Disclaimer I do now own Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko nor LOTR which rightfully belongs to J. K. Tolkien. Read & Review!




Written: November 23, 2017

Edited: January 20, 2018

A/N: Sorry it took so long, just a quick life update, my sister is in remission now and I'm starting back with school after taking a semester off to be with her and family. I'll try to update more, but no promises. Because I know people will ask Kagome - 65, Frodo - 50, Sam - 38, Merry - 36 Pippin - 28. Again any grammatical errors are my own, please enjoy!

Moonlit Winters

Reunited At Last

~T.A. September 28th, 3018 - Old Forest ~

"So you just let him waltz on his own with ringwraiths searching for him, Iarwain Ben-adar!"

A hooded figure yelled in the elvish language, shoulders heaving in obvious anger that he could allow them to go without giving them safe passage to their destination.

Tom Bombadil, took the person's anger in stride, pouring himself some more tea before in a dry tone voicing his own opinions.

"I don't see why I should, after all are you not his protector. Or have you forgotten your destiny, your purpose Ka~go~me," he enunciated her name mockingly. Hating to be harsh, but the woman had been missing for far too long and Frodo's journey would determine the fate of all of Middle Earth.

His words struck true as the she-elf let out a solemn sigh.

"I know, I—" breaking off, she sat down in the chair behind her, "Things happened and there are many things that I can not remember. There is a gap that I've been trying to reclaim, but it's hard," she whispered her head falling into her hands. Guilt and shame filled her at her inability to remember.

She was failing as his protector before their journey had truly begun.

'What he must think of me?'

Tom sighed coming forward to lay a hand on her shoulder in comfort. "It is alright Kagome. I saved them from the wights and safely led them on their way two days ago. You best you head out and meet up with them. Sure you have been missing, but you're back now and that is what truly matters."

Kagome nodded, rising shakily before straightening her back.

"You are right, thank you. Sorry for yelling," she apologized sincerely. "Frodo means the world to me…"

He smiled, "Quite alright child, now best you hurry on to Bree, that boy will need you now more than ever."

Nodding, she left out of Bombadil's cottage. Part of her was scared to see Frodo again, how would she explain everything that had happened? Explain her missing memories when she barely knew herself what had happened. After losing Aunt Rema it was all a blur and so much time wasted afterwards trying to remember what had happened to her twenty-four years ago.

Kagome stopped to bid Goldberry farewell. Tom's wife is sweet as sugar and a pretty woman. She beamed her a bright smile, her voice like water easing old wounds..

"Good luck, ithil'quessir. Let your past stay there and focus on your future, now go I sense Frodo needs thee he is in great peril," she urged her on.

Hearing that Frodo was in danger had her moving, swinging up on to her steed. She snapped the reins and took off through the forest. The trees of the Old Forest became a blur to as she and her black stallion passed by. Her swift riding causing her hood to fly off as shining silver tresses freed themselves from its long braid to whip in the wind behind her as she urged her steed leaping over dead logs, rocks, and tree roots in their path. Her breathing picked up as her heart beat a fast staccato, her mind racing yet centered on one person.

The one who she so desperately wanted to see. She needed to keep him safe. She moved faster than she had fifty years ago when she had known of his coming birth.

Their journey had yet to begin.

There was so much she wished to do with him.

Wished to say.

To apologize for leaving him for so long.

For not being there when he undoubtedly needed her.

'Wait for me Frodo, Kaggy-chan is coming!'


'It hurts so bad...Is this the end?'

"He's not going to make it," Sam yelled at Aragorn looking worriedly at his dear friend. Frodo had been stab by a Nazgul blade and according to the ranger he would become a wraith just like the ones after them. This wasn't supposed to happen.

'Where is Gandalf?'

He was supposed to meet them in Bree, instead they'd gotten Strider in his place. However, one warrior couldn't possibly compare to the Grey Wizard they knew more than this unknown warrior.

Pippin and Merry were worried as they heard the screams of the Nazgul closing in on them, Frodo's cries seemingly answering their call. Guilt ate at them, it was stupid of them to light that fire and be so merry in dangerous situation like that.

Everyone was brought from their thoughts aware of the rumbling of hooves headed in their direction. Strider cursed as he drew his sword ready to fight to defend the hobbits with his life.

Things had already got to shit. Readying to strike, he sword stilled as his body froze.

What came through the brush was not one of the black riders in the slightest. A light that momentarily blinded all of them shined brightly, as a woman with long silver hair leapt from the back of a huge black stallion came into focus. She didn't bother sparing Aragorn nor his raised sword any mind, she ran straight to Frodo's side like none of them existed.

She crouched over him immediately seeking out his wound.

Kagome had felt it, call it instinct or a hunch. But she'd pushed herself sensing that Frodo was fading from the light.

Cursing inwardly when she saw the wound, she could heal it but it would drain her and leave them all vulnerable. She'd crossed paths with Glorfindel who re-routed most of the black riders, while she'd managed to injure two of them, but they would come soon enough.

It only left one real option for her and Frodo.

Frodo looked up at the woman who'd came to his side and couldn't believe what he was seeing.

'Have I died?'

'Is my mind playing tricks on me?'

What he wouldn't give to see Gandalf and ask his advice, see his fireworks again, or hear his Uncle Bilbo talk of his adventures once more. But most of all he wished to see the one person who always was there at the back of his mind and heart; a place he had to put her because to put her at the front cause him great heartache and longing. Wishing to hear her tales, to go fishing with her, to go on a great adventure with her like she promised, but more than all of that just to see her and hug her would be enough. To know she hadn't abandoned him.

Biting through the soul-searing pain, his hand shakily rose to touch the glowing visage of a woman before him. Sucking in a breath when his hand met her cheek. It was warm. A slim hand covered his, a worried but beautiful smile on her face.

"I am here Frodo and I will save you, so come back to the light," she whispered.

Hearing her voice again gave him strength. He nodded before his hand fell to his side or would have had Kagome not kept firm hold of it.

Aragorn was in awe.

Arwen was beautiful always in his eyes, but this woman beauty was on a whole other level. If it was possible he felt purity radiating from this she-elf. The woman stood with Frodo easily holding him as if he weigh nothing. A statuesque figure with alabaster skin that held a soft glow to it. A heart-shaped face with high cheekbones, two almond-shaped eyes that held the lightest blue shade surrounded by thick silver eyelashes with a long, slender long button nose, pouty kissable lips. Full, thick head of wind-tossed, shining silver tresses half of which spilled forth from her hood while two little braids lay on either side of of head framing her face. She had a dark cloak, but saw something blue sparkle on her chest before her hair obscured it from view.

Pippin and Merry thought they'd gone on to the other side.

"Blessed be an elven spirit of enchanting beauty Pip," Merry gawked openly, while Pippin shook his head in wonder, "Aye she is," he replied breathlessly. Even Sam wasn't sure what to make a the beautiful elf woman.

"Who are you," Aragorn asked, his blade slightly lowered but not sheathed, looking between her and Frodo.

"I am Kagome, his sworn protector...I have been away for too long. But now is not the time to explain he will fade. I cannot heal him here it will leave us vulnerable, since I only temporarily deterred the riders. I will take him to Lord Elrond's lands there he shall be safe," she answered surprised the human knew the language of elves.

Aragorn nodded, "I'll take him, I can ride fast."

She shook her head, passing him to set Frodo upon her horse, swinging up behind him. "I am faster and Hrívë here will obey no other but myself, he's cold...like Winter," she said a small smile flashing his way at her pun before her face became serious upon noticing his downtrodden friends.

No doubt saddened as they thought Frodo would soon die.

But this she would not allow.

"Fret not little ones," she addressed the hobbits there, "As long as my heart still beats within my chest Frodo shall live, I must ride swiftly now take care."

With that said she pulled Frodo closer and took off. Winter, her horse neighed at the extra weight but moved as his mistress directed him. They ate up the distance through the forest, one hand tight on the reins the other wrapped around her ward. She pushed just a little of her power into Frodo hoping to keep him in the light long enough to make it safely to their destination.

She pushed through the night passing through the trail where the three trolls statues Bilbo once fought against. They rested briefly, allowing Winter to rest, while she treated Frodo's wound as best as she could. But as the years had gone by she'd found it harder to use her miko energy and relied more on her elfin powers.


"Look Frodo, this is the legendary place where your Uncle Bilbo took down the trolls. I'm sure the story," she cut him off not looking at his face as she focused on his wound.

He glanced at them and was in awe to see the three huge trolls. Of course he'd heard the story. It was one of his favorite one's to hear Bilbo talk about.

With the coming of dawn she felt a little better as she knew soon they would reach the Bruinen soon enough.

Winter, was the grandchild of her first elven steed she'd rode upon when journeying back for Frodo's birth. Of course while she was away at sea, her dear Black as he was called had sired a foal and she in turn sired her current horse. When she'd regained her memories she'd gone back to claim her horse from the stableman she'd left him with. To which the man was glad, for he had an unruly temper and would allow no one to mount him. Cold as winter. Of course she had little problem taming him and becoming his rider, as if he'd been waiting all along for her. While the name Westron men recognized him by was Winter, she addressed him in quenya as Hrívë.

"Okay, time to go. How do you feel," she asked.

He winced as he stood, so she lifted him back up onto the horse with ease. Swinging up behind him to urged Hrívë forward.

Her horse huffed obviously peeved with such a short break, but took off no less.

All Frodo could do was relax into Kagome as his strength seemed to leave him the longer they traveled.

Kagome's rising happiness was dashed at the screams of the Nine Ringwraiths closing in. Cursing her luck she bade Winter to move faster, pushing the limits of her steed who'd powered through hours of rough terrain and forest to get where they were now and still being urged to go. When they made it to Lord Elrond's lands she swore to reward him with many fruits and sugar cubes.

Out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of Glorfindel, he'd finally caught up. His hair was of shining gold, his eyes were bright and narrowed at the riders. In his hand he drew his sword and slashed out towards one of the riders near the back.

A pained groan from Frodo drew her attention away from the elder elf-warrior and she shushed him.

"Hang on Frodo, we're almost there," she murmured against his forehead

Casting a look behind them she saw one of the nine closing in and her eyes narrowed. Tightening her legs against Winter, she released the reins and pulling a bead out of her hair before throwing it directly at the fucker. Grabbing the reins once more she called for Winter to move faster the horse complying sensing the danger to him and his mistress.

Behind her there was a cry from the Ringwraith only this one wasn't to call out to Frodo, rather one of pain as the bead she'd thrown had her holy energy stored in it. The rider fell from his horse screaming in agony. This was a good distraction as his brethren stopped momentarily to check on him, but too soon he was ambling back on to his horse, half of where his arm had been was just gone as if it wasn't there to begin with.

'Dammit. Should've aimed for his fucking head or chest.'

Just then she saw the Ford of Bruinen and though Winter disliked cold water she pushed him to trek through. Water splashed against the feet and the bottom of her pants. They'd made it to the other side when she heard them, the Black Riders had finally caught up. She stilled Winter as she looked towards them.

"Give us the hobbit," the leader of the Black Riders hissed out at them. His voice sent chills up her spine, it reminded her of something. At the back of her mind a memory sprung forth of her fighting against this one, but she pushed it aside as she couldn't be distracted now. Suddenly she felt it on her senses. 'Lord Elrond.'

Smirking now that she knew things would be alright, Frodo lay against her bosom as she drew her sword out of thin air it seemed like.

"If you want him come and claim him," she seethed raising the weapon in the air.

Frodo eyes were glazed as his eyesight seemed to be fading, along with everything around him. Yet hearing the voice of his beloved second mother and friend kept him from falling into the shadows.

The Ringwraiths took the bait as they drew their swords and began to cross into the river. It was only when they were halfway across did the voice of Elrond grow louder, the water-level began to rising quickly, she turned to look towards the rush of water and damn if she didn't think highly of one of the elven lords before then she thought even higher now as a giant wave in the form of horses rushed their way. The riders tried to turn back but it was too late and they were swept away like a small boat against a tsunami.

Of course victory was short lived as Frodo teetered over the side of the horse, she barely wrapped on to him as they were brought to the ground. His eyes were closed and he was cold to touch.

Cursing she placed his head in her lap and brought her forehead to his. "Stay with me Frodo," she whispered sending out a bit of her power. Till she felt Lord Elrond come closer, his two sons on horseback behind him.

He rushed over and she backed up so he could help heal her dear friend and ward.


'So soft and warm.'

Frodo's hand twitched as it began to move and came in contact with the soft material he'd ever felt, as his eyelashes fluttered opening partially momentarily blinded by light pouring in from behind him. He noticed he was in a bed, as his eyes adjusted and his hand curled into the soft material he glanced through hazy eyesight and realized it wasn't just any material it was silver hair. Hair that was attached to a elven woman he never thought he'd see again. She was asleep in a chair her head resting on the bed her hair much longer than he remembered as he curled his hand around a few strands.

Memories floated back to him. Weathertop. Nazguls. Being Stabbed. Told he was going to turn into one of those wraiths. Kagome.

'She rescued me.'

His eyes fluttered closed as he also remembered the darkness followed by warm light. A male elf's face briefly flashed through his mind speaking words in quenya, the elven language.

"Where am I?" His voice came out slightly hoarse opening his eyes once more as a familiar voice answered him.

"You are in the House of Elrond. It is 10 o'clock in the morning. On October 24th if you want to know," Gandalf answered in between puffing his pipe.

Frodo looked at his dear friend who sat on his other side, smoking as if the past few days...heck this whole adventure of his hadn't even happened. But seeing Kagome still there and laying in this bed in this foreign room was proof of that. Not to mention the sting to his shoulder where the wound from the Nazgul blade lay.

Frodo listened as Gandalf told him how if they hadn't gotten there when they did he probably wouldn't have made it. When he asked why he hadn't met them he was satisfied with his answer.

"Frodo, bless you you're awake" it was Sam rushed forward careful of Kagome, but grasped his friends hand glad he was awake and well.

"Sam has hardly left your side, along with her," Gandalf said to the woman who was now awake and glaring at everyone for making noise, but smiled when she saw Frodo awake. "By the skills of Lord Elrond and Kagome you are awake."

Kagome blushed, "Hardly it was mostly Lord Elrond's doing," she murmured embarrassed to be put on the spot.

Lord Elrond stepped forward.

"Hello Mister Baggins, welcome to Rivendell."

Everyone left to allow Frodo to get dressed, but Kagome lingered to speak with him.

Frodo's legs dangled off the edge of the bed, while she sat in the chair across from him biting her lips as she tried to find the right words. Frodo sensing this started it off. He was bursting with desire to know so much.

'Did she really abandon me?' Was the main question that lingered always in the back of his head and mind.

"Kagome...where have you been? What have you been doing these past twenty-nine years? I waited so long for you to…." he broke off as tears welled up in his eyes and they broke Kagome's heart. His next words killed her. "I-I thought you'd abandoned me."

She shook her head vehemently, grasping his hands into hers.

"Never Frodo, you are the light of my life. You are my greatest joy and comfort. I was born for you Frodo. You may not understand this, but I exist in this world because of you and the great things you shall do. To be by your side and protect you. I—I realize I haven't done the best job of that," she released his hands to run one through her hair.

Hair that had surrounded them in a cocoon as a child, when he sat in her lap as she told him of many wild tales of lands that so far-fetched they couldn't possibly exist.

"Let me explain," she sat up straight nervousness filled her along with guilt but for Frodo and her to move forward she had to tell him everything. "My aunt Rema was my father's sister. I never spoke of it since you were so young, but my parents were killed by bandits when I was but a small child, it was by Valar's grace that I managed to make it to the shire following the road directions and the will to live. Rema took me in when she found out we were related. She raised me with much love and patience; I was a very curious child afterall I'm part Took. When I was thirteen I left because of abrupt changes to my person that I later found out was my body turning into a full ithil'quessir, or moon elf shedding my hobbit half from my father and embracing the immortal half of my mother. I left for two years found a teacher and returned only when your birth was set to come about.

I rarely saw Rema but a few spare times afterwards and when I left you with Bilbo, I decided to turn back and see her before I left on my journey. Rema was sick, old age. Guilt wracked me for being away from her so long, I spent nearly a week taking care of her as they were her last days. I did not bother to see you deciding to let you bond with Bilbo, as well as to dedicate myself fully to my aunt who was like my second mother. On the fifth day, when she passed I couldn't bare it. Rema...she was so full of life and vibrant and that she could age so fast and then gone so quickly—" she broke off to swipe at tears welling up in her eye and Frodo placed a comforting hand over hers.

This was a side of Kagome he'd never seen.

He supposed like Kagome felt for her aunt was the same as he saw her. She was always so vibrant and strong, regalling him with her tales, yet at this moment she seemed so weak and fragile. "You don't have to continue, I forgive you Kaggy-chan for leaving," he used the nickname from his childhood.

She sent him a small smile, shaking her head she cleaned her face up before she spoke, "Nay I must tell you everything. Guilt and heartbreak sat heavy within me when Aunt Rema passed and I ran away and threw myself into another adventure. However, what adventure I am not entirely sure of…" she paused to rub the back of head "I woke up in a small village near Rohan twenty-four years ago. They village woman said she found me near the shore of a river. I couldn't remember anything. It took three years afterwards to get back the majority of my memories all the way up until Rema's death.. There were still five years missing, I set out to find friends in hopes of reclaiming those memories. I knew I should have returned home instead, but every time I set my foot towards Hobbiton sadness overcame me, all the memories I would find there of my time with her...I couldn't."

Frodo hugged her understanding his second mother and friend better now. He felt similar feelings towards Brandy Hall. After leaving with Bilbo his visited twice to check on the state of the place, but rarely went there. All the memories of his parents and Kagome were there.

"I understand, I am truly happy you are back now and couldn't ask for more," Frodo was sincere in his words. All those feeling of abandonment and resentment over it faded replaced with happiness and content that Kagome was finally back with him.

"Although I think maybe adventures aren't for me," he said jokingly rubbing his wound that would never fully heal.

Kagome emotions became shuttered briefly as she held Frodo.

'Forgive me Frodo, for our days of adventure are nigh over.'

While she hadn't heard Midoriko's voice since her memory left her, she knew in her heart that their adventure had only just begun.

She left the room to give Frodo privacy to get dressed and went to clean up evidence of her tears and allow him the chance to reunite with the rest of his friends and Bilbo, who she'd already spoken to. He had aged greatly too since passing on the ring. She'd talk with him twice since he'd come here years ago. His spirit had been tainted by the ring, but Rivendell had lightened him somewhat.

Rivendell seemed to do that for everyone that visited here.

She'd met Lord Elrond a few years after leaving the village she'd woken up in. Passing through the hills at night she heard Tilion, the moon guardian, crying out that elves were in danger. Compelled to follow she came upon a huge fight. Orcs and elves alike scattered the ground bloody and broken, save two elves whom she would later come to know as Elladan and Elrohir, Lord Elrond's twin sons. The elves were surrounded by at least fifty orcs and two huge trolls, that looked rabid from where she'd spied them.

It was only natural to whip out her bow and began to taking them down, pushing bits of her powers into them. After hours of shooting and then rushing forth with her blade when she'd run out of arrows, they finally brought down the trolls together with the coming of dawn. The elven men offered her rest in their home in Rivendell. Its beauty shined like something out of a fairy tale. Beautiful homes built on either side of the valley with gentle a river curving down the center with a bridge connecting both sides. The sun rising in the distance cast a golden glow on the land below them. Of course she didn't stay long, she visited every few months learning things from Arwen when she stopped by, but otherwise preferred to travel.

Entering the room Lord Elrond allowed her to use whenever she came for one of her visits. It wasn't very large. It held a nice size bed and a trunk for her things with an adjoining room with no roof to allow light in to illuminate the small pool of water and a nice view of the valley from the balcony connected to her room. She knew when night fell, that the view of the moon from her balcony was a sight to behold.

Every time she gazed upon it she heard the song of Tilion.

It was beautiful melody that held her entranced in its soft timber.

It revitalized her and gave her strength. Over the years her eyes became less blue and more silver with chips of gold at the center had appeared. Arwen told her this was due to Arien, guardian of the sun, being the center of his attention. And indeed she'd heard his song when a total eclipse had come years ago.

She held a similar memory from when she was but a child and her mother sang her the same one she'd heard as a child. For some reason she felt a little more connected to the mother she did not have the chance to know before coming to this world. Men, elves, and hobbits sang the songs passed on from the first ithil'quessirs.

The male voice that she'd heard back then, she'd not truly known where it had come from. Only able to listen as he sang of an ethereally woman whose was gracious and shining beauty, that what he wished for more than ever was to be close to her and hold her. To love her. Alas she shined to brightly for him to do more than gaze at her from afar.

It was beautiful and she'd wept even after the total eclipse had ended.

She gathered some clothes and went to wash herself up.

Lord Elrond had informed them all that Council of Free People would start tomorrow now that the ring bearer, Frodo, was awake. Men, dwarf lords, and elf lords alike had been arriving the past few days, though she'd spent most her time by Frodo's side. Of course, she'd caught up with her second cousin Meriadoc Brandybuck otherwise known as Merry. She hadn't seen him since her was a little boy. She still remembered Aunt Rema on one of her better days of health slapping him up in the face for stealing into the Haggins' house. Then his mother had come and she'd torn into his hide as well.

Merry had blushed, while Pippin and Sam had laughed heartily at the story and their friend's subsequent embarrassment.

The sun had begun it's descent, barely realizing the day had passed between her talk with Frodo and entrapped within her mind.

She stripped out of her worn traveling clothes setting them in the basket within the room. The small pool was spelled to be warm, surrounded by smooth rocks. Water trickled in through hole in the wall creating a small waterfall. As she eased her body into the warm waters she headed for the tiny waterfall leaning back her head to let the water clean away any dirt.

It was rare to go so long without bathing, but she hadn't wanted to leave Frodo's side the past four days he'd been unconscious and the journey to Rivendell had been a long one with very little rest. She bathed before moving from under the water. She sat against the edge where she'd laid her comb and oil. Dabbing some on her hair she combed her hair diligently. Some days she was real annoyed with the length given how heavy it was, but knew the old her would've envied this length and luster. She braided her hair into a french braid, before sinking back into the water to recline against the stones.

Moonlight shone from above, it's rays bathing her skin in its light.

Her hand ran down from underneath her bosom to her ribs traveling under the clear water to her thighs, just as markings etched into her skin lit up. 'Ithildin.' She wasn't sure where they'd come from, only that they must have been done in the five missing years from her memories. It was Arwen who'd asked her about the markings when they bathed together many years ago.

Ithildin, an alloy derived from mithril. It was only made visible by starlight or moonlight and used for gateways and portals, but never had it been tattooed on a person. She'd shrugged off the elder elf-woman's awe at being able to withstand the pain to have that put on her. Of course she'd never had a tattoo done in her previous life, but somehow she could agree with Arwen that it had hurt like hell.

Her still reflection in the water showed off a particular one on her forehead that had a tick mark appeared. The first time she'd seen it made her wonder if she'd been fucking drunk to get that damn tattoo. Because smack dab in the middle of her forehead was a crescent moon like the one Lord Sesshoumaru's.

'Sure it looks cute, but what the hell was I thinking when I got these.'

All the other ones could been hidden by clothes so you wouldn't see them glow unless she was naked, but one on her damn face. 'Thank goodness for my long hair.' Her bangs were able to hide them during the night so the moon's light would not touch them.

There was still so much missing and the little bits and pieces she got, she wished she could connect. But nothing seemed to ring true to solve the puzzle that was her mind. Where had she gotten Ithildin it was just as rare as the metal it was derived from, but it was made by elves. Had she spent time in an elven encampment.

Despite being one she spent very little time around her own kind, usually she was training with Radagast or spent her time near sailing along the coast of Gondor fighting the creatures below like the sea-serpents, even traveling far east towards Rhun for some fun fighting against Sauron's forces. Absentmindedly she wondered the look Frodo would have on his face if he knew she'd spent a good week traveling on the back of a Kine of Araw, the large cattle-like creature that frequented the plains around the Sea of Rhun. It was the week her horse, Winter, had another episode and refused to leave the stables bordering the Rhovanion plains. Some would say it was sign not to go further and eventually she did turned back when King, the name she'd given the kine she'd rode upon always seemed to stumble upon trouble.

Seeing her skin growing pruny she decided to get out and rest up for the council meeting tomorrow to determine the fate of Middle Earth.

Review Tell Me What You Think!

Author's Note #2: I think the things that irritated me the most with the movies is that it made it seem like the War of the Ring occured over a few weeks to a month or two, when in all actuality it was nearly thirteen months occurring from September 26, 3018 to November of 3019, as the war doesn't end at Sauron's defeat but rather months later after remnants of Sauron's allies and forces are also defeated. I tried to put more of the original characters from the book into the story, while having Kagome still take a more central part.