A/N: Greetings my little aca-darlings. Well, this is it for In a Moment. I wanted to say how grateful I am for the support that I have received from all of you little lovelies while writing this story. You've all been simply amazing. You've all kept me motivated to keep writing. I absolutely love to hear that you guys are enjoying my work. That is truly what makes it worthwhile. You are all beautiful and special, and from the bottom of my heart, I love you guys! I'm going to be accepting prompts for a while before I start work on any more multiple chapter fics. All of my one-shots get posted on Tumblr. If you would like to follow me my url is thekrakenhasbeenunleashed. I have a few ideas lined up for the future, so be sure to check in from time to time to see what I'm up to. ;) Much love my little aca-darlings!

TricksKY: Thank you so much for all of your feedback and support on the story. You are a lovely person! I will definitely keep in touch dearie!

Btw… I love your story. It's really good!

guest: awwww. Thank you, love bug. Glad you liked it.

MeleJ: Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed it, love bug!

tayfaceee: Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, love bug. You've been an amazing reader. I appreciate the wonderful support you've provided! You're aca-awesome! *awkward internet hug*

mymindisonyou: Oh my goodness… what can I say. You have been there every step of the way on this story. You are amazing! Thank you so much for all of your reviews and feedback. I like the idea of the one-shot reception. I will definitely put that on my list! I just want you to know how much I appreciate your support on this story. You're just amazing. :D

Iamhannah129: Awww… thank you love bug. Hope you liked the rest of the story!

Justsyd: Hahaha. Thank you love bug! That's the only situation in which I would be ok with someone reporting me. lol


5 years later…

Beca's POV

The pitter patter of tiny feet could be heard coming down the hallway followed by a small voice. "Mama! Mommy! Wake up!" Beca smiled to herself as she pretended to still be asleep. She heard a frustrated sigh coming from her daughter. Before long, she felt the bed dip down as the small child leapt up in between her and her wife. A pair of tiny arms wrapped themselves around her neck. Judging by the hot breaths she could feel blowing on her, she guessed that her daughter was a mere few inches away from her face. The child had definitely inherited her sense of personal space from Chloe.

The next words out of her daughter's mouth came out in a whisper. "Mama… are you awake?" Her daughter leaned her forehead against her own until they were nose to nose. Beca stifled a laugh at her child's actions. Springing into action, she grabbed the petite redhead by the waist, mock growling and tickling her sides and belly. The infectious giggles spilling out from the little girl warmed Beca's heart. She heard giggles coming from her wife on the other side of the bed. She looked over at the redhead, smiling brightly.

"Good morning, beautiful." Beca said sweetly, leaning over to kiss her wife.

"Good morning, Mommy!" the miniature ginger hopped excitedly over to the other woman, smothering her with hugs.

"Good morning, my sweet Addie!" Chloe returned the hugs with equal excitement.

It amazed Beca how much like Chloe that their daughter had turned out. Addison was literally Chloe's mini-me. She looked and acted just like her wife. Well, all except for the natural knack for sarcasm that she had quickly picked up from the DJ.

"You promised to take me to the park today Mama!" the little girl crossed her arms and looked expectantly towards the brunette.

"Hmmm… so I did." the petite woman smiled over at her adorable daughter, reaching her hand out to tousle the girl's ginger curls. "I suppose a promise is a promise. Go get ready and we'll all go after we eat breakfast. Okay, kiddo?"

The child was halfway out the bedroom door by the time Beca had finished her sentence. She and Chloe looked at each other and laughed. The DJ rested her back up against the pillows, pulling her wife in close to her.

"Even after all this time, I'm still amazed at how lucky I am to be able to wake up to your beautiful face every morning." Beca sighed contentedly.

The redhead traced her finger along the top of the fading scar that still marred the DJ's chest. "I think I'm the lucky one," she stated simply. "Things could have very easily turned out differently. I can't even think about what my life would be like if I had lost you."

"Luckily, you don't have to think about it." Beca said, stroking her wife's back softly. "I was left here for a purpose, Chlo. That's one thing I'm certain of. I only have to take one look at you and Addie to know what that purpose is. I love the both of you more than you will ever know." Beca pulled her wife in for a sweet kiss.

"I love you too, baby." the redhead said softly.

"Now, what do you say we fix some breakfast and then take the munchkin to the park?" the DJ asked with a smile.

"Sounds perfect." Chloe said, taking Beca by the hand and leading the way to the kitchen…

To the outside world, Beca Mitchell seemed to have the perfect life. If you were to go up and ask the DJ yourself, she would tell you she couldn't agree more.