A/N: Okay, here's the sequel to 'Lieutenant!' It'll probably be just like before, you know, the whole follow-the-storyline kind of thing. It'll also have a little twist at the end! In fact, in the beginning too!

I hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. I only own Natalie Cliff.

Entry 1. Date August 20, 2009

My psychiatrist, a.k.a. Jolt, told me that I should start a journal, so here it is. I will write in it whenever I have the chance.

A lot has happened over the past two years. One of the more obvious ones is that I met a robotic alien race called Cybertronians. I also happen to be the 'bridge' between their race and my race because their God, Primus is in my head. Jazz, the 1st lieutenant, is my current guardian, though he is usually taking me on missions for Optimus Prime, the leader of a faction of these alien called the Autobots. Their enemy is called Decepticons. They are the evil half of their race that wants to take over the universe.

By the way, all these references are so that if I ever forget anything, I can just look at this journal.

Primus just told me that if I ever need help, I should just ask him. Guess that's what I'm doing now.

Another thing that has happened over the last two years is that my brother in arms, Jorge 'Fig' Figueroa and I have been dating for the past two years. We had our 2-year anniversary on May 29, 2009. I get the feeling that he's gonna pop the question soon, but I'm probably just being silly. He told me he wanted to takes thing slowly.

Of course, we...made love to each other already, Primus!

Geez... Who knew the God of an alien race was a gossiper?

Anyway, a few new Autobots have come to Earth since then.

There's Sideswipe, the swordsman. He a bit of a flirt, and way full of himself, though he'll never admit it. And he's on fairly good terms with us humans, especially Lennox, much to Ironhide's grumpiness. Ironhide is Will's guardian. Will just got promoted to Major.

Also, there's the Arcee triplets, Arcee, Chromia, and Elita-1. Elita-1 is like the leader of the trio. And she's also Optimus Prime's wife.(Primus is saying the proper term is sparkmate. "They are bonded by the spark." he says.) Chromia is their weapons specialist. She's Ironhide's sparkmate. Arcee is the most innocent of the three of them, which is why I love her. She's like my younger sister I never had, though I do have a brother. I'll talk about him later.

There's Skids and Mudflap. They are the youngest of the Autobots on Earth. According to the other Autobots, they're split-spark twins, which means that their sparks split into two parts before they were born, or something like that. They're pretty useless, but we keep them around for laughs.

Aw, you guys know I'm kidding.

Jolt is their medic-in-training, under Ratchet. He's a little shy, but his accent is amazing. Don't tell Fig I said that. Ratchet assigned him to be NEST's secondary medic. So in case Ratchet's busy, go to Jolt. Jolt has these cool electro-whips that send out lightning. It comes in handy if a soldier needs a quick battery charge to their phone.

The Wreckers are... a rowdy bunch. They came to Earth on a ship called the Xantium. It brought the whole second wave of Autobots, including all the bots I mentioned before. The Wreckers are Leadfoot, Roadbuster, and Topspin. They all have Scottish kind of accents and they're all assholes. But their engineering intellect is top of the line, so they're just confined to the Kennedy Space Center.

The Decepticons, believe it or not, are still hiding on the planet. They keep attacking different continents around the world, including Brazil, Rome, England, and a few others.

You would think that since we toasted Megatron, they would leave our planet alone. But Optimus Prime told me that the second in command of the Decepticons, Starscream retreated from Earth. A select few astronomers are searching for him, but no such luck.

Optimus said that dealing with our government is troublesome. That's "Prime" language for "Your government officials are totally clueless and most of them are assholes." And I agree with him. If it weren't for the Autobots, the Decepticons would've destroyed our world. But since I'm the unofficial liaison to the President(I'll explain later), this forces me to look at both sides. We see their arrival as an invasion, and that they're here to take over our world. And that they only defeated the Decepticons so that the Autobots could take over.

Still, I think that that's a load of BS.

I'm the unofficial liaison to the president because I'm the bridge to Primus and all that crap. I'm 'unofficial' because I'm only recently a captain. Also, the President, Barack Obama, is from Hawaii, so he trusts the "kama'aina" spirit and all that.

The official liaison is Director Theodore Galloway. He's the National Security Advisor to President Obama. He's a jerk to everyone on base except me. I guess he thinks I'm the only competent one on base.

I'm running out of things to write, but Jolt said each entry should be at least 1000 words.

Oh, right. My family's been well.

Dad has pretty much gotten over me being in contact with aliens. Mom is still freaking out. Taylor, my brother, thinks it's cool, but he's bummed out because he can't tell any of his friends at school. I told him that if he told any of his friends, I would leave him to Ironhide's mercy. He met Ironhide and, well, let's just say he won't be talking about them to anyone.

Okay, I've reached my 1000 word quota.

End of entry 1. August 20, 2009.

A/N: What do you think? This is just the prologue! I'll be on the real story next chapter!

Thanks for reading and please review!