Me: Hi, its been awhile! So R.G.B.H.M... that's a long acronym, is finished and I want to thank you guys for your patience. To my newer readers I hope you can wait a little bit longer for me to start this story up again. I sort of forgot were I was going to do with it.

Disclaimer: I don't own shake it up!

Beep* Beep* Beep*. Kieth hit his alarm clock and moaned slowly.

"Ugh, so tired." He said as he got out of his bed. He had spent all last hanging out with Gunther. Even if it wasn't a date kieth was out of his mind happy. They even gave each other there cell phone numbers. He looked over to his clock and jumped out of bed.

"I better start getting ready, were supposed to be heading to the beach today."

( Mindy's point of view... )

I woke this morning with a new determination to cause some havoc. I can't let Ty and his stupid touchy feely words get to me. Even if it was my fault Dads gone, I can just take it out on them. They all deserve it anyway.

"Mindy!" A scream pierced my ear drums from outside my bedroom door. It's that god damn Pen-pen again. Doesn't she have anything better to do than bug me? "Mindy, wake up sleepy head! It's beach day Saturday. Beach day Saturday!" She chanted. Beach day? When the hell did I agree to go to that? Why would I go to that?

I got up, opened the door and Pen-pen fell to the floor. She was already dressed for the beach in her purple bikini top and light blue board shorts. Her white daisy encrusted sun glasses fell of her face.


"Ewww! Don't call me that." She whined still on the floor.

"*sigh* Pen-pen, when did we decide to go to the beach?"

"Oh, *We* didn't. CeCe and the gang said we should go this weekend and I'm taking you with me. I get show off muh boobs!" She smiled... then realized what she said and blood quickly rushed to her face. "Didn't mean to say that out loud, haha." I sighed again. Why can't she just go away?

"Whatever. I don't feel like it so I'm not going. And since when is there a beach in Chicago?"

"Duh, the great lakes. There basically like beaches." I guess she was right.

"Oh right. Well yeah I'm good have fun." I said while getting back on my bed. She started pouting.

"Come ooonnnn. I really want them to meet you. And do you really want to sit up in here all day with that crazy Rosa and you equally insane mother?" I genuinely laughed and she smiled and stared at me.


"There's my old cousin. Where have you been!" she said hugging me. I would push her of but... it's been awhile since someone has hugged me.

"I don't know what your talking about."

"You used to look so much happier when we were younger. Me you and Dina, I wonder why she doesn't remember me? Well I did only show up during the summer. But you two were besties. Why don't you hang out anymore?"

A sharp pain went through my chest when she said that. I don't care about Dina, she cut me out of her life so what's the point. And she destroyed my father with out a bat of an eyelash. That girl is dead to me.

"She doesn't remember me..." I said plainly. Pen-pen eyes widened in shock.

"Really, how is that possible?"

"When we got to middle school, my dad had to go to England for a year and I went with him. When I got back Dina had completely forgotten me. She got a boyfriend and a whole new group of friends. I tried to remind her who I was but... she just kept saying *I'm sorry I just don't know who you are, now please leave me alone." I gave up after while." Pen-pen looked like she was going cry but she got up and put her hands on her hips.

"Well then, were just gonna have to force her to remember! You have to come Mindy!" She yelled determinedly. This was a bad idea. If I go then Pen-pen will know I was the girl they were talking about. But wait, Maybe I can work with that. I could pretend to be sorry for everything I did, befriend everyone, then destroy them from the inside. This is perfect! and Ty already had a *talk* with me. He could push the idea that I've changed. This just might work! I'll have to tell Rosa later though.

"Alright I'll go..."


( With Deuce... )

"You kids ready for the beach!" Miss Jones yelled as she put a float on the back of a van they rented.

"I don't know why we don't do this instead of going to that stupid cabin every summer." CeCe said while rubbing some sunscreen on her arms. Her mother glared at her and Rocky silently giggled behind them. This was going to be so fun!

"Baby, can I put sunscreen on you when we get there?" Ty said wrapping his arms around my waist like he always does. Its still made me squeal inside.

"S-sure." I said nervously as Ty smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Ugh! Why don't I have a boyfriend?" CeCe yelled, throwing her arms in the air.

"Well for one, your not very smart, your obsessed with your looks, you still have tea parties with your-"

"Shut up Flynn!" She yelled, covering his mouth. "Well we should all get going now."

"Wait where's Pen-Pen?" Rocky asked.

"Here I am!" Pen-Pen yelled as she ran up to us dragging someone by their wrist. Wait a second... Is that Mindy?!

Me: Hope you liked the chapter. Please review!