so yeah, I'm still here and no i haven't forgotten just between work and school i have literally no time left anymore. sorry bout that guys, i will try to update but they will not be regular ones.

Pain racked his body. The darkness in his mind resisted as he tried to push it away. After several minuets he tried again and this time it fled. An eerie reddish light flooded his eyes once he could focus. A torn blanket was draped over him. Wind howled outside as it violently shook the tent flap. The tent itself was very small, barely large enough for two people. Ichigo tried to push himself up but his arms refused to work. His eyes snapped to the corner when he heard someone shift. While he couldn't see them, he knew they could see him.

"Who…. Are you?" asked Ichigo, breathlessly.

He coughed for several minutes. It hurt way too much to speak; it hurt way too much to even breathe.

"You're awake, good."

Ichigo's eyes widened. He knew that voice, that emotionless tone. A brief image of a dark wing creature standing a on a tall, white tower and a bright crescent moon in a black sky flooded the forefront of his mind. Bright emerald eyes staring down at him, the very same that looked down at him now.

Ichigo tried forcing himself up again, this time in fear. The flap suddenly opened and a pair of hands was trying to force him back down.

"Don't overdo it," said one of the two as another pair of hand joined his and they were able to get the substitute Shinigami to lie down again, "Keep this up and your ganna be dead, Ichi-kun."

"You… he killed you… Aizen killed…. You… I saw your body…."

Ichimaru Gin tilted his head sideways before he glanced at his companion, Kaname Tousen.

"Kurosaki Ichigo, do you now know where you are?" asked the same voice before and Ichigo looked back to see the Quarto Espada lean out from the shadows.

"this isn't good" remarked Tousen, "whatever caused him to come here has caused memory lost."

"He is right here," bit back Ichigo shapely before he dissolved into a coughing fit.

Ichigo tried to fight the hands touching him but he knew he was way too weak. These people had betrayed Soul Society, tried to destroy Karakura Town, tried to kill his friends. It took his sluggish brain a moment to realize that he was being pulled into a sitting position so that whatever fluid had found its way into his mouth wouldn't drown him. As he continued to cough he noticed it was red before he registered the taste of copper.

"Here, drink this, slowly," and Ichigo scowled at the blind man but did as he instructed.

The water was warm and stale and it took all of his will not to spit it back out. The cut was held up for him a second time and he took another sip before it was pulled away and it clanked on the rock floor.

"I think this should wait, he needs more rest."

"Your right," agreed Gin, "As mush as i'd like to know what happened Ichi-kun's a bit too weak right now."

Ichigo half-heartedly glared at him but his few minutes of wakefulness had already left him exhausted.

The next thing he knew he was lying down in the same tent but he must have fallen unconscious again. Gin, Ulquiorra, and Tousen were gone. He felt a lot less sore and the pain wasn't as bad. He was able to sit up on his own and after a moment he pushed himself to his feet. His sandals were gone and his Shihakushō was torn and stained in blood, his own most likely.

The sight outside made his blood run cold. Nothing but rocks, bathed red in the crimson glow that seemed to emanate from everywhere. The rocky land smoothed out, a river could be seen flowing from a distant mountain. The river flowed like a stream of blood that made him shiver.

He hadn't made it very far before his knees gave out and he nearly plummeted over the side of a cliff. An arm snacked around his waist and his head painfully knocked into his rescuer's shoulder as he was hauled backwards.

"They told me you'd be reckless but I honestly didn't think you were this bad."

Ichigo glanced behind his and fear prickled up his spine. He remembered his Espada. He had suddenly appeared out of nowhere after Kenpachi had defeated Ninatora and taken Orihime.

"You know, kid, that's not the kind of look you should give the guy who keeps your from falling and breaking your neck," commented the Espada dryly.


Both the Espada and Ichigo looked at the emerald eyed arrancar and Ichigo cursed silently, he'd really hoped that had been a bad dream.


Ulquiorra looked from Stark to Ichigo then back. Stark looked down at the shinigami before shrugging and lifting a protesting Ichigo off the ground.

Ichigo suddenly found himself thrown of the the taller man's shoulder. The Quarto Espada followed several paces behind, still not showing any emotion. It wasn't long before he suddenly was standing on his own two feet again. He swayed as the sudden changes caused him to feel dizzy.

Gin and Tousen both sat around a camp fire that had a pot suspended over it, a stew boiling inside.

Ichigo felt like a trapped deer and it must have shown because Gin looked at him questionably. Stark pushed him into a spot next to Tousen before sitting down with Ulquiorra on his other side. Tousen passed him a bowl filled with broth from the stew.

"I doubt you'll be able to handle much right now but you should be able to handle some broth," explained Tousen, "and no it's not poisoned."

"I never said it was," replied Ichigo.

"But the thought had crossed your mind."

Ichigo didn't deny it as he blow on some broth before swallowing it and his stomach revolted intently. In the end he din't throw up and even managed getting more more broth down before he gave up on eating. The others sat around the fire, quietly eating their own stew.

"What's on your mind Ichi-kun?" asked Gin without even looking up.

"How are you here? where am i? how you alive?" began Ichigo, not even taking a breath between questions, "How-"

"Slow dow there. First off, we're not alive. You weren't wrong when you said Aizen killed me, he did. Secondly your in Hell," explained Gin, "the problem is, how did you get here."

"Hell? I'm in hell?! how…"

Gin watched quietly as the boy went into panic. Tousen was the first to reach him and keep him from jumping up and the ex-caption knew it was taking almost all of his strength to hold the boy still. Even injured, Kurosaki Ichigo was a handful.

"I've got to get out of here-"

"Get out? Kid, there is no way out of Hell." interrupted Stark, "Anyone here is damned to an eternity of pain and suffering."

"I have to reach the king, where is he?"

He was met with three stares of disbelief and one that held no emotion. Before anyone could respond someone cleared their throat behind the group, an elder man stood near the circle. he was dressed in rags, old blood stains in some place, and his hair was gray and thin, completely gone is some places.

"Ah, Kyrilu-san, I'm glad you could make it. please sit and join us for some stew," said Gin

"Regretfully I cannot, but I couldn't help but overhear your young friend here."

Gin nodded grimly. Kyrilu was the leader of the whole camp. Despite his appearance he was not someone who was easily challenged or defeated. In their time here he'd seen the little man demonstrate a cruelty far worse than any other he'd seen with the exemption of Aizen.

"You will have to forgive him," replied Tousen, "I'm afraid he's a little delirious from his injuries."

Ichgio when to object to what the blind ex-captain had said but he noticed Gin press a finger to his lips and shake his head. He also noticed the tension in Stark and surprisingly Ulquiorra. Ichigo scowled at the man who'd turned to regard him.

"No, I'm sure I heard the boy quite well," smiled Kyrilu and it just seemed wrong, "tell me boy, why do you have to reach the Devil King? One cannot help but wonder why you think he'd ever care about one little child. Well?"

Ichigo barely payed any attention to the hand that was suddenly on his shoulder and squeezing lightly. Stark's hand had drifted from his soup bowl to his sword. The old man continued to give his that overtly creepy smile and Ichigo could feel the hair on the back of his neck standing up.

"Well boy? I'm still waiting for an answer."

"I apologizes sir, but Tousen-san may be right. I…I am still injured and I have found it quite heard to stay focused I must have misspoken," said Ichigo slowly, "I am sorry for the confession I may have caused."

"So then I'm mistaken boy? Is that what your saying?" Kyrilu asked and again Gin was giving him that be careful what you say or we're all dead look and Ichigo resisted the urge to hit him.

"Sir," began Tousen, "Kurosai has overtaxed his strength far more that I'd like, if we don't want him to relapse then I think it would be best that he be allowed to rest some more."

"Of course, of course, we don't want that now do we."

Tousen pulled Ichigo up with him and lead the boy back to the tent he'd woken up in. The old man watching them go with an evil glint in his eye.

The reports from the battle made here sick. The demons had killed and devoured nearly three hundred people before they were completely dealt with and not only that but what had happened to her friend.


"Oh hello Renji. Sorry, I didn't hear you," smiled Rukia.

"You don't have to put a front for my sake, I'm worried about him too."

The smile slid off her face like undried paint, she wrapped her arms around her as Renji placed a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"What about-"

"Orihime, Ishida and Chad have been sent home. Urahara has already refused to give them passage to look for Ichigo, he says no living human would be able to service in hell. The Sou-taichou has already had to forcefully remove Urahara and Ichigo's father from his office," explained Renji, "Last I heard he was in a meeting with Vergil and Lord Hades."

"Do you think the Captain's know anything?"

"If they do, Kuchki-taicho didn't say anything. Have you asked Ukitake-taicho?"

"Not yet but I'm about to. Come with me?"


The two assistant captains left the captain's office in the Thirteenth Squad barracks and headed to the Captain's room where the sickly captain spent most of his time.

Rukia knocked softly before a calm voice called them to enter.

"Ah Rukia-san," smiled Ukitake before he noticed Renji, "and Abarai-fukutaichou please come in."

"Ukitake-taicho, we're sorry for disturbing you but we were wondering if you've heard-"

"You worried about Ichigo-kun."

"Ah, yes sir."

"I'm sorry, I haven't heard anything anything but I was going to visit Genryusai-dono. You two may accompany me if you'd like."

The trip to the First Deviation Barracks was a deathly silent one. When they arrived at the office door, Urahara Kisuke and Shunsui Kyoraku were both standing outside as Isshin paced in front of the two.

It was proof of how worried Isshin was that he wasn't acting like his normal foolish shelf and that fact didn't make Rukia feel any better.

"Kyoraku-san, how are things?" asked Ukitake.

"Not good I'm afraid. Central 46 has forbidden any kind of rescue attempt. They've given Ichigo-kun up for dead."

"Any they've got the one person who could find him stuck here," bit out Isshin angrily, "They have no right to keep him here, He's not a Shinigami and he's the king of hell."

"Lord Hades is still here?" gasped Rukia, "what about the Generals? Surly they've not allowed him to be taken prisoner."

"As far as I'm aware only Vergil-san and Kamui-san are the only ones still here. Lord Hades sent the fourth General back with orders for the first general's commander to begin a search," replied Kyoraku, "Central 46 dose not want another war like two thousand years ago. They wish for a peace treaty to be signed before the Lord Hades leaves."

"If Ichigo is found dead they're going to get another war," growled Isshin.

Rukia didn't even suppress the shiver that racked her body at the thought of Ichigo being dead.

The door to the captain commander's office was swung open and it slammed onto the wooden wall. The air inside came drifting out with a very eerie, charged feel to it. The two remaining Generals leaving the room.

"Ah, Vergil-san, Kamui-san," greeted Kyoraku, "I trust things are going well?"

"I hope your joking," replied Vergil coldly.

"Be nice," said Kamui before he turned to the eighth deviation captain, "I wish could say they were but truly I think my Lord my be planning to assassinate every member of Central 46 at this point."

"He's not the only one," growled Isshin.

"Uncle has ordered me to return as well to search for the boy, I've an idea of where Gilgamesh might have sent him," stated Vergil.

"Then you'll be able to find him?" asked Rukia hopefully.


"I'm sure Nero can handle the search on his own," said Kamui thoughtfully, "oh I see." he then smiled and Vergil shot the elder devil a dark look, "I'm sure you son won't get himself into any trouble with the other generals. After all both Rana and Sozaku are there to help him."

"Your son? I didn't know you had a son," jested Isshin who was also scowled at.

"Yes, I have a son," growled Vergil.

"Quite a capable young man too," added Kamui, "Actually, I think he's only five years older than Ichigo-sama."

"Four," corrected Vergil.

"Earlier you said he get's into trouble with the other Generals," said Ukitake.

"Ah yes, unfortunently. Not all of our fellow generals are quite so….loyal and human loving. They're loyalty exists out of their own agendas and there are demons who still hate Lord Sparda," explained Kamui.

"I'd imagine," agreed Ukitake.

"and many still hate humans simply because they're humans. As you know Lord Vergil is only half-devil and Nero's mother was human," added Kamui.

"and yet he's still killed all of the assassin's sent after him without any help," boasted Vergil.


Ichigo sat on a bedroll inside one of the many tents. Gin had said it would be his for as long as he wanted it. It had been almost five days since he'd first woken up here. The old man was really creeping him out. He hadn't stopped watching him since that incident three days ago. On the plus side, Tousen had stopped being a mother hen since his injuries were nearly healed but his reiatsu was a different matter.

Ichigo glared when a bowl of three day old stew was shoved under his nose, the Prima Espada didn't even blink.


"Yes, again, we cannot afford to let even the smallest amount of food go to waist. Be lucky your getting any at all, there are some who never get to eat," replied Stark as he shoved the bowl into the boys hands before flopping down on a bedroll and seemingly falling asleep instantly.

Ichigo had only eaten a little before his curiosity filially got the better of him. Over the last couple of days he'd only really spoken to Tousen and Stark but he'd seen the others in passing.



"Why are helping me?"


"You, Tousen-san and the other's. Why did any of you help me?"

The Espada cracked one eye open and looked down at the substitute shinigami's back before saying , "why not?"

"That's not an answer."

"Then I guess you'll have to keep wondering."

Ichigo snorted before returning to his food. In between bites he muttered, "You're as bad as Urahara, really makes me want to hit you."

"You'd be better off trying to run me threw or any form of things that involves a sword."

The bowl fell from his hands and shattered on the rock, stew seeping into the cracks. He finally remembered what his foggy mind couldn't. Zangetsu was missing.

Stark sat up the moment the bowl broke, a second latter he had a rather angry and terrified shinigami nearly in his face.

"Where's Zangetsu?," Ichigo all but snarled, "where's my Zanpakuto?"

"Wasn't with you first time I saw you, but I'm not the one who found you."

"Who did?"


The grinning fox was all his brain supplied before he was out of the tent. It didn't take long before he found him. He didn't even pause as he grabbed the front of the silver haired man's robe and shoved him into the rock near him.

"Ichi-kun, how may I help you?" asked Gin, no anger or malice in his voice.

"Where's my Zanpakuto?" demanded Ichigo.

"Wasn't with you."

"Wha-what do you mean it wasn't with me?!" said Ichigo as anger turned to fear.

"I found you bleeding on the ground, no Zanpakuto is sight," replied the ex-captain, "you may have dropped it before you got here or… or it was stolen."

"but.." stuttered Ichigo and he didn't fight when Gin gently pulled his hands from his robes, "how…wh-"

"It's not uncommon," he continued as he brushed himself off, "Many are driven mad here, even more to commit acts that they never thought possible. Hell is the relm of the damned, all those here deserve it in some capacity. The worst of humanity is all there is. You were an easy target and so they too all the thing of value you had. I don't know what happened to your Zanpakuto. I do not know if it can ever be found but maybe we can try."

"Why would you help me?"

"Cause I like ya," grinned Gin.