Basically, I was discussing Merlin with the peasants on facebook, and this happened.
You've NO idea how difficult it was not making this M rated, but they wouldn't be able to handle it.
And I know it's RIDICULOUSLY short, but ah well. Might expand it after my other fics are done and dusted (they're taking so long *cries).
R&R if you can be bothered! xx

The old man's features slowly morphed into shockingly familiar ones. The white hair receeded into short black tufts, the eyes strengthened, skin smoothed out and the beard vanished. In long red robes, but it was him all the same.

Arthur's mouth fell open in recognition. "M...Merlin?!" He gasped, incredulously."I...You..."
"It was me all along." Merlin lowered his gaze, aware of his position. He was in open air now - his secrets revealed. His stomach tightened nervously. "It's always been me," He started to ramble as Arthur began to pace, his face unreadable. He didn't speak, and Merlin tried to hide his fear. He had waited for this moment, Arthur had to take it the right way. He had to make Arthur see that his magic was a force for good. "I was born with it, I didn't do anything wrong, I couldn't help it. Magic is in me, I am magic."
Arthur stopped suddenly, and whirled around to face Merlin. "You killed my father. You...Why then?" His voice cracked and trembled slightly. "You had years of opportunity - why did you kill him before then?"

"I didn't kill him Arthur. Morgana did. She caused my spell-" Arthur flinched slightly, "-to backfire."
"But you... y'know, you would have wanted him dead."
"No?" Arthur's voice was quiet and less surprised than hopeful, and Merlin realised that he wanted a way out just as desperately as Merlin did. They didn't want Merlin to be exiled, and right now Arthur was praying that Merlin had a good excuse.
"No. He murdered many, slaughtered my kind, a great deal of magic users wanted him dead, but not me. I wasn't going to kill him. That would make me as bad as he was. And... he's your father. Killing him would hurt you, and I never wanted that."
"What did you want?"
Merlin smiled, that was easy. "This."

They stayed there all night, on Arthur's bed, just talking mostly. They lay down side by side, on top of the covers, too tired to move. Gwen was still being healed in the infirmary, and Merlin felt no need to go away. He would remain, and answer Arthur's questions. He would show him that magic was good. At first it was strange, for both of them, but as dawn grew nearer their tongues became looser, and they talked as tired men do. Merlin finally could breathe, he hadn't fully appreciated how much he had held everything back. He was pleased to hear Arthur ask him questions.
For Arthur, on the other hand, things slotted into place. It was odd, but their discussion felt natural, instinctive. This was meant to happen. He should be here, talking with Merlin about magic. Yet something was tugging at him.

"Merlin?" He asked, unsure of how to put his mind into words.
"Yes?" Merlin asked, smiling.
"I..." He faltered, realising that he had never really said this aloud before. "All the people that died, at mine and my father's hand... I'm sorry."
"But you'll make amends, you'll change things, won't you?" Merlin still didn't stop grinning. He had been wanting this for a long time. All those secrets, the burden that Arthur couldn't understand. Could Camelot be made new? Could magic be allowed? Would it do more good than bad? He realised that the 'bad' tended to still practise magic anyway. Freedom for everyone.

"Yes. We will change things."
"Then concentrate on the future. You can't improve the past, so work in the present."
Merlin spoke with a fire in his eyes that Arthur hadn't seen before. He remembered how Dragoon had eyes that glowed golden when he used magic. "Merlin...You know how you can... use magic... could you?"

Merlin sat bolt upright, his face glowing triumphantly. He sat bolt upright and cupped his hands together, and Arthur watched intently. Merlin whispered, Arthur couldn't quite catch what he was saying and then a butterfly the colour of his eyes darted out and danced around the room.
"You created life!" He said incredulously.

Merlin smiled at him "So you don't mind..?"

Arthur laughed. "I think... I think I always knew."

Told you it was short :3