Well, I just woke up at 4:30am my time which sucks hard, but at least I get an early start on Sinnoh! And I'd like to thank JohtoBlue for the constructive criticism, I'll be sure to take that all into account, and to Monfernofreak, I totally tricked you with that battle ;) I don't have much else to say other than thanks, so let's get this thing started!

On a side note, there will be some epilogue chapters in Hoenn that I'll begin to write, such as Owen vs Quinn/(Maybe) Brian vs Quinn/And I might do a Latios or Latias episode too.

Owen's team (empty)

"Professor. Oak, I've decided that I want to go to the Sinnoh region," Owen told the elderly man. He had just celebrated his twelfth birthday and he was beginning to grow tired of sitting around and waiting at home. Professor. Oak placed his hand on the boy's shoulder and he nodded.

"Very well. I will contact my colleague, Professor. Rowan and let him know that you are going to the Sinnoh region." Owen nodded and walked outside to see all of his Hoenn Pokemon who cheered as he walked outside.

"Hey guys," Owen said as he walked over towards them. "I'm leaving today and I wanted to say goodbye to all of you guys. You did a great job and I'm really proud of all of you." The Pokemon all nodded.

"Dude, you have any idea what he's talking about?" Swellow asked Skarmory quietly.

"Not at all," he whispered back to Swellow.

"I'll see you guys in a few months," Owen told his Pokemon as he waved goodbye. Every single one of them waved back, making his departure that much harder. He walked back into the lab and Professor. Oak hung up the telephone.

"OK, your boat leaves in an hour and Professor. Rowan can't wait to meet you." Owen nodded and thanked the professor as he walked outside and down the road to the dock. His clothing attire had changed since his Hoenn journey. He wore a red under armour sweatshirt (when it was cold), with a plain gray shirt underneath, blue shorts, high black socks, black shoes, and a black backpack. His hair was now short and it turned blonde (only during the colder months) and he grew quite a bit.

"Well, this is it." He turned to see Pallet town disappearing as he boarded the boat to venture on towards the Sinnoh region, where he hoped to meet and befriend all new Pokemon. As he sat in his room, patiently waiting for the boat to take him to the foreign, he turned the TV on and he changed to the PBN. It was a rerun of Brian's battle against Quinn to go to the top 4. The girl didn't stand a chance and Brian totally crushed her. As he layed down in bed, he began to doze off, slowly but surely.


"Welcome to the Sinnoh region, folks! We have now just arrived in Twinleaf town. To all of you trainers, good luck and stay safe!" the captain hollered, causing Owen to wake up. He looked outside his window and turned to see a quaint town appearing.

"Twinleaf town huh? These places names just keep getting weirder and weirder," Owen told himself as he got off of the boat. The town was puny and Owen went searching for the Pokemon laboratory immediately. He went from house to house, hoping that his luck would turn around each time, but it didn't.

"Excuse me, but are you lost?" Owen turned to see a girl. She had dirty blonde hair that was all over the place in some crazy style that must've been "stylish" in Sinnoh. There was a pink streak on the right side of her hair and a blue streak on the left side. Her eyes were pale blue to go along with tan skin. She wore cargo shorts, a white tee shirt and combat boots.

"Yeah, do you know where Professor. Rowan's lab is?" She put her hand up against her chin and she thought hard.

"Sandgem town which is the next town over," she told Owen while pointing to the east. Owen nodded and thanked the girl as he walked away and towards Snadgem town.

"Sandgem town? Who the hell picked these names?" Owen muttered to himself once he was out of ear shot from everyone. As he reached the grassy area of the first Route, 201, he to immediately forgot which way the girl pointed to. "I think she said left," Owen told himself. He walked to the left and then through a series of trees before he stopped at a lake. In the center was a small cavern, but he didn't dare swim out that far. On the ground was a satchel, even though he felt it was wrong, he picked through it and found three Pokeballs!

He looked around trying to make it look like he wasn't stealing the Pokemon that was in asked in the Pokeball he had picked up and when he felt it was safe, he threw the Pokeball into the air. "Go!" A small green turtle appeared. It had a yellow jaw, a small twig on its head, and a small brown shell that covered its back. The small Pokemon was rather interesting. It seemed very different compared to other Pokemon. It seemed like it was happy to see Owen even though the Pokemon didn't know him at all.

"Hey! Get away from my Pokemon!" Owen was startled to see an older man running towards him, flailing his arms around. "Who do you think you are!?" he asked, ready to take down the child in a matter of seconds.

"Owen Plateau?" Owen replied as his voice rose, making it sound like he asked. The man immediately cooled down and withdrew the Pokemon back to its Pokeball.

"Good to meet you Owen. My name is Professor. Rowan."

I think that's the longest any of the first chapters to a region have been! So Owen has arrived in Sinnoh and hasn't exactly fit in yet. Who is this Professor. Rowan? Find out next time! Till then, peace out

1) Who do you think Owen will start with?

2) Who do you want to see Owen start with?

3) Who the hell is naming these towns?