A/N I had intended to stop the story after the wedding but I really wanted to end this like I started. I know I kinda of tricked you guys a little but I figured I might as well be honest. For some reason last week I wasn't as emotional as I am right now because I knew it wasn't the end. But now the real end is here and I really just don't want it to end. But all good things do end in their own time. And so, with as much love and appreciation as I can muster, thank you all so much and I will miss you.

Goofy4ever: Thank you so much for being a faithful reader and reviewer. I am so happy you've enjoyed this journey as much as I have.

Spirit Kiss: I did. I had to be honest in a way because originally that was going to be the end but the more I thought about it the more i realized I had to go on just a bit longer. I hope you're not too mad.

Avalongirl55: I have tears in my eyes right now because it really is the end not the fake end. Thank you for walking the journey with me.

Jazybear.9: Sadly, I do not have any intention of doing a spin off but maybe someday I'll be inspired to come back and I hope you all will join me.

wood-morning: *laughs hysterically before giving you a standing ovation* Well, done I was wondering if anyone would wonder about that and that was what I had to show you before this could truly end.

Sarah (Guest): Well, not quite the end but thank you. Sorry, I know I brightened up a lot of Mondays but I am glad you found this story too.

DGMSilverAirHead03: *shakes head* Well, better late than never, bestie. Thanks for reading!

Aleena23: All you guys are making me want to cry! Thank you so much for reading this.

yesitsjennifer: Of course you would be the last review I respond to, here at the end of all things. (quote from a movie, guess which). Anyways, I realize that you didn't want this to end and you were right about their kids. Well, this is part of the reason I get up at all on Monday mornings. I'll probably be late to school now. I will miss you very much but you can still PM me and we can just talk about life and stuff but we won't be able to bond over this story anymore. Goodbye for now my friend and favorite reviewer!

Me: I know I don't own this but a part of me really wishes I did but this is it.


"Harry Zacharias Clearwater!" a young woman with copper skin and dark eyes yelled through the small house. A little boy with copper skin and dark scruffy hair cringed under his bed as his mother waltzed into his room. The mother looked around the room and crouched down to look under the bed when the wail of a baby split the quiet air.

The mother immediately took off and Harry crawled out from under the bed. Silently he made his way down the hall to his baby sister's room where his mother was holding her and attempting to calm her.

"Shh, Mary, it's okay. Momma's here."

"Mommy," Harry said quietly, announcing his presence.

His mother turned to look down at him, "There you are. Are you going to tell me what happened at preschool today?" Harry knew his mother was already well aware of what had happened at school.

"I'm sorry."

His mother shook her head, "You gave Allalie a black eye."

"She was making fun of Lorraine!" Harry protested.

"That doesn't give you the right to hit her."

"But daddy says we should stand up for our friends."

His mother sighed and gently placed Mary back in her cradle before crouching down in front of her son. "Harry, it's good that you want to protect your friend but violence isn't the answer. Your dad and I will discuss this later." Harry's mother then picked him up and placed him on her hip; Harry grinned. "Now, would you like to help me set the table?" Harry nodded enthusiastically.

About a half hour later as Harry finished setting the table and the mother was just finishing up dinner, a tall muscular man with copper skin and bright brown eyes walked in. "I'm home!"

"Daddy!" Harry squealed running to his father, who scooped him up easily.

"Hey Seth! How was stuff at the auto shop?" the mother called as she rinsed off her hands before giving her husband a quick peck on the lips.

"Slow as always," Seth replied with a small grin as he kissed his wife once more.

"Eww!" Harry said making a face.

Seth grinned evilly at his son, "You think that's gross. I'll show you gross." Seth then lifted up the little boy's shirt and blew a raspberry on his stomach causing Harry to giggle uncontrollably and squirm.

The mother just laughed, "Well, while you boys are having fun I'm gonna go wake up Mary. Lord knows she probably already smells the food, she's like her father in that way."

Seth chuckled lightly and called after her, "At least she got your looks, Pen."

Penny returned a moment later with Mary in her arms, "Haha," and placed the baby girl in her high chair as the family sat down to dinner.

"That was really good, Mommy," Harry said once he'd finished.

Seth nodded in agreement, "Your mother's always been a great cook."

"Well thank you," Penny smiled as she fed Mary. "So, Harry do you want to tell your dad about school today."

Harry's gaze dropped to his empty plate, "Not really."

"What happened?" Seth questioned.

"I hit Allalie," Harry said almost soundlessly but both parents' heightened hearing picked up on it.

"Why?" Seth continued.

"She was making fun of Lorraine."

To both Harry and Penny's surprise, Seth started laughing. "Geez, why don't you just imprint on Lori already?"

"Seth!" Penny shrieked. The kids weren't old enough to know about the tribe magic, especially not after both she and Seth had stopped phasing.

"What's imprint?" Harry asked bewildered.

"Nothing, hunny," Penny covered quickly sending Seth a death glare. "We'll tell you when you're older. Why don't you go find something to watch?"

Without further encouragement Harry took off and a second later sound drifted from the T.V. Seth cleared his throat and Pen sent him a withering look before grabbing their plates to start washing. "Pen-"

"What?" she asked sharply.

"I'm sorry, okay. It just slipped." Penny sighed and momentarily paused washing the dishes.

"It's not that. It's just, I think about that a lot. Whether or not Harry, or even Mary, will phase someday and if they'll imprint on someone. Honestly, I'd rather they have a bit more of a normal life."

Seth stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist, nuzzling into her neck. "Normal is kind of hard when you're surrounded by supernatural." Pen giggled lightly and leaned into Seth's firm chest.

"Hmm, Lorraine Clearwater does have a nice ring to it."

"Don't let Sam hear you say that. We've already got one pissed off Alpha since Embry imprinted on Allalie. We don't need another."

Pen grinned, "Yeah, it took weeks for Em to heal completely after he told Jake." Both of them chuckled as Seth kissed her hair.

Penny turned around Seth's arms and put hers around his neck, "I love you."

"I love you too," Seth whispered before pressing his lips to hers fervently.

The End.

For Real.

For the last time...REVIEW!

P.S. I will be starting a Vampire Diaries/Originals saga after the New Year so I'd be overjoyed to see some familiar readers reading it. I love you all, thank you so much for everything. Goodbye.