A/N: Here's the third chapter. I'm sorry, I can't write a lemon. But, I boosted the rating to R because there is a little action, but nothing graphic. Things might be a little OOC at the end. I'm sorry again, for those who wanted a lemon, but I just can't write that. C'mon, I'm only 13! Ah oh well, I hope you enjoy this chapter anyway.

' ' = thought

Disclaimer: I don't own CB and the song Striptease by Hawksley Workman. I decided to use the song again because I just like it so much, and for a scene change.

Tension, Relieved

Jet scrolled down the screen to another bounty. "Millie LePard, goes by the name of Leopard. She lures in her victims and kills them. Wanted for three counts of murder..."

Spike lay back onto the yellow back of the couch. Putting his feet up nonchalantly, he took a long drag of the cigarette between his lips. He was bored and decided to rake in some extra cash for some good food. As Jet ranted on and on about the bounty and how Spike and Faye should get off of their lazy asses and finally do something, Spike blocked him out with thoughts from the previous days. 'Man... They just had to come back... She looked so good, damn. Everything was goin' my way and I coulda had the best mother fu-'

"Yo, Spike? Are you listening to me?" Jet ended his train of thought.

"Huh... What?" he asked almost annoyed.

"I said the bounty is pretty decent, 4 million. And I think you'll like this one, buddy. The leopard is a stripper," the older man threw a friendly punch at Spike.

"Oh really?" He was interested now. The room filled with laughter as Jet made jokes about Spike and his interest in that sort of things. After toying with Faye and being caught with her on the couch, Jet wouldn't let this die down soon and Spike wouldn't be hearing the end of it any time soon. Faye heard the laughing and decided to see what all the commotion was about.

"And what is so funny?" she asked as she waltzed elegantly into the room. A picture of the bounty caught her eye. The bounty was pretty and Faye wondered what was up with this one. She bent down to the screen as Spike got an eyeful of her nice backside. 'Millie Lepard... a stripper? What the hell...' she glared at the screen. "I hope I don't have to come along on this one," was her complaint. When Faye wanted to be the center of Spike's attention, she didn't want anyone else catching his eye, especially if they were in strip club. After all, Faye was developing a hold on Spike and jealousy would soon be around the corner. She turned around to Spike, who immediately looked up at her. His cheeks turned a faded red as he hoped she didn't catch him looking. He hid his blush even more by distracting her with his words, "Why not? It'll be fun. Just you and me, how about it?" A smirk hinted to her that they would do more than just bounty hunting.

Faye smirked too, agreeing with his offer. "Hmm... I guess I'll go. Things are getting dull around here anyway." A friendly wink assured his hinting smirk and the anticipation grew and swirled inside of both of them. Jet folded his arms as he watched the two hunter's odd behavior and was glad he himself wasn't going. This was going to be one hell of a bounty hunt.

I called, you came

I called, you came

It seems to be our only way

I'll be dreamin' of the kissin'

That I'm missin'

Truly wishin' that you listen

When I sweetly ask you to

Striptease for me, baby

Striptease for me, baby

Striptease for me, baby


The music blared and the bass shook the windows of the club as Spike and Faye stepped in. Being a gentleman, he held the door open for Faye. Surprised at his courtesy, she thanked him with a little pinch. Need I say where? He smirked and followed her inside.

The two sat at a table, close to the stage so they could identify Millie by her description. Faye understood the part about sitting close to the stage, but did they have to get the closest table? It was nearly part of the stage. "Gee Spike, don't you think we're a little out in the open?" she asked sarcastically. Her question stopped him in his tracks. He was scooting his char just a little bit closer and looked at her with big eyes, hoping she wouldn't catch on. Too late, Faye realized what he was doing and gave him a disgusted look. He gave his goofy grin and scratched the back of his head.

"Well?" She asked.

"Don't worry. Look, the place is starting to fill up. We just came a little ea-"

"Not that!" She interrupted. Faye grabbed the back of his chair and pulled him backwards. It made a loud screeching noise that made heads turn in their direction. Things stood silent and little snickers in the back of the room could be heard. "Oh." He said dully. "Looks like he came here with his mother," a man in the back joked. Faye didn't like playing mother, but what she just did was, somewhat mother-like. She treated him like a child who sat too close to the television.

"Spike I'm-" She began.

"Shh, it's starting," He hushed her. And as he began to be entranced by the shadows of various women behind a sheer curtain, Faye finished in her head, 'sorry.' A sigh escaped from her lips without her knowing. This wasn't so fun after all.

On the other hand, Spike was enjoying himself. Though he played it cool, Faye knew he was as happy on the inside. But he wasn't happy as he could be. He would have chosen Faye over this, little did she know. Oh well.

A few dancers exited off of the stage after their number was done and waved a friendly "Hi" to Spike. Before he waved back, he turned to Faye to see if he was allowed to. She looked away. He could tell she was bored. A tinge of guilt hit him and he put his hand down and stared in the opposite direction of the dancers. They weren't exactly together, and he didn't have to listen to Faye but looking at other women the way he was didn't seem right either.

Thoughts of guilt were soon forgotten as the stage became covered with colorful lights and the main attraction stepped out. "Gentlemen, Please welcome our special lady, the Leopard!" a feminine voice announced. The music boomed and so did the Leopard, if you know what I mean. Her moves were smooth and seductive. 'Ha. Is that all? I could do better than that' Faye huffed to herself. Men whistled and cheered at the Leopard, but her main target was at the center table. A young man, who was wickedly good looking, she thought, caught her eye. She danced her way over in her leopard print mini skirt and matching top that revealed way too much. Faye glared. 'It's not that I'm jealous or anything' she folder her arms and looked away.

The Leopard danced around Spike until she made one whole circle around him. She sat on his lap, still moving to the beat. Faye grew redder and her eyes thinner. She watched the bounty's hands as they slid behind Spike's neck and brought her face closer to Spikes.

"How about you come around the back with me, after my number is over?" the Leopard asked. She gave him a wink, "You won't regret it." She pulled on his tie as Spike tried to resist. "Please," she said with a fake pout.

"Well you know - " Spike began, but stopped. Only because Faye stood behind the Leopard, towering with anger. Faye had to do something and get this bimbo off of Spike. Why? She had no idea, but she one angry woman and she didn't really need a good reason to take Millie Lepard a.k.a. the Leopard, (whatever) off of Spike, even if it meant beating her.

"Well what?" the bounty whispered into his ears. Faye tapped the Leopard on the shoulder, "Excuse me, if I'm interrupting."

The Leopard shooed her away without looking, "Yeah well you are," she said annoyed.

Faye's eyebrows ticked in frustration. "You know, you should leave him alone."

"Look if you want this one, I'm sorry. What's a ho like you trying to take my own customers. You don't even work here, go get your own men somewhere else."

That did it. Faye exploded and grabbed the bounty by the hair. She screamed in pain from Faye's vicious grip. Faye let go as all the men in the club looked to see what was happening. "What is your problem!?" the Leopard screamed and slapped Faye. It was one fat slap and Spike cringed, not at the slap, but at what Faye was going to do next after that. "That's it!" Faye said heatedly. She delivered a hard punch in the face and continued the beating with occasion elbow jabbing. Bouncers from all areas ran to the scene, trying to pull Faye off of the Leopard. Spike joined in too, trying to stop Faye. She looked up and glared like a wolf, bearing teeth, and all men backed away slowly. They feared getting bitten. Spike tried again. "Faye, I'm sorry!" he yelled over the Leopard's screaming.

Faye stopped her punch and the woman under her cringed, waiting for the pain to come and subside. The bouncers took their chance and grabbed Faye. One of them turned to Spike, "Thanks, but we're going to have to send you out." He only nodded.

Spike stepped out as Faye was dumped on her bottom, outside of the club's doors. She sat there, ashamed of what she had just done. Spike looked up at the sky; it was dark already. He lit a cigarette, took a long drag and sighed the smoke out. Faye was often troublesome, but this time, she went through trouble for him. 'I don't think she was really jealous... Maybe she was...' He thought. "That was some show huh."

"I only punched her cause she called me a ho. How dare she -"

He knew that wasn't the real reason for cutting loose on a stripper like that. "No I meant the actual show," he dared to toy with her now. She only glared up at him, then gave up shortly. "Did you really like it?" she laughed a bit.

He stood there in thought; "I've had better." He smiled down at her.

"Oh really?" she asked with a hint of seduction as he held a hand out to help her up.

"I'm not talking about you," he joked.

"Who then?" she pulled him along as she walked.

Spike rubbed his chin in thought for a while. "See, I knew it. It's me," Faye laughed.

"Hey do you wanna have a drink? We might as well enjoy ourselves while we can, Jet's gonna have a fit when he finds out we missed out on another bounty," he offered.

"Ha yeah... That was some left hook I gave her. I guess a drink would be good. Lead the way, cowboy."

The two strolled off into the street that was dimly light with white lights.

**** Meanwhile at the Bebop, Jet was cookin' up a storm. He flipped the bell peppers in the pan with out a spatula. Ed waited at his side, hungrily. Hers and Ein's eyes reflected the flames and the delicious bell peppers.

Jet turned to his com. unit. 'They don't even bother to check in. They should at least do that. They're so irresponsible. What could be taking them so long...' Another thought just popped into his mind and he shuddered, 'Eh... They know better than do to that...'

"Jet-person?" Ed asked quietly.

"Yeah? What is it Ed?"

"Jet-person, what's a c-o-n-d-o-m?" She asked innocently and she spelled it out.

Jet dropped the dishtowel in his hands. "Uh... Ed, where did you learn that?"

"Edward found some!" she exclaimed.

"Where..." he asked slowly.

"Ed doesn't have any more but Spike-person has a lot!" The little red head grabbed Jet by the hand and lead Jet to Spikes room. She pointed to his dresser. "See?"

On top of the drawer were 2 packages of rubbers, but there was still one missing. Ed turned around with one of them on her pointing finger. "Puppets!" she exclaimed as she waved to Jet. 'So that's where they went.'

"Ed! Don't touch that!" He scolded. He counted again... 'These usually come in four packs. If there's two left here, and Ed opened one... One was still missing.'

"Oh..." Jet said out loud.

**** Meanwhile...

Spike tapped his pocket to see if "it" was still there, and it was. The two sat at the bar and drank a couple a beers. Faye was careful not to get drunk, if something was going to happen, just in case, she wanted to be aware of what was happening. Not that she was counting on it or anything. Faye scolded her self for thinking such things. 'What's wrong with me?' She looked over to Spike.

He looked up at her. 'I never seen her fight like that...'

Faye looked away, 'Why am I wasting my time'

Spike drank his beer, 'Does she care if I like other women?'

Faye glanced at him again, 'Oh yeah... That's what's wrong with me...'

'What's wrong with me? I'm sitting at a bar with Faye, drinkin' a beer with a condom in my pocket.'

Faye sipped her drink; 'It's all this tension...'

(Spike) 'It's driving-'

(Faye) '-me'

(Both) '-crazy'

They both looked up at each other, "Hey uh, Spike/Faye" They said at the same time. They both laughed nervously at their unison. Why were they nervous? They weren't before, why are they so bashful now? They would think as they went back to drinking. They weren't drunk; in fact their alcohol tolerance was pretty high so they were just fine. Anyway, they weren't nervous before, but they are now. Maybe it's because they were growing closer and they didn't recognize it, or even if they did, they didn't want to admit it. Admitting it, that was the problem. That's what caused all this tension.

'Well, it's about time I put an end to it then.' Spike thought.

"Hey Faye," he spoke up and she immediately looked up. "I was thinking... do you think we would ever end up... you know since we been partners for a while, a couple of years in fact... So do you think we'd..."

"End up doing..."

"Er. yeah." He scratched his head. "You know, all this tension isn't good. So what do you say..."

"We... get rid of it?" she interjected.

"Right now?" Spike asked eagerly. Just then he realized he was loosing his cool and he laughed nervously at what he said. Faye joined in too laughing at both of their silly behavior.

"Who are we kidding... You do, want to... right?" Faye asked slowly.

"Yeah... Only if you want to. Cause if you don't I understand but I want you to know that-"

Faye hushed him, "Yeah I know, you're making me nuts too. Why do you think I punched out that stripper?"

Both of them just laughed and became locked into a stare, a deep stare. They leaned in closer... and closer.

A few good hours later...

In a hotel room, Spike lay back next to Faye. His and her clothes were piled next to the bed. Faye rested her head on his chest, both we're breathing heavily from exhaustion. She traced his defined chest with her finger. Spike had his arm around her and caressed her smooth upper back.

"You know, we should do this more often," Faye laughed.

He smirked at her. "Yeah... I can feel the tension already starting to build up all over again..."

Today wasn't so bad after all...

A/N: The end? Hmm... Man this is probably the longest entry I have ever submitted. Well I hoped you enjoyed... sorry about the no lemon thing and the OOCness. Don't forget to review!!! =)