
Hi. Sorry I haven't written anymore on Feminine Side, but I'm a little stuck, and this other story has been floating around in my head for a while. I will try to come up with an idea for Feminine Side soon, I promise. But, until then, here is another story. It is another Ratchet and Lambo Twins story. So, it isn't in the Prime universe. It's probably G1 or something else. I don't know. You can decide for yourself. Also, it could be set after Doctors for a Doctor, but it doesn't have to be. It can stand alone. In fact, it is almost unrelated except for the fact that Ratchet and the Twins are together. You can decide where it takes place. It is another multi-chapter one, and you will see why. So, enjoy. And I promise I will get out another chapter for feminine side as soon as I can.

And please review. But, no hate please.

Transformers, their characters, and their franchises sadly do not belong to me. I just borrow them. They belong to Hasbro or someone else. I don't remember who.


"Normal conversation"

~Spark bond~

::Twin bond::

A Drunken Mistake

It was late one night. The party had died down, and most of the guests had headed back to their quarters. Most of the high grade was also gone. There were only a few people left, and almost all of them were thoroughly overcharged. Most of the minibots were passed out in a heap on the floor. They couldn't hold their high grade well and passed out after only two cubes. The rest of the bots left at the party were chatting idly (and drunkenly) with one another in small groups.

Ratchet, Sideswipe, and Sunstreaker were seated in a couple of chairs near the back of the room. They had gotten bonded a couple weeks back and were still getting used to it, so they spent a lot of time together. They were all thoroughly overcharged and the conversation they were having soon reverted to kissing. They left the room and headed for their shared quarters.

When they got there, their make out session progressed into a spark merge, or maybe five. They were too drunk to keep track. But, those spark merges had done something to their medic. A drunken mistake had turned into so much more.

A couple of days after the party, Ratchet woke up feeling sick. He sat up, and immediately rushed to the nearest waste basket. There, he promptly purged his tanks.

His bondmates, sensing his distress, had woken up to find him over the waste basket, puking his guts out.

~What's wrong? Are you okay?~ Sideswipe asked worriedly through their bond.

After Ratchet was done, he replied ~Yeah, I'm fine. I was just feeling a little sick.~

~That didn't look like a little to me. Are you sure you're okay?~ Sunstreaker interjected.

~I said I'm fine. Will you stop worrying? I feel better now.~

~I still think we should get Wheeljack, just to be sure.~ Sideswipe said.

~I'm the medic, and I say I'm fine! Quit worrying.~

~We aren't gonna quit until we know you're fine. So, me and Sides are gonna get Wheeljack and you're gonna like it. Now, stay here, and I mean it,~ Sunstreaker said.

~Fine. If it will make you stop freaking out.~

~We weren't freaking out. We're just worried is all.~

~Yeah, what Sunny said,~ Sideswipe agreed.

::Don't call me Sunny,:: Sunstreaker said through their twin bond as they headed out to get Wheeljack.

::Alright, Sunny-side up.::

::What does that even mean?::

::It's a type of way to cook eggs.::

::You watch way too much TV::

::So do you.::


When they got to Wheeljack's quarters, Wheeljack was just leaving. They rushed over to him so they could catch him.

"Hey Wheeljack," Sideswipe said.

"Hey Sideswipe, hey Sunstreaker. What can I do for you guys?" Wheeljack replied.

"Ratchet was purging earlier and we were wondering if you could check on him to see if he's alright. He says he's fine, but we want your opinion," Sunstreaker answered.

"Sure. Let's go. I was just leaving anyways."

"Hey Ratch'. How's it going?" Wheeljack said when they got there.

"Fine," Ratchet replied.

Sunstreaker snorted. "Yeah. Purging your tanks for no reason is fine," he said sarcastically.

"Well, why don't we just see," Wheeljack said. Then he pulled out a scanner from subspace and proceeded to scan Ratchet. His eyes widened as the scanner beeped with the results.

"What? What is it?" Sideswipe said alarmed.

"That can't be right," Wheeljack muttered to himself.

"Wheeljack." Sunstreaker said, trying to get his attention.

"Maybe the scanner's broken."


"I can't believe it."


Sunstreaker's screaming snapped Wheeljack back to them. "Huh?" was all he could reply.

"Just tell us what the frag is wrong!"

"Um… I'm not sure how to tell you guys this, but Ratchet's sparked."

"What?" The twins said in unison. They couldn't believe what they were hearing. Ratchet was sparked?

"That can't be possible," Sideswipe said, shocked.

"How?" Sunstreaker asked, a little more focused now.

"Well, when bots love each other very much-" Wheeljack started.

"NO! I mean, how can Ratchet be sparked?" Sunstreaker cut him off.

"I don't know. You tell me. You're the ones who did it."

"You don't think…" Sideswipe said.

"No. It couldn't have been that," Sunstreaker replied.

"We were really overcharged."

Now it was Wheeljack's turn to be left in the dark. "Am I missing something here?" he said.

"The party on Saturday night," Sideswipe answered.

"We think that's when it might have happened," Sunstreaker continued.

"Ah. That might explain why you don't remember." Then Wheeljack noticed that Ratchet hadn't said a word since he told them. "You all right Ratch'?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah I'm fine. Just thinking is all," Ratchet replied.

"Are you sure? You haven't said a word since we started talking."


Sideswipe and Sunstreaker were listening and decided to see what was bothering their bondmate. They opened up the bond and what they found surprised them. There was nervousness, worry, and fear. Ratchet was almost never afraid. He made people afraid, yes, but he was never afraid himself.

~Ratchet! What's the matter?~ Sideswipe asked worriedly through the now open bond.

~Nothing,~ he replied.

~Yeah, right, it's nothing. You're freaking out! Why?~ Sunstreaker interjected.

~Yeah, you almost never freak out. So, what's wrong?~ Sideswipe added.

~What if something goes wrong? What if it doesn't work out? What if we don't do a good job? What if-~ Ratchet started.

~Enough. I know we're not all that mature, but you whip us into shape. You teach us to be responsible. We can do it. And you're a great person. I bet you'll be an even better parent. So stop freaking out. It will all work out. We'll be fine,~ Sunstreaker stopped him.


~No buts.~

~Yeah. We'll be fine.~ Sideswipe added.

Then they both gave him a hug. Wheeljack just stared in confusion. "Did I miss something?" he asked.

"Don't worry about it 'Jack. We've got it covered," Sideswipe said.

"Okay. Well, I'm gonna be goin' now. I gotta get to work," Wheeljack said. Then he left.

More Notes:

So, that's the first chapter. What do you think? This idea has been floating around in my head for a while. I tried my best to keep the characters personalities the same, but it was sort of hard. I hope I did okay.

And I'm so sorry I haven't written more on Feminine side. I've had a bad case of writer's block on that story. I promise I will try to come with something as soon as I can. So, don't worry. And school's been in the way too, so that's another factor. That's why I haven't written in a while. But, I'm off for two weeks now, so hopefully I can write more.

Anyways, what did you think of this story? Leave me a review and tell me what you thought. But, no hate please. I hope you enjoyed.