Here's the next chapter, guys! Sorry this took so much longer than usual! Enjoy!

Fushimi opened his eyes to see the ceiling of a hospital room. After looking around, he guessed that he was in the Scepter 4 clinic. How did he get here? The last thing he remembered was Misaki's face. As he struggled to sit up, pain shot through him from his side. That's right, he had gotten stabbed. That still didn't explain how he got here. In the midst of battle, it wasn't uncommon for someone to be left to bleed to death on the ground.
Just then, the door to his hospital room slid open, and Munakata Reisi stepped through.
"C-Captain?" Fushimi was more than a little surprised that the man now standing in his room had come to visit him.
"Well come back to the world of the living, Saruhiko Fushimi," The taller man gave Fushimi a small nod as he approached his bed and sat down.
"Sir, what are you doing here?" Fushimi asked, somewhat disbelieving.
"Can't I come visit my poor, injured subordinates?" The captain chuckled slightly, which caused the other to give him an even more incredulous look.
"That boy saved you, you know. The one you saved. I was quite surprised when he came to me with you in his arms, begging for help. I have no idea how he even managed to carry you," Munakata uncharacteristically laughed.
"Tell me something," He suddenly became serious. "Why did you leave HOMRA to join Scepter 4?" Fushimi was more than a little taken aback by the sudden question. He opened his mouth, then frowned and closed it again.
"I-I don't see how that's relevant, sir," He said eventually, unable to think of anything else. Munakata smiled to himself.
"Very well," He chuckled softly, and then stood up again before speaking again, in a more serious tone this time. "I don't know your reason for doing what you did, but I cannot tolerate your actions. If you do something like that again, I will have to punish you."
"I'm very sorry, sir, it won't happen again," Fushimi apologized, looking down.
"I find that hard to believe," Munakata responded, smiling somewhat bitterly. "Goodbye." He turned and walked towards the door, but just before he stepped out of the room, he looked back over his shoulder.
"Oh, by the way, you have a visitor." Fushimi was a little surprised by his captain's words. Who would take the time to come visit him in the hospital? He wasn't exactly on good terms with anyone and he knew it. He sat in silence for a few minutes, left to his thoughts as he looked out the window to his left. He was brought back to reality when he heard the door opening and closing again. He looked in the direction of the sound, to see the last person he had expected to visit him.
"M-Misaki? What are you doing here?" He was so taken aback that he could barely speak.
"You damned monkey," Was all that Misaki said in a wavering voice as he moved to sit next to his former partner's hospital bed. They both sat in silence for what seemed like ages, with Fushimi staring at Misaki and Misaki staring down at the floor.
"Why did you do that?!" Misaki Shouted all of a sudden. All Fushimi could do was blink and stare, wide-eyed, at the other boy.
"Why would you… Put yourself in that much danger… For me?!" He demanded. "I would punch you right now if you weren't already seriously injured!"
"You're still the same as ever, I see, Misaki," He said, looking down as he smiled to himself. "But I'm happy. You came to visit me." He looked back up at Misaki, his smile genuine rather than his normal, sadistic one.
"You still haven't answered my question!" He pushed.
"It's because," Fushimi inhaled deeply before he spoke again. "I don't want to lose you. All I want is for you to look at me." Misaki looked stunned, as if Fushimi's words had completely shattered his reality. He didn't understand this. He couldn't understand what he was saying. The man in front of him was the one who betrayed him, what the hell did he mean by he didn't want to lose him? The words he spoke were ones he said to him almost every time they met, but the way he said them now… No, the way Misaki was able to understand them now… Their meaning was very, very different.

"Saru… What…?" Misaki could barely find any words to say. Then, Fushimi's defense mechanism went up. The one where he wore that slightly insane, mocking smile of his. The one where he said the worst things to Misaki.
"Don't be so stupid," He said, his usual mocking tone returning. "Did you actually believe that, Misaki? You're so gullible." Why was he doing this? He didn't know. Maybe it was because he didn't want to admit his feelings, to himself or to Misaki. Maybe it was because he was scared that Misaki would hate him so much that he would stop looking at him completely.

Hey guys, I hope that you enjoyed it! Please leave me a review!