A/N: Hey guys this is a new fanfic (obviously) it came to mind about a month ago in my dreams…Well tell me what you think! Oh and Naruto is going to be out of character, along with others but I am going to try and follow the overall story line just Naruto is going to be faking his happiness. This story follows the anime but Naruto is a bit different (and stronger.) If you go to deviant art and look up the user, LunerAngel96, you will see some of my drawings, for example (Hinara Uzumaki, Yamanaka twins, Amaya Kurosagi.) and I posted a picture of Naruto to go with this story line.

Summary: Naruto at the age of 10 is attacked by the villagers and lost his right eye to the villagers and now has his right eye as Kyuubi's. Naruto keeps up his happy façade but hates the village. After a heart wrenching betrayal how will Naruto deal?

Pairing(s): the main pairing is Itachi/Naruto (Seme/Uke), but there is a lemon with Zabuza/Naruto (Seme/Uke), Gaara/Naruto (Seme/Uke) and a one sided Sasuke/Naruto. What can I saw I see Naru-Chan as an ultimate Uke!

Watashi no jinsei

Chapter 1: When will this end?

(Naruto's View, Age 10)

I grinned at the villagers as I walked home from eating at Ichiraku Ramen with Iruka-Sensei, they all glared at me as I turned down an alleyway. As I walked down the alleyway I tensed as I waited for the inevitable beating I would receive, I didn't wait long.

I am used to the beatings by now, have been since I could walk, but this time I felt panic in me as I could feel the malice in the voices. A hand reached out and wrapped calloused fingers around my neck and picked me up to be at eyes level with their sneering faces.

"Well if it isn't the little monster!" The man holding me yelled, I noticed another man and a woman behind him, I glared at him as he laughed, "I'm not a monster!" the man stopped laughing and threw me to the ground kicking me in the side.

I coughed up a small amount of blood at the hard kick but continued to glare at the trio as I sat up, holding my ribs until they healed, my wounds always heal fast for some reason.

I had smelled the alcohol on his breath, not a lot but still enough to cloud common sense, and knew this would be another bad beating, they don't happen a lot but when they do it is usually really bad.

"Hey guys, and madam," the man wiggled his eyes at the woman who blushed and smiled, "s-should we take something from him, like he did to us?" he asked the two, I was confused now. I heard the villagers saw I killed there family and that they hated me but if I did that I don't remember.

"Yes! He killed me baby!" Yelled the woman in anger as tears streamed down her face, the other man wrapped his arm around the woman and kissed her temple. (Haha, slut!)

"All right then demon, were gonna take your eyes!" yelled the man as he ran over to me and held me to the ground by my neck, the other two came over and grabbed my arms and legs, I couldn't move even if I tried to.

"N-No! I didn't kill anybody!" I yelled out as the man pulled a kunai out of his pocket and held it over my right eye, "Yes you did, you piece of shit! You killed my family!" The man yelled as he slung his hand back and stabbed into my eye with the wide kunai, then dragging it down to reach my top scar and up past my eyebrow, I screamed in pain as blood shot up the man's arm and he laughed as he pulled his arm back and stabbed my shoulders a couple times then stood up and threw the kunai by my face.

"Have fun healing that, demon!" the man yelled as his friends stood up and they all left together. I clutched my hand over my right eye as blood continued to spray the ground and pour down my hands and arms, as I curled into myself screaming in pain.

I heard footsteps a moment later but ignored them as I continued to scream, slowly losing my consciousness, not a second later all went black.

My vision then went blank, the blood loss finally reaching me, I noticed my shoulders were healed but my eyes still bled and hurt…it wasn't healing. I opened my eyes and looked around me; I was in a tunnel, lying in water, in the darkness.

I stood up and followed the pull to a cage in a room, I couldn't see past the gate but I heard growling, and then saw two giant red eyes snap open. I gasped as I fell on my but, unsure of what this was.

"W-What?" I stuttered out the fox let out a chuckle as his eyes showed he was less angry, I continued to stare as I saw his form show, he was a large fox! With nine tails!

"I am Kyuubi no Yoko, the nine tailed fox demon that attacked your village." I stared at him shocked he could talk…and he was 'the' Kyuubi we had learned about in school.

"N-No, the 4th Hokage killed you 10 years ago!" I yelled as I stood up and glared at him, wincing when my right eye sent a burning sensation through my head.

"Okay gaki, I have to explain some things as I heal your eye…damn villagers. As I said I am Kyuubi no Yoko, and you are Naruto Uzumaki the container of me. As much as I hate to say this, 10 years ago the 4th Hokage got a cheap shot, and sealed me inside you. I tried to kill you but your parents got in the way of the attack and lived long enough to seal me inside you. Now I'm sure you have noticed you have a fast un-normal healing rate, yes?" I nodded dumbly, unsure of what to think, Kyuubi sighed.

"That is because of me, if you die, I die…so I have to keep you alive. Now…concerning your eye…" Kyuubi looked at my eye a slight growl in his deep loud voice.

"I can heal wounds…but I can't heal anything when it concerns something as sensitive as eyes." My eyes widened I may be 10, but I knew what that meant. "W-What!? You mean I won't be able to see with two eyes?!" I yelled as tears streamed down my face, Kyuubi sighed.

"I didn't exactly say that. I cannot heal your human eye, but since I am trapped inside you and you are a trouble maker, I can't take any more risks of dying so I can give you one of my eyes…since your regular human eye is…well in lack of other words, useless as shit." I flinched, and raised my hand to my eye.

"O-Okay…but isn't it bad that I talked to you?" Kyuubi threw his head back and let out a loud booming laugh, "You caught on quick gaki, yes to the village it is bad you talked to me…and they don't want you to know anything about me so the 3rd made a law against anyone telling you. Only the adults know of my existence inside of you, but the kids of the village do not. That is a bit bad in your favor huh? Well since the Hokage and that Iruka are so found of you ask them what to do." Kyuubi smirked at me and suddenly my vision blanked…again.

I snapped my eyes open and stared up at my bedroom ceiling…with one eye the other had bandages over it, I turned my head to the side and saw Hiruzen sitting beside my bed, his head in his hands, shoulders shaking.

"Jiji…what are you doing here?" I asked with my voice raspy, Hiruzen's head shot up and his wide teary dark eyes shocked and full of sadness, I reached a shaky hand out and wiped away his tears.

"Naruto! Y-you're awake!" Hiruzen exclaimed as he grabbed my hand and lowered it to my side, I continued to look at him and it seems he spotted something in my eye he hadn't ever seen before.

"To answer your question Naruto, I am here because I am concerned. When I saw you lying on the ground in the ally covered in blood and still bleeding I brought you to your house, that was two weeks ago…I informed Iruka so he would know you wouldn't be in school, he stops by every day much like myself." Hiruzen smiled at me and tears filled my eyes, they streamed freely from my left eye but there was a stabbing pain in my right eye and the 'tears' came out thicker.

"Naruto!" Hiruzen exclaimed as he jumped to his feet, I smiled sadly as he pulled the bandages off then gasped as he saw my right eye, he fell back and landed in his chair wide eyed.

"My eye is red, right?" Hiruzen nodded and I lowered my head, I had caused so much pain to this village and to Hiruzen…so why did he and Iruka stay by my side?

"I-I…when I passed out in the ally…I woke up in a dungeon, and saw a giant nine tailed fox…Kyuubi no Yoko. He explained things to me, about why I heal so fast, that I am the container and the 4th sealed the fox inside me…that my parents died to protect me from being killed by him… and that you made a law prohibiting the villagers from speaking about the fox. I also know only the adults and elders of the village know of Kyuubi…not the kids and that they only picked up on their parents dislike of me. W-why didn't you tell me Jiji?" Hiruzen lowered his head, guilt flashing threw his sad eyes.

"Naruto…did he tell you what your relations to the 4th were?" I shook my head in a negative, "The 4th Naruto…Minato Namikaze is your father…your mother was Kushina Uzumaki and they did die trying to stop the Kyuubi from killing you. Minato…he sealed the Kyuubi in you, because he wasn't able to kill the fox…and you where the only person he could seal the fox into not wanting to cause another family this pain. Naruto, he wanted this village to treat you like a hero… but… the villagers hold so much hate to the Kyuubi…and who else could they take out their anger on? Naruto…I-I'm so sorry!" Hiruzen sobbed, I reached over to Hiruzen and wrapped my arms around him noticing there were still tears and blood streaming down my face.

"It's ok Jiji…I understand, and I hold no grudge against you." I whispered, still absorbing who my parents were…they didn't abandon me. Hiruzen after awhile calmed down and looked at my face, eyes trained on my right eye.

"That reminds me, Jiji…how I am going to cover this and keep the village from knowing…" I trailed off as the door opened and a stumbling teary eyed Iruka-sensei walked in and ran to me, pulling me into a hug shocking Hiruzen and myself.

"Naruto, I-I'm so glad you're awake!" Iruka wailed as he tightened his grip around my waist I smiled sadly and ran my fingers threw his hair…he looked up at me and noticed my eye and sat strait up, arms still around my waist.

I gave Iruka the same explanation I gave Hiruzen and he seemed to accept it though still wide eyed and holding me tightly, "W-why…why do ya'll…stay beside me? I caused ya'll both so much pain…Jiji I took away your student and your villagers…Iruka-Sensei, y-you lost your family because of me." I felt my tears trickle again as well as the blood as I lowered my head in shame.

Iruka-Sensei stood up and I felt my chest constrict…then I felt a hand slap me across the face, I raised my wide eyes to a crying Iruka and he pulled me into a tight hug.

"Oh Naruto… you didn't do any of those things, Kyuubi did! Yes you hold the Kyuubi inside you, but that does not make you that damn fox, I stopped thinking that way after I knew you for a while…Naruto I stay beside you because I know what it is like to be alone… I…Naruto I love you like a little brother, and that's why I will never give up on you!" I let a sob escape my moth as I laid my head on Iruka's shoulder, getting blood and tears on his shirt.

"the reason I stay with you Naruto, is because I have loved you since Minato told me about you, I loved you as you grew in Kushina, and I have continued to love you threw the years…Iruka is right, you may house the fox inside you but you are not the Kyuubi!" Hiruzen exclaimed as he got up and sat beside us and wrapped his arms around me.

I stopped crying after a while and Iruka and Hiruzen let go of me, "T-Thank you both…I love ya'll to." I sniffled, we sat in silence for a while as the two held my hands, I felt complete…I had a family.

"Naruto… concerning your eye, I have an excuse… for the next two months you can wear a bandage over your eye, it will give us time to think of something else till then. And it seems the scar on top and bottom of your eye hasn't healed…so they will see that out of the bandage." Hiruzen stated, I smiled at him and nodded, "what do I say if they ask about what happened?" Iruka nodded then spoke.

"I will tell them it is none of their concern." Iruka stated, I laughed along with Hiruzen at that. We sat in the room for a while till I started to sway a little, my right eye throbbing.

"Ah, I forgot!" Hiruzen exclaimed as he reached down beside the chair and pulled a first aid kit to his lap, turning me towards him. Iruka leaned me against him as Hiruzen pulled an eye bandage out of the kit and placed it over my eye, the moved so Iruka could lay me down.

"Sleep Naruto, we will give you one week off and then you can go back to school, we will check on you every day and bring you food. Speaking of which I will go get you some!" I smiled at the two as I closed my eyes and drifted off into a world of dreams, my love for Iruka and Hiruzen strong but my hate for the villagers…growing.

A/N: hey guys that was the first chapter, what did ya think? It will get better, hopefully…this is my first Naruto fiction! Well review and continue to read, and know I will start that other Naruto fic I promised from the one piece story I had, after this story!
