The Christmas Cabin

Chapter Five


Disclaimer: If they were mine I would die a happy woman, but alas…nope.

Author Notes: Sorry for the delay gang. No excuse except busy and sort of in a writer's block. So…Christmas Day and the rest of the week.

Olivia sighed and snuggled back down into the strong arms that were wrapped around her.

She could not believe she was here in this amazing place with the man she had loved for most of her adult life. That man had his arms wrapped around her and now that he was aware she was awake, he reached and pulled her over on her back and rose up over her to nuzzle in her neck.


"Mmmm. Very good morning."

"Merry Christmas Liv."

His lips captured hers and the kiss deepened as they began making love again. She had lost count of how many times he had awakened her during the night and her body responded to him immediately. He had learned what she liked and didn't like and he was the master of her body. She found herself crying out more than once as she skyrocketed to pleasure.

Elliot Stabler was an amazing lover. She had been so surprised by that. He had only been with one woman, but he made it his mission to know everything about her in bed and she knew he could make her fly with just a simple touch here or there.

After she came down from the most recent high she murmured tiredly into his ear.

"Merry Christmas to you too."

"Still the best Christmas present ever."

Liv chuckled.

"No you're my present. I have never been loved like that in my entire life El."

"I've dreamed about what this would be like so much, but my dreams have not done it justice. I could stay here in this bed with you forever Liv and never go outside again. It is Christmas, however, and you have presents to open young lady, so let's get you into a warm robe and open them."

Olivia grinned at him, rolled him over on his back and slid slowly over his body, picking up the shirt he had been wearing the night before and slipping it on before she buttoned it up.

Elliot watched her and his eyes were filled with love as he followed her with his eyes. It made her stomach do a flip.


"I like you in my clothes."



Liv threw a pair of sleep pants at him and then started tugging him out of bed.

"Come on El. I want to know what you got me."

"Ah, ha, so you do like presents."

"Never had presents, much less a tree before, so yeah, I'm excited."

Elliot stood up, pulled the soft flannel on and then crushed her in his arms.

"You will never have another Christmas alone Liv. I promise."

"Promise? I can't go back to being alone after this El."

"Promise. You're stuck with me from now on. Got that?"

"Definitely got it."

They padded out to the living room and took in the view as Elliot plugged in the tree.

Liv settled on the big stuffed couch and Elliot stoked the fire, placed some more logs on it and then handed her the first present.

"How much did you get me El?"

"You let me worry about that. These are for all the missed Christmases over the last fifteen years or so."

Liv smiled at the wrapping and the bow. Elliot wrote a sweet note on each gift. The first one was a huge tin of her favorite tea.

She smiled at him as he placed his arm around her.

"See? I know you Liv. I know all the things you love."

He did. Every gift was one of her favorites. The one she would always remember was the last present. It was a pair of boots. They had been on a case downtown when she spotted them and looked wistfully in the window of the shop she saw them in. Elliot had asked her about them and she said she couldn't afford them, but some day.

"How did you remember something that long ago?"

"I…uh…didn't have to. I bought them on the way home from work that same day and planned to give them to you for your birthday, but then the shooting happened and they've been in my trunk ever since. Don't laugh, but every time I missed you I would take them out and look at them. I know how much you love your boots, Liv."

Liv's eyes filled with tears and she couldn't speak around the lump in her throat. She was moved by how much he loved her. Before he had time to react, she was pushing him down on the couch and devouring him.

Later as they lay together and watched the snow come down, Elliot ruffled her hair.

"Never been thanked quite like that before Liv."

"Get used to it buster. I love you and every time you make me cry, expect me to tackle you."



"It's the middle of the afternoon, but how about chocolate chip pancakes?"

Olivia's eyes lit up.

"Oh, yes!"

Elliot pulled her up off the couch and slipped his shirt back on her, buttoning it up from the bottom. He took her hand, led her into the kitchen and boosted her up on the counter. After opening the cabinets and setting everything out he put his hands on either side of her and kissed her deeply.


Liv took the bowl he offered her.


"Pancake mix."

He measured and dumped it in.

"Pancake mix."



Elliot handed her a huge wisk.





They made enough pancakes for four people, but it was just too much fun to stand at the griddle with Elliot's arms around Liv and their joined hands flipping the spatula.

By the time they cleaned everything up it was dark outside and Liv suggested they call Don.

Together they held the phone between them.

"Hey Don."

"Liv. Are you…?"

"Calling to have you come and get me?"

It was quiet on the other end.


"No. Calling to tell you thank you and Merry Christmas. This was the best Christmas present ever."

"Does this mean…"

"We worked some things out."


Don was afraid to ask them out right.

"We're together and very happy. Very, very happy."

"Is Elliot there?"

"Right here Don. Thank you for letting me do this. I will owe you for the rest of my life."

"Enough to come back?"

Elliot and Liv looked at each other and smiled.

"No. We prefer this new arrangement better."

"Got it. Well, I have to say this is the best present I got this year too. Take care of her Elliot. She needs you in her life. Maybe you could do a little consulting on the side from time to time."

"I'd love to Don."

"So, I guess I'll let you give her a ride home and I'll see you the day after New Year's Liv. Have fun."

"Bye Don."

"Bye you two."

"It would be fun to have you come to work occasionally, but I am so looking forward to coming home to you."

"Me too."

"So, what now?"

"Do you realize it's been five hours since I made love to you?"


Suddenly Liv was swung up in the air and carried down the hall to the bedroom. They didn't surface again until the next day.

After two more days of living in bed with the occasional forage to the kitchen they decided to get out of the cabin. The next few days were spent snowmobiling, cross-country skiing and lounging by the fire.

New Year's Eve was special. They dressed up and Elliot made an amazing dinner. There was slow dancing, a long bath in the Jacuzzi tub and then making love right up to midnight.

Elliot stroked his hand up Liv's arm and caressed her cheek just as the clock struck midnight.

"Liv, I hope we can move our relationship forward when we get back. Will you consider moving in together?"

Liv was stunned. She had no idea he would want to consider something like that this soon.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't want to be apart from you ever again Baby."

"I feel the same way."


"Live with me El."

"As long as you'll have me."

Liv was quiet for a moment and then she turned her head up to look into Elliot's eyes.

"Think Don would let us come back here next year?"

"It could become our permanent Christmas cabin."

"Until Don retires and then he may have a say in that."

"Good point. That's okay. We can make new memories as long as we are together."

"I love you Elliot Stabler."

"I love you Olivia Benson."

They both spoke at the same time.

"Best Christmas ever!"

Laughter echoed through the cabin as they settle down.

Liv sighed happy and content for the first time since Elliot had left SVU.

He pulled her close and stroked his hand through her hair, thankful for a second chance to love her.

Together they slipped into slumber thinking about the New Year and all the promise it held.

A/N: Sorry this took so long to finish guys. I got really busy and I'm not totally happy with this last chapter, but I'd like to think they lived the rest of their lives making each other happy. See you around soon.