
The Avengers had just finished saving the world from the bag of cats they call Loki. As soon as Loki and Thor left, everyone dispersed. Steve was going to explore how the world changed while he was frozen. And Natasha and Clint going off to who knows where with their freaky spy powers. As for Bruce, well Tony was trying to convince him to come with him to Stark Tower and having no luck whatsoever.

"C'mon Brucey, it'll be fun. I have the best toys. It'll be like Candy land" said Tony. "I already told you" said Bruce giving Tony a long stare "It's too dangerous, something could happen and I could lose control". "You and I both know you have a lid on it, you could have lost control a lot of other times but you didn't".

"Thanks for the faith you have in me Tony, but it's just too dangerous. For you and everyone else. The other guy is ruthless and I can't risk it. But thanks for the offer." With that he stood up, stretched and picked up his "man purse". Tony smirked. Let me at least by you another purse or Pepper could even let you borrow one. Bruce blushed beet red and gave Tony a glare. "BYE, Tony" he said. "Bye Jolly Green" Tony shouted. As soon as Bruce left he slumped down on the couch. There goes another potential science-bro. When he had first realized he would be working with Bruce Banner he almost pissed his pants in excitement. Bruce was one of the most advanced minds in gamma radiation, not to mention that he was almost as smart as himself. But I guess no-one can stand the presence of Tony Stark for too long before realizing how screwed up he is.

Pepper was in Washington D.C trying to make a deal with a company so he had no one to rant to. He heaved a big sigh and headed to his lab. As soon as he walked through the door Dummy, You, and Jarvis greeted him. "Welcome home sir" Jarvis said with Dummy and You agreeing with a series of beeps and whistles. He was too tired to respond. He knew he should start trying to repair the Iron Man armor but he was just too tired.

Steve's words were circling his head. Take that off and what are you. I know men with none of that worth ten of you he had spat. Tony laughed bitterly. He's right about that. Yinsen had told him not to waste his life, see how that turned out. He felt a rush of self-loathing. All the money he had was because of war and carnage. His genius inherited from Howard. He couldn't even make his own element. Dear old dad had to help. The only reason he was even on the Avengers team was because of the Iron Man suit he only built to save himself. He was nothing he knew it and the whole world knew it too. And for the first time in a decade he let himself cry. For all the people that died at his hands, for all his failures in life, for everything he should be but isn't.

He cried himself to sleep that night dreaming about what life would be like if he wasn't who he was.

A/N No flames please this is my first fanfiction ever. I usually just read fanfics not write them but i decided to try writing one. Feel free to review and give suggestions for the next on word themed chapters.