Emily bit her lip in fear as she looked at Danny. He'd promised that everything would be okay, that he would take care of her. And what about the game? If her stepfather did something to hurt Danny, that would mean that he won the game, and that she and Danny lost. There had to be a way to get to home base; they just had to find their way to Danny's boss. But how?

Emily placed her small hand in Danny's hand, and as she did so, she happened to glance down the hall. A door had opened, and a man wearing a navy blue suit was carefully making his way inside.

With her free hand, Emily patted Danny's arm and pointed down the hall.


Even as he breathed a silent sigh of relief, Danny could barely believe his eyes. Steve had found another entrance and was making his way slowly down the hall. Just before entering the room, Steve went down on his hands and knees and crawled the rest of the way in.


Steve quietly sat beside his second-in-command, then realized that there was a little girl sitting on the other side of Danny. He tapped Danny's shoulder and pointed to the child.

Danny mouthed, "Emily…Seamus' stepdaughter."

Steve hadn't expected this. He needed to get the little girl out before anything else happened. Leaning in front of Danny, Steve whispered, "Emily, did you see the door I entered? I need you to leave by that same door. Right now."

He watched as Danny nodded his agreement and whispered, "It's all right, Emily. Go ahead."

The two men looked on as the little girl crawled down the hall, then Danny whispered. "Steve, I don't have my gun."

"Don't worry about it, Danno," Steve whispered back. "I won't let it get that far. Come on, stand up."


Danny didn't know what his boss had in mind, but he trusted Steve with his life. He took the walkie-talkie Steve offered him and watched as Steve removed his gun from its holster. Together they rose from the floor and turned to face the lobby.


Steve placed himself between Danny and Seamus. Holding the revolver out in front of him, he spoke.

"All right, Seamus. I've done what you asked. I've got Williams with me, so let these hostages go."


Seamus turned away from the windows and looked in the direction of the counter. Behind it was the man that had put his brother away.

You're gonna get it, Williams. We was a team, me and Ray - and you split us up. Now you're gonna pay.

Paying no attention to the man between them or the gun Steve McGarrett held, Seamus ran toward the cop he hated, his own gun pointed out.


Steve had hoped to avoid this, but he had no choice. Quickly aiming, he pulled the trigger and fired his gun.

He hurried around the counter to where Seamus had fallen to the ground. As he felt for a pulse, he quietly told the hostages to leave the building, but to remain on the premises.

"Danno, radio Chin. Tell him to get an ambulance for Seamus - he's just barely alive. Then he and Kono, and probably a couple officers from HPD, need to start getting statements from the hostages."


Danny did as he was asked, then looked at Steve.

"What about the girl? Steve, I think he beat her."

Steve started to answer, but closed his mouth when he saw Emily rush into the room from the hallway, tears streaming down her face.

Danny got down on his knees and wrapped his arms around the little girl as she threw hers around his neck.

"Emily, I thought you were outside," he said a few moments later.

"I'd just gotten outside when I heard a gun go off," she answered. "Danny, I thought Poppy shot you."

Danny withdrew from the embrace and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped away Emily's tears as he said, "No, honey, I'm fine. And you know what? The game's over. We won."

Emily smiled. "We did? We made it to home base?"

The sandy-haired cop glanced at his boss, then looked back at Emily. "No…home base made it to us."


Steve didn't know what Danny was talking about, but he was sure his friend would fill him in later. For the time being, it was enough that Danny - and every other hostage involved - was safe.