A/N: Why yes, it's late. What a surprise. *rolls eyes*

Thank you for the input you put into my new ideas for a few ideas I had for some more DW fanfiction.~ I actually had more, but I decided that was enough. (Yes, I had posted some story but I quickly deleted that. It was really badly written. I did it on a whim, and I realized there was no way it was going to work out.)

I still have yet to learn how to write 3rd person nicely, yet humorous at the same time. I suck at writing, pretty much. Whenever I do 3rd person, it's super boring, and while I do 1st person, it's rather entertaining, but lacks description.

I was originally going to do the car troll, but that may have to be held back for yet another chapter. Because Zhu Ran's design was revealed. And his precious beautiful render did too! But he looks girlier than his concept art…D:

I couldn't resist. So enter: Zhu Ran. My Zhu Ran is probably way different from the real one, but meh who cares.

Also, I made a Ling Tong RP account on tumblr. (And a Zhang Bao one.)

But some of you already knew that.


Let's go.

Disclaimer: "ZHU RAN'S PERSONALITY THAT I MADE FOR HIM IS MINES, SO DOES THAT COUNT?" And uh yeah, I do not own any of the popular 3DS game titles mentioned here.


(A-thing) is supposed to represent the 'at' sign. Fanfiction is a meanie that doesn't allow it.

I love Animal Crossing. *salivates* I made many DW outfits on there…..and yes, I recently did get a 3DS. It's amazing.


Zhu Ran Hey guys, I'm coming back to Han High!

Sun Shangxiang, Ling Tong, Gan Ning, you, and 11 others likes this.

Sun Shangxiang Whoa! SERIOUSLY? I can't wait! I would love having you in the archery club with me again!

Zhu Ran likes this.

Jiang Wei Ew. Lu Xun's best friend is coming back. AND HE'S GOING TO BURN DOWN EVEN MORE THINGS!


Ling Tong Jeez, Xun….don't spazz out on the keyboard!

I squealed, clutching my pillow in excitement. Yeah yeah, this is a typical description for a girl fangirling over….uh….One Gay Direction or something, but I had a valid reason.

You know, Zhu Ran is my childhood friend. He's my best friend. He's my pyro buddy. But, he moved away on my last year of elementary school. I can say for a fact though, it was the worst year I had. Sun Shangxiang constantly bullied me. But you know, whatever.

I liked all of my other friends and all, sure, but….I truly missed Zhu Ran. I barely kept in touch with him, sometimes occasionally slipping him a small 'hi' when he was on facebook. I wasn't on facebook often, though, so I didn't really get to do that often.

I didn't even get his phone number, since we were part of the old generation who didn't get a phone until middle school. So I'm internally crying. Obviously.

But I'm just so excited….My phone started vibrating. I looked from my laptop to find that I had received a text from…Xiaoqiao? That's unexpected.

To: Lu Xun

Xunnniiiie!~ Do u want 2 plan a party 4 zhu ran? Since hes coming back & all

From: Xiao-xiao-xiao -Qiao

To: Xiao-xiao-xiao-Qiao

What do you think? Of course I do! What's going to be there….?

From: Lu Xun

To: Lu Xun

Lik wut decorations? Uh i think maybe it wuld b good 2 hav sum awesome cake or something

From: Xiao-xiao-xiao-Qiao

To: Xiao-xiao-xiao-Qiao

Ah, I see. Sounds good. Make Daqiao bake the cake. I don't trust anyone else.

From: Lu Xun

To: Lu Xun

ALRIGHT!~ ill make big sis do it. i hav a date 2day anyways

From: Xiao-xiao-xiao-Qiao

To: Xiao-xiao-xiao-Qiao

Alright. Um….have a great date, then?

From: Lu Xun

To: Lu Xun

Teehee! thx Xunnie! Ill b sure 2 remember about the party

From: Xiao-xiao-xiao-Qiao

I smiled, but didn't really bother to answer back. She was clearly busy preparing for her day.

But then again, my phone started to buzz again. I groaned, grabbing it to answer. Jiang Wei is currently calling me right now.

"Hello?" I answered, sort of yawning. Yes, I know, I just squealed internally several minutes ago, but dammit I'm still tired! It's like….8 in the morning.

"You know how Zhu Ran is coming back?" He asked with what I imagined a sheepish smile. I nodded, but then I realized he couldn't hear me do that.

"Just facetime me, Jiang Wei. I'm not wasting my minutes." I muttered, hanging up the phone before he can answer. Hah, you deserve it you little sucker. We use different phone carriers. I use Horizon. Or something similar to that. He uses T and K.

Doing just that, I picked up my ipod 5 resting on the desk. And yes, I have updated to ios 7. Jiang Wei hasn't since he's a loser with an ipod 4th generation, hehehehe.

I lazily pressed the button to facetime the guy and so he answered. It was now loading. When I think of it, maybe I should've skyped instead. Nah.

And then, on my iPod, Jiang Wei's ugly face shown up. (He's not ugly, alright? I'm just being a meanie.)

"So, as I was saying earlier…" He muttered, glancing to the side of his room, as he found that interesting for some odd reason. "Fa Zheng is also coming back."


"Who the crap is Fa Zheng?" I sputtered, my expression was contorted with confusion. He groaned obnoxiously loudly.

"YOU DON'T KNOW HIM?" Wei exclaimed, "He's that guy that sorta resembles Cao Pi and acts like Ling Tong."

"Ew." I replied. "I don't need another Ling Tong."

"You keep him to yourself, Jiang Wei, he's not gonna be part of my life."

He rolled his eyes, "I was just stating a regular fact, but then you go and dramatize almost everything about it. Stupid Xun."

"I'M NOT STUPID!" I retorted into the phone.

But then I heard my mom holler at me.

"LU YI. WHO ARE YOU YELLING AT? I know that you are completely intelligent, but you don't have to scream it out loud with great passion!"

"….Uh, I was just shouting at Boringyue!" I shouted back, hoping that she could hear.

"Oh. Don't be too rude to Jiang Wei, Xun….please don't."

I rolled my eyes. Pshh mom, like I was going to listen to you. I bully Jiang Wei however much I would like.

"Xun, you there?" Wei's voice fluttered through the phone. His voice was grating, honestly.

"Yeah," I promptly responded, "sorry. I was just discussing very important matters with my mother."

Jiang Wei just rolled his eyes. "Whatever. So let's talk business. Student council business, that is."

I groaned.


I do not need him to rain on my parade. "Not yet, Mr. perfect president."

"It's vital, though!" He protested.

Airport. I mean what?

-Zhu Ran's PoV just because I felt like putting in some random reference.-

"Thank you for flying with the Sima service." The pilot announced, "Ah, this is annoying. Why do I have to fly planes for my dad, anyways?"

I groggily sat up from my comfortable position in my seat. I was equipped with my 3DS in hand, of course. I was a bit surprised that it hadn't died. Which was great, because I just got Pokémon Y. It's amazing.

I shrugged at the pilot, he sounded youthful. Like he was in my grade. And made me wonder why he was the one flying the plane. Irresponsible parents are everywhere, I concluded.

I grinned to myself; I was finally back. And I can meet everyone once again. And set everything on fire with Xun. Speaking of Xun…..do I even have his phone number? I don't think so. Maybe I'll update my twitter instead.

Zhu Ran (a-thing) flameswithfame

I'm baaaack, losers! (a-thing) SasstasticPyro (a-thing) Sexily-Sarcastic (a-thing) BellsRbetter

Reply Retweet Favorite More

I stuffed my phone in my pocket, and gather my things from the overhead container. I smirked. Time to begin my reign once again.

-Zhu Ran end-

I waited anxiously with my fellow Wu people. Of course we were letting him in Wu right when he comes back.

Sun Shangxiang stared at her phone, and bit her lip. She vigorously scanned her twitter feed, and….

"Zhu Ran's back!" She squealed, "I missed him so much! Check your twitter, Xunnie!"

I smiled at her reaction, and whipped my iPod out.

Then I realized that grave moment.

I had no wi-fi. I stared at Sun Shangxiang laughing on her iphone. Her eyes met mine with a huge glare. So that was a huge no.

I turned to Ling Tong helplessly, only to find that he was playing on….wait….IS THAT POKEMON X?


"TONG. HAND OVER THAT 3DS RIGHT NOW." I demanded, tugging on his sleeve. He rolled his eyes and ignored me. "Uh, no, little shortie here isn't cool enough to play Pokemon. Plus, I still have to do my daily things on Animal Crossing New Leaf…."

"What the mess, man? I want to play with Fenniken!" I whined, "And all of those hot new fire pokémon!"

"Uh, no."

I glared at him. Then I decided to beg Gan Ning for HIS 3DS.

"Gan Ning, I'm afraid it's time for you to hand it over." I smirked, extending my hand out to him.

He just laughed in my face. "Haha, no. I'm busy."

"Playing what?" I inquired, inching closer to Gan Ning's 3DS.

Then I found out.

I've seen hell.

"XUN!" An oddly familiar voice shouted at me. And before I can respond, a body latched onto me.

I inspected the figure closely….hey, it had that signature fire clip.

"RAN!" I cried, hugging back.

"It's nice to finally be home…" He murmured. He pulled back from our not so awkward hug and grinned at everyone. "So, how has it been over here?"

"You idiot…" Shangxiang started to cling onto him, tears dripped from her face. "Why did you even leave us in the first place?"

I was taken aback. Okay, so when did THEY get in such a close relationship? Zhu Ran chuckled, and I noticed that he was clutching a 3DS in his hand.


I snatched it from his secure hold and ran off.

Sun Shangxiang and Zhu Ran were too busy being in a typical shoujo manga situation, so I think he didn't care.

Tong looked both ways before jumping into a sprint. "Go, Xun!"

I laughed while Gan Ning jogged right behind us.

"So much PDA." Ning snorted, his eyes still focused on the screen of his 3DS. "Hey, maybe you should delete his save file on Pokémon Y. It's not like he went that far anyways. We all know that he sucks at Pokémon."

And so I did. I overwrote his save file, hope he didn't mind. This 3DS belongs to me now.

"LU XUN!" Zhu Ran exclaimed, "GIVE IT BACK!"

"Too late, sucker!" I screamed outloud, "I already erased your save data!"

He clenched his fist. "You little…"

"It's settled. I'm going to set your hair on fire." I heard him whisper. He took a match out of his pocket (I had no idea how he smuggled that onto the plane…) and lit it on fire.

Hope he doesn't get in trouble by the cops, because I'm definitely not helping him with that.

"Run, Xun!" Ling Tong shouted at me, tossing Zhu Ran's duffel bag in the air. I caught it with ease, and ran out into the parking lot.

But, before I got into the car, I took his phone out from the duffel bag. I snorted. Who leaves their phone in their bag in exchange for matches? He does, apparently. I registered his phone number into mine and did vice versa.

Now I'm set.

Time Skip-Welcome Party-

I contently played around on my newly found 3DS on the Qiao's couch. Xiaoqiao sat next to me, eagerly watching me as we both played around on Animal Crossing New Leaf. It's settled, this game was amazing. I was on Zhu Ran's account, of course. He must've made lots of progress on this.

"Hehe, Xunnie, I didn't know that you played Animal Crossing up until now!" She giggled.

"Yeah, I played the regular DS version before…." I replied gruffly.

"Oh, I think we should save and leave now. The party is going to start soon!" Xiaoqiao suggested. I nodded. "Text Zhu Ran or something."

To: Zhu Ran

Zhu Ran, report to Xiaoqiao's house right now. And no, I don't give a single shit about if you're done with unpacking or not. That can wait, you loser.

From: Lu Xun

Ah yes, I was very nice to my friend. He sometimes deserved it, honestly.

To: Lu Xun

Uh what. When did I get your phone number. #confusion #whydoyoudothistome

From: Zhu Ran

To: Fire Loving Hipster

Ew. I smell hipster emitting from you. And I just put my phone number into here, don't make such a big fuss about it. But anyways, get your butt over here like, ASAP. Or I'll burn down your house.

From: Lu Xun

To: Lu Xun

Uh no. I was using hashtags ironically. Anyways I'll come don't worry.

From: Fire Loving Hispter


"Welcome back, Zhu Ran!" We all clapped when he entered in. He shot a sloppy smile at us.

"Thanks, guys. It's really nice to be back where I belong."

A/N: Yeah, although it was late it was also short.

Next chapter will be about the car troll.




But yeah, the Sun Shangxiang and Zhu Ran thing?


Or it might be hinting that this might actually have a plot? LE GASP. But the only troll you saw hee was stealing Zhu Ran's DS and erasing his pokémon save data.

Which is serious business.

Very serious.

But then again, thank you for reading! If you have any ideas for a troll or want a specific someone to be trolled next, please suggest it in your review! :D

And if you noticed a huge decline in quality, I apologize. Because 1.) this story is now classified as a parody and 2.) all of my quality went to school, my rp account, and my real stories. Sorry.