Disclaimer: I own nothing.

A/N: I just really wanted to write this off to get it over and done with. This is based off on S7E01 of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. Anyone recalls this?

Arthur opened the door to his sister's flat and was surprised to see everyone (with the exception of the aforementioned sister who, by the way, is shouting by the balcony for some reason.) already there.

"What's going on?" Arthur asked no one in particular as he took off his coat and put it in the coat's rack.

"Morgana and I are engaged." Merlin casually answers his question like it was just like any other day. Except that the huge grin on Merlin's face says otherwise.

"So you and Morgana are…" Arthur was suddenly interrupted by Morgana's shouting.

"I'm engaged! I'm engaged!"

He looked over at the balcony window and there stood his once composed baby sister. Who is shouting so loud like she was cheering for Manchester, while also throwing her hands in the air; Arthur laughed out loud, he never laughed like this ever since he pranked Gwaine when they were kids, and that's saying something.

"Hey, that's my fiancé mate, and your sister. A little respect would be nice."

"Well, she's been like that for over 20 minutes already Merlin." Gwaine chimed in while eating his club sandwich. Unfortunately his mouth was full as he talked so bits of food were sputtered in front of someone, and that someone happens to be his flat-mate and friend, Lancelot.

"Geez Gwaine, have you heard of table manners?" Lancelot sarcastically asked as he wiped the food off of him.

"Sorry" more food was splattered. Lancelot groaned as he stood up from his chair to go to the bathroom to wash off.

"Really?" Arthur asked, secretly pleased at what Gwaine accidentally did to Lancelot. Oh he still can't forget that Lance was his girlfriend's ex. "I thought it was just some kid saying, 'I'm gay! I'm gay!'"

Everyone laughed, with the exception of Lancelot who was still in the bathroom washing up. Even Merlin chuckled a bit, despite himself.

"Wait. Shouldn't we let her in?" Leon asked pointing his thumb at Morgana for emphasis. "It's kinda getting a little bit, well, longer." Percy nodded in agreement.

"Nah. Let her be. It's kinda cute if you ask me."

Gwen sweetly said but her glare tells otherwise. Arthur hugged his girlfriend from behind to re-assure her. While Percy, Elyan and Leon simultaneously held up their hands in the air, Gwaine choked on his food, Merlin gave Gwaine some juice and then shook his head, and Lancelot just got out of the bathroom.

"I'm engaged! I'm getting married! I'm gonna be a bride!" Morgana still shouted at the top of her lungs, both her hands stretched out like she was Rose in Titanic. Her wide smiles never leaving her pretty face, that is, until a guy shouted back at her to shut up.

"No I will not shut up because I'm getting married arsehole!"

The guy shouted out some more.

"Oh! Big talk!" Morgana taunted on "You know what? My fiancé will kick your sorry arse, you bloody git"

Suddenly everyone inside looked at her in shock. Merlin immediately paled.

"Get your arse up in here you prick! Come on up apartment 20! Apartment 20!"

Inside, Merlin paled some more and started panicking.

"Arthur, get your sister inside" As soon as he said that Arthur rushed out of the balcony to take his sister inside with Gwen in tow. He then turned to a stuffed Gwaine and just recently cleaned-up Lance. "Gwaine & Lance, please bolt the door and," he turned to Leon, Percy and Elyan. The three are looking at him in concern, especially Leon since he's the oldest. "Leon, Percy and Elyan, please help those two at the door please; if you excuse me I'll be at the closet hiding."