Last chapter :'( :'( :'( crying so I hope you like! I thought I'd grace you all with two chapters in one day :D I really enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you guys liked reading it. I hope you did :D so here is my final chapter, and it's dedicated to all of you people out there who've read my story, even if it was just the first chapter, but here's to you.


Third person's POV

*10 years later*

In a forest near Burgess, it was winter, and it was the dead of night. Everyone was asleep in the small town nearby. Well, almost everyone. A young couple strolled arm in arm down the streets, talking.

"Which one's Jamie's house again?" The girl asked, looking around.

"This one." They stopped outside a house, but instead of going in through the front door, they lifted into the air and floated up to a window. The boy tapped on the window, waking whoever was inside. The window was quickly opened.

"Stella! Jack!" The teenage boy cried from inside the house. "Come in!" The couple squished through the small gap.

"Why did you want to see us, Jamie?" The girl, Stella, asked.

"I-I-I-" Jamie stuttered. Stella smiled understandingly.

"Relationship problems?" She asked. Jamie blushed madly.

"How did you know?"

"I'm a girl. I know these things." Jack smiled lovingly at Stella. She grinned back and squeezed his hand. "So what's the problem?"

"Well, I really like her, and I didn't know who else to turn to, since my mum would give me terrible advice, and-"

"Jamie, what's the problem?" Jack asked, repeating Stella and cutting Jamie short.

"Ijustwanthertolikeme." Jamie said, all in a big rush. Stella beamed at him, and opened her mouth to speak, but Jack beat her to it.

"Just tell her. Walk up to her, and say 'Hey, I really like you'." Stella glared at Jack.

"No, that's how you get a girl to not like you. You need to get to know her first. Then, if you still like her, and you have lots of things in common, then you take some flowers or something, go round to her house, and ask her out." Jack raised an eyebrow.

"So you woo her? With flowers and chocolates and rainbows?" With each image Jack made a corresponding picture out of snow in the air. Stella nodded.

"Yes. Unless, she's a tomboy, then flowers and chocolates and rainbows will not work in the slightest. Well, they might. You never know." Jamie could tell that they were talking about their love life, as well as his. Stella rolled her eyes at Jack, and then turned back to Jamie. "Was that all you wanted to talk to us about or was there anything else apart from your love life?" Jamie shook his head.

"That was it. And I just wanted to see you guys again so, you know, I don't stop believing." Stella smiled at him.

"That's fine, Jamie. See you soon." She turned and climbed out the window. Jack put a hand on Jamie's shoulder.

"Don't listen to a word she says. Just go for it." Jamie grinned as Stella yelled for Jack to 'get his **** out here'. "She's a tomboy." Jamie nodded, and Jack went to join his love. Jamie rushed to the window, and waved frantically as the lovers raced off into the night.

"C'mon, Jack, keep up!" Stella shouted to Jack as she raced ahead of him.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm not as young as I used to be!" They both burst out laughing and Stella slowed down enough to let Jack catch up. As soon as he did, he swept Stella into his arms and kissed her hard. They both struggled to stay up in the air, but soon forgot about that and they began to fall to the Earth.

"If we don't land in a snow pile, I'm blaming you." Stella muttered before resuming kissing Jack. Fortunately for Jack, they did land in a snow pile.

Later, when they had done... many things, Stella and Jack lay together, their breath coming out in puffs and mingling in the cold night. It had begun to snow, and Stella smiled at Jack. This meant he was happy. Very happy.

Jack raised himself up onto his elbow, and looked down at Stella. He thought she looked extraordinarily beautiful, with her dark hair even more black in contrast to the white snow beneath her, and with snowflakes catching in her long eyelashes. Stella was also admiring Jack; the way the falling snow made his white hair seem almost invisible, and how blue his eyes were in contrast. Stella pulled Jack back down, and kissed him softly.

They love each other. How do they know that? The moon told them so. This story began with the moon, and with the moon it must end. And so the moon says to you, beloved readers, goodnight to all, and to all a good night.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything apart from Stella and the plot twist.

So, that's it! I would like to thank... well, everyone. I love you all for being such great readers 3 I am writing a pirates of the caribbean fanfiction, if any of you are POTC fans. Again, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this, because it was really fun to write. Goodbye, everyone, and I hope to see you in one of my other stories! Bye 3 3 3