A/N: Okay, so one person asked for an epilogue so I wrote it. Hope it just finishes everything off for everyone.

Finis means end in Latin by the way

Disclaimer: I own nothing


It had been almost 2 months since John and Sherlock had been allowed to return to 221B Baker Street and John was updating his blog for the first time.

Hello readers. I'm sorry that I haven't written up anything in a very long time; it's been stressful. As you probably know, Sherlock and I have spent a lot of time in hospital and Sherlock had to have his leg amputated. Thank you for all the well-wishes and yes, we are okay and well on the way to recovery. DI Lestrade has begun to give us cases again so there will be more case reports on the way, even if these will probably contain less running around London. Sherlock assures me that he is perfectly capable of running but he is still slightly unsteady on his feet and so I'm not sure that we'll be rushing around for a while.

Here John paused, wondering how to put the next bit. He decided just to go all out with it and carried on writing.

Sherlock and I are now in a relationship. A more than platonic one. It seems that my love for him was not unrequited and we are very happy together. But I know you just want to say, 'I knew it!' Or 'I told you so!' and so there is your opportunity. Hopefully, I'll update with more cases soon.

This is Dr John Watson, over and out.

He read the post back to himself, realising that it was a little more light-hearted than usual but well, he had been through a lot and his readers didn't need to know all of that. As he submitted the post, Sherlock entered the room, still limping slightly on his left leg.

"What are you up to?"

"Writing my blog."

"Ah yes. Of course, my erstwhile blogger must keep our fans updated. Did you write about us?" he asked

"Us as in you and me in a relationship? Yes, I did," John said with a smile. Sherlock nodded, also smiling. He ran his slender fingers through the doctor's short blonde hair.

"My doctor, my blogger, my John. Don't ever leave me. Remember through everything I do, everything I say, I always love you. There will be times when I do not appreciate you or I offend you or - " John held up his hand, cutting Sherlock off.

"Sherlock Holmes, you're worth the work." The detective smiled and John smiled too, his fingers curling around Sherlock's. Neither of them were going anywhere. Neither of them were gone.
