(Light's P.O.V)

I blushed and wanted to crawl into my fingernails and never come out.

Was that what Beyond had meant by 'puberty'?

That part wasn't really any different from mine then?

NO! I didn't mean THAT 'part'! I meant that part of his version of puberty and mine. I mean, his 'thing' was – IS – the same as mine. I'd seen it when we showered together.

NO I wasn't peeking! It's normal for boys to shower together when they're young. Not so much at our age though considering we have to take care of other business in the showers sometimes…

Does Lawliet do that too?

Oh my gosh, WHY AM I BLUSHING?!

Oh my gosh! Don't cats go into heat?!

Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!

My inner turmoil was interrupted by a hand on my arm that had me shrieking.

"Raito?" giggled Lawliet watching me freak out.

I felt my cheeks heat up but I turned around and grinned sheepishly at the feline hybrid. His tail swished around coyly like he knew what wasgoing on in my head.

"Lawlie…" I mumbled out weakly.

"Why're you blushing?" teased Lawliet his dark orbs sparkling with mischief.

"I'm not blushing…" I stuttered before pouting indignantly and folding my arms. It was rather immature and out of character of me, but this was Lawlie. He could always bring out my childish side. Stupid cat.

"Awwww Rai-chan!" squealed Lawlie as he excitedly glomped me from behind causing us to both fall to the floor, him on top of me. He was squirming and before I knew it, he was straddling my hips.


" NOOOOOO! Don't rape me, Lawlie please…" I mumbled weakly.

"What?!" asked Lawliet's sweet voice dumbly.

I looked up to see him gawking at me with disbelief.

I swear, I wanted to die right then.

"Beyond said you were probably hitting puberty and you're a neko-hybrid which means you might've-could've-maybe were in heat?" I mumbled sheepishly.

At first Lawliet didn't react.

And then he burst into laughter. I was appalled at how much amusement he'd just derived at my expense so I pushed him off me, stood up tall and brushed my clothes off the imaginary dust from our spotless floor. Even as I stood tall and proud with my nose in the air my feline friend continued to roll on the ground.

"Raito! You are hilarious!" he squealed as he finally stood up still panting and clutching his stomach.

His face was flushed pink and sweat trickled off his brow and down his face. Just like when I caught him doing that… And that triggered an unexpected teaction from me. I felt my face heat up and an uncomfortable squirming in my tummy.

"Why would you think I was in heat anyway?" asked Lawliet inquisitively as he peered into my face, a little too close for my liking. Well, I hadn't minded before but right then it had me gulping and wishing I were far far away from my best friend.

"Well, I saw you…" I mumble sheepishly as I stare at the intricate pattern on the tile floor which at that moment were more interesting that anything we were talking about.

Lawliet's eyes grew wide when I looked up and his face turned red too.

He looked worried. He probably didn't expect me to see him, you know, touching himself…

Lawlie's eyes glinted uncomfortably an I saw the tell tale gloss in his eyes. I hadn't meant to make him cry. Hell, I hadn't meant to embarrass him, let alone hurt him!

"Lawlie…" I began but my friend, my other half didn't respond.

"Lawlie, its perfectly normal…" I tried again.

No response.

"I've done it too…" I sheepishly admitted and hoping to high heavens that my confession would help Lawliet somehow.

But he didn't respond. All I could tell was his blush grew deeper and a tear had definitely streaked one of his cheeks and another was trailing down the bridge of his nose.

I felt myself begin to panic. It was unlike any panic I'd ever felt before. Seeing his large coal orbs glazing over with saline tears. Seeing a slight shiver run through his almost frail body. Seeing his delicate fingers clenching desperately to the white cotton of his shirt. I couldn't take it anymore.

I took a step forward and threw my arms around my Lawliet.

I couldn't stand him being in pain. Especially if it was because of me.

"Raito…" whispered Lawliet softly, his voice like bells on Christmas in my ears.

With a small smile I replied, whispering just as softly as I held him tightly to my body, "Yes, Lawlie-chan?"


"Huh?" I mumbled.



Lawlie was laughing?

What the hell was going on?

Once again Lawliet was laughing and rolling on the floor leaving me bewildered and subconsciously mourning the loss of warmth on my body.

"Rai-chan," giggled Lawlie as he finally sat himself on the floor and looked up at me. "Did you honestly think you'd caught me masturbating?"

Wait. He wasn't?

"Of course I wasn't!"

But he was telling 'it' to go down…

"I wasn't talking to my 'you-know-whats-its'!"

But then what were you talking to, you crazy cat?!

"Beyond, duh…"

Wait a minute. I'm not saying anything out loud.

"Yes, you are," said Lawliet blandly as he lazily played with his lustrous black tail.

I looked at him right in the eye, hazel against midnight, and thought right at him – 'Can you hear me?'

Lawlie's eyes grew wide. His whole body stiffening.

"Yes, I can hear you…" whispered Lawliet.

This time he was genuinely frightened.

And who was I kidding?

So was I.

[A/N] My apologies for the short chapter. The next one will be longer, cuter and maybe smexier.

And yes, I haven't forgotten this story's M-rating ;)