've watched it three times since. It's so god damn good. I thought Pest was hilarious despite the situation he was in so thought I'd write him an oc in. Plus I was upset when Dennis and Jerome died so I figured I might be able to save them with an extra helping hand.
Please read and review, I'd greatly appreciate it. Hope you enjoy, xx (:

With chattering teeth I reached into my coat pocket and pulled out my blue woolen gloves. I slipped them on and pulled my scarf up a little higher, keeping my head down in a hopes to conserve some heat. I smiled a little when I spotted two children playing with sparklers. I remember when I was young enough to play with sparklers and try to write my name in the air. Not anymore. At sixteen, a few months from seventeen, I was supposed to be getting a job and growing up. All childhood carelessness lost.
As the wind whipped around, sending my midnight blue hair into my eyes, I regretted not wearing my hat. I made my way through the alley where the familiar graffiti decorated the wall. I read the five names each time I passed, wondering who they were. 'Jerome, Biggz, Mos, Pest and Young Den.' I vaguely remember a friend of mine talking about someone called Moses and wondered if that was 'Mos.'
I came out onto the next street, spotting a group of boys, I presumed to be around my age just up ahead. I continued on, hoping not to come across as scared. One of the boys made to ride past on his bike but another stopped him with a hand on the shoulder and a shake of the head.
"No. She's from the block." His deep voice seeped through the scarf pulled up over his nose. I nodded in thanks and slightly quickened my speed as I passed.
"What's her name?" I heard another boy ask, presumably the one who had gone to ride past.
"Don't know. I've seen her around though. I think she's friends with Tia."
I sighed in relief. Never thought I'd be thankful for living in the block.

Eventually I reached home. I say home... I mean small cramped flat on the fifth floor. The TV was switched to some random music channel and I could hear my mum humming along to it from her bedroom. I went in to see her adjusting her short black dress.
"Going out?" I asked leaning on the door frame. Of course she was going out. She was always going out.
"Do you always have to sound so downbeat? Try being happy for a change, it wouldn't hurt." She fixed her dark blonde hair before sitting on her bed to fasten her strappy sandals.
"I am happy. I just want to know why you have to go out with a different guy every night."
"I'm young I'm having fun. You should be doing the same."
"Yeah." I nodded. "Except I don't sleep around." I added in a mumble.

Mum stood up, pulled on a faux fur jacket and grabbed her handbag.
"I've left some money on the coffee table for you if you fancy a take away. I'll be back later. Love you, darling." She gave me a quick peck on the cheek and slipped passed.
"Love you too."

I listened to the door shut behind her before going into the living room and putting the money into my jacket pocket. I switched the TV off and moved into my room. After shedding my jacket and trainers, I picked up my battered acoustic guitar and sat at the top of my bed, resting my back against the headboard. I practiced a few songs I'd written myself then sang some songs I always enjoyed. After a while I could barely keep my eyes open so I set the instrument down and settled myself on the bed for sleep.
I was woken up about an hour later by the ringing of my mobile. I pulled it out of my pocket and saw the name Gloria across the screen. I clicked the button and lay the phone beside my ear, too lazy to sit up properly.
"Hey, Gee." I yawned.
"Alright, Robyn. Me and the girls are hanging out at Tia's place why don't you get your arse down here?"
"Uh..." Thinking about it, I didn't have anything better to do. "Yeah alright. Be there in two." I hung up and ran a hand over my face.

I went into the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water to wake myself up. I pulled my jacket and trainers back on and left the flat, locking the door behind me. In the lift I pressed the large 7 and waited for my arrival on the seventh floor. Tia let me into her place straight away, offering me a cup of tea. I sat down beside Gloria and went to prop my feet on the coffee table.
"You put your dirty trainers on my table I'm gonna hit you with a spoon." Tia scolded. I shared a giggle with Gloria and Dimples and set my feet firmly on the ground.
"Tia, that Moses you're always talking about...What does he look like?" I asked out of curiosity.
"Tall, dark skin. Usually wears a black hat with a red brim. It's sort of his trade mark. Why?"
"Oh...I saw him earlier. Just wondered." She seemed to realize there was something more to the story but didn't ask.

A short while later a pounding sounded at the door and Dimples went to answer. I could faintly hear someone's deep voice asking to come in. Dimples blew up at them.
"You ain't bringin' all them people in here! No! They're involved in somethin'! Someone's chasin' them! They got weapons and look, that one's bleedin'. And that woman...I don't even know that woman. I'm not gettin' myself involved in a situation I don't need to be in."
I glanced at Tia who rolled her eyes and moved toward the door. "It's my house, Dimples. Come." She pulled open her security gate and I watched as the group of lads from earlier piled in with a woman I didn't recognize.

The one I now knew as Moses glanced at me, nodding in acknowledgment. One with glasses sat on the sofa opposite me, one sat down in front of Gloria and she immediately started to style his hair. One wearing a wooly hat with tassels moved over to the window whilst Moses stayed still as Tia cleaned his wounds on his face. I noticed them now, fairly sure they weren't there earlier. But then, he had his scarf pulled up earlier so I wouldn't have seen woman stood awkwardly, away from the group.
"There's one helicopter out there. Copper chopper. Ain't even military. And it's just around the ends man." The one by the window spoke, presumably to Moses. He moved and dropped onto the sofa beside me, pulling out his papers to skin up. I glanced at his leg.
"Why do you have a cushion taped to your leg?" I frowned. He glanced at me, seeming to only just realize I was there.
"He's been bitten. I've done my best to stop the bleeding but I can't do anymore without a first aid kit or a hospital." The woman explained.
"Tia, where's your first aid kit?" I asked.

I found the kit under the bathroom sink and moved to sit next to the injured boy.
"Put your leg up." I instructed him. He seemed amused and winced as he lifted his leg to rest in my lap. As he spoke with the others I focused on removing the cushion and using a damp flannel to wipe away the blood. I applied a little antiseptic cream and re-dressed the wounds with some bandages. "There. Should be easier to work with than a cushion."
He smiled and sat back up straight. I focused now on their talk of aliens. "They're out there for real." He said. "They're coming' for us."
"Ready or not...Here I come." Dimples sang. The other girls joined in before collapsing in laughter. I smirked a little.
"Listen! There's a dead one in my living room. I live on the first floor. Go and have a look if you don't believe me. There's no front door anymore." The woman had spoken again, moving closer to us.
"Moses? When did you start going out with your maths teacher." The girls laughed with Dimples. Except for Tia. Even me, who usually kept to myself knew Tia had a thing for Moses.
"How do you know that woman?" She asked. He stayed silent.
"We met earlier. He mugged me."

I frowned at the woman. "Is that what you were planning on doing to me?" I asked. Everyone stared. "Before you recognized me from the complex?" Moses nodded once. I slumped back into the sofa. I wasn't sure whether to be angry and relieved. I ignored the rest of the conversation. Every now and then, I found the injured one looking at me with a mild curiosity in his eyes. Like I was some new breed of human that he'd never seen before. I presumed he must've been high. He offered me his joint once but I refused. Don't get me wrong, I wasn't completely innocent. I've been known to have a smoke every now and again but now didn't seem like the right time.
"Listen, we can't deal with this on out own. We have to call the police. You can trust me. I'll tell them what really happened." The woman said.
Tia turned on her. "You think the police is gonna help them? They might not arrest you but they'll arrest them."
"Yeah." The one sat in front of Gloria said. "For murder of two police officers, vehicle theft, resisting arrest...Everything that happened everywhere in the ends tonight."
"They arrest us for nothing already." The one beside me said.

Ignoring the rest of the conversation I moved to the kitchen, finding a remaining can of coke in the fridge and cracking it open. I stayed in the doorway of the kitchen, listening to dribs and drabs of their chatter. I tried to figure out what kind of animal leaves a bite wound like that Tia spoke again and I paid full attention.
"Excuse me but what is that?" She sounded scared which was an unusual trait for the hardened South London girl.

From my position I couldn't see what everyone was looking at but the other girls screamed and ran into the other rooms. The boys all raised their weapons whilst taking cover.
"You can't take two, fam." Moses said as one of the boys, wearing a bike helmet, aimed a small gun at the window.
"Watch me." He pulled the trigger only for two feeble bangs to sound. "Shit it is a toy." Just as he spoke the windows were smashed as two huge black creatures came headfirst into the room. They reeled on the boy in the helmet and seeing him outnumbered I dropped my coke and ran into the kitchen.

Once again, my hands were trembling but this time not from the cold. I yanked the drawers open until I found a large knife. I ran back out taking one deep breath, thinking of nothing and dove forward, over the sofa landing on the black furry mass. Grunting and clinging on for dear life I plunged the knife forward, earning a howl from the thing but still it moved around trying to swing me off. I pulled back the knife, and plunged it forward again, this time the thing collapsed to the floor.
The other one turned on me now, pouncing on me and sending me crashing to the floor behind the sofa. In the panic, I dropped the knife, now left defenseless and staring at a huge set of glowing, sharp teeth. Someone jumped at the creature, managing to use enough force to knock it away from me. I used my feet to push myself backwards across the floor but the thing moved towards where Moses was hid behind the other sofa.
Tia grabbed a standing lamp and smashed it against the wall. "OI! FUCKFACE!" She jammed the live end into the remaining creature. It shrieked and sprang at her. I ran forward only to see Tia and Dimples finish it off with the base of the lamp and an ice skate. You can fault South End girls for a lot of things but Jesus do they know how to fight.

Everyone moved into the center of the room looking down on the huge corpses. The boy across from me removed his helmet and surveyed the teethmarks that were so close to cracking into his skull.
"You saved my life, man." He said almost disbelievingly. "Thanks."
I shrugged, "S'alright."
"You know that little one you killed before? That was a mistake." Tia said.
"They weren't going for us. They were going for you." Dimples agreed.
"Actions have consequences you know Moses."
"Everywhere you go bad things happen."
"Stay away from us Moses."The girls fled the room and presumably the building. The boys and the woman went out into the hall. For a moment I stared at the...Aliens. Still unsure of what the fuck was going on I turned on the spot until I spotted the kitchen knife stuck into the carpet. I grabbed it and went out into the hall.

The boys stared at me when I joined them.
"Tia's right. You should stay away from me." Moses said in a quiet voice, he was glancing between me and the woman.
"Fuck that man! I got your back." The one in the wooly hat said.
"I ain't goin' nowhere. They nearly got Dennis man. We gotta kill all them things bruv." The one in the glasses said and the other nodded in agreement.
"We're on the same side now right?" The woman said. Again, they all looked at me.
"You're going to need all the help you can get if there are more of them." I glanced down and wiped the alien blood off the knife onto my jeans. "I'm Robyn."
"I'm Sam." The woman said.
"Jerome." The one in glasses.

Before anymore could be said, gun shots sounded and bullets ricocheted off the wall above our heads, showering us with plaster. I turned to see a dark skinned man pointing his gun at us.
"Come on!" One of the boys shouted to me and Sam who were both staring dumbstruck at the gun wielding man. I pushed Sam as lightly as I could whilst still getting her to run. I followed behind her, staying low and clutching the knife as though my life depended on it. Which now, it clearly did.