A/N: Hello readers! I'm being bad and writing this story instead of finishing a couple of my others. I couldn't help it! This story hit me like a ton of bricks and I needed to go with it! This is the first, and only, from what I've seen of a Botan/Hisoka pairing. Weird, I know, but I think it's turning out quite well, so read, review, and enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu Yu Hakusho OR Hunter X Hunter

Koenma sat slumped in his office chair. He frowned at his desk which was littered with papers that all required his signature. He let out a huff and grabbed his remote; turning on the large screen in front of him. He flipped through the channels and suddenly stopped. George wandered into the room carrying a stack of new papers and placed them heavily on Koenma's desk.

"You should be working…" George trailed off, eyeing his boss with a frown.

"Quiet ogre!" Koenma barked, pointing at the screen.

George's eyes went to the television where there was an indoor arena and a pair of fighters going against each other.

"Is this an old Dark Tournament match?" George questioned.

Koenma shook his head, "Of course not! This is happening right now… apparently a place called Heaven's Arena."

"Heaven's Arena? I've never heard of such a place," George said thoughtfully.

"I'll have to find more out about this, but apparently every time these fighters win they make money, and can make a fortune doing it!" Koenma exclaimed.

George scratched his chin, "I don't like where this is going."

"Imagine if Yusuke fought in this, he could win me millions!"

"I knew I didn't like where this was going…" George trailed off.


George and Koenma looked up to see Botan walking toward them with big eyes in her pink kimono. She stopped and watched the screen for a few moments before glaring at Koenma.

"How could you think of using Yusuke to make money!? That's not honorable Lord Koenma! You should be ashamed of yourself!" Botan blurted.

Koenma grinned behind his pacifier, "He would enjoy the challenge, and I could have the money, everyone wins!"

Botan crossed her arms and huffed, "I was coming to tell you I gathered my souls and that I was done with my shift."

Koenma waved her off, "Okay, off you go then."

Botan left the room and Koenma continued to watch the screen as one of the fighters became victorious.


The dark haired teen glared up from his spot on the roof where he was skipping class. His dark brown eyes landed on a bright blue haired girl who was looking down at him.

"What are you doing Botan? Are you here to nag me about something?"

"No!" Botan spat, "I was going to tell you about something Lord Koenma said."

"I don't care what pacifier breath has to say," Yusuke returned, putting his arms behind his head and lying back.

Botan ignored him and continued, "He was watching a fight in his office and it turns out that there is a place you can fight against other skilled fighters; earning lots of money while doing it. He said he should have you fight and make him a fortune… I told him that was ridiculous and that you would never do something so-"

"Sign me up!" Yusuke shot up with a big grin.

"What?!" Botan exclaimed.

"Hell yeah! It's so boring at this god damn school! Let's go talk to him!"

Botan rolled her eyes, "No! I didn't mean you should actually participate!"

"Then you should have kept that big mouth of yours shut," Yusuke replied.

Botan crossed her arms with a scowl and Yusuke looked thoughtful.

"I bet I could get Hiei or Kurama in on this too."

"Kurama would never do something so silly just for money!" Botan exclaimed.

Yusuke waggled his eyebrows, "Maybe not, but I know a little fire demon who would definitely be into it."

Botan growled in frustration and shook her head.

"Yusuke and Hiei? What a surprise it is to see you two here…" Koenma trailed off as he caught sight of Botan frowning behind them.

"What did the fox tell you?" Hiei asked the dark haired teen next to him with narrowed eyes.

"He's busy with school, it's not a big deal," Yusuke shrugged.

Hiei rolled his eyes, "Humans and their education standards, pathetic. Strength is about power, not intelligence."

"Being smart isn't a bad thing!" Botan scolded him, "Kurama's smarts have gotten him pretty darn far!"

"What's the ferry girl doing following us around?" Hiei asked Yusuke.

"She's nagging," Yusuke replied simply.

"I take it Botan told you two about Heaven's Arena?" Koenma asked.

"She told me that we could fight and make a ton of cash," Yusuke answered.

"I did some digging. It's in a different realm but I can open a portal to it of course. Heaven's Arena is a giant tower with 251 floors. The first 199 floors don't allow weapons and you'll start on the first floor. Every time you win a fight, you'll move up a certain number of floors. Once you reach the 100th floor you'll get a personal room. Prize money is awarded for all of the fights you win on these floors. Once you make it to the 200th floor you can use weapons and any type of fighting style but there's no prize money. The goal then is to win 10 matches and then you can fight what's called a floor master which is one of the 21 toughest fighters in the tower. You have 90 days to prepare for a fight, but if you want to get your 10 matches won and fight everyday that's fine too. If you lose 4 matches, you'll be disqualified," Koenma explained.

"Sounds like fun," Yusuke grinned, glancing down at Hiei.

The fire demon smirked, "I'll win ten matches in one day."

"What happens if you beat a floor master?" Botan asked.

"On the 251st floor is the winner of the Battle Olympia which is a biennial tournament. They live in a penthouse at the top of Heaven's Arena."

"Every two years? That sucks," Yusuke pouted.

"I'm not sure when the last tournament was," Koenma said.

"Who cares, let's go there and get to the 250th floor, even if we can't challenge the highest floor, we'll go as high as possible," Hiei stated confidently.

"Why did Botan have to come with us?" Yusuke groaned.

Hiei was silent and Botan snapped, "I'm right here! I can hear you Yusuke! I'm here to make sure you don't do anything stupid!"

The trio approached the registration desk where a woman was taking forms from two younger boys. They turned with smiles on their faces and walked by the group. Hiei gave the pair a scathing glare and continued walking.

"Hello, welcome to Heaven's Arena, please fill out this registration form and bring it back to me," the woman smiled, sliding two forms across the desk to Hiei and Yusuke.

"Why are there children here? Surely they don't expect to win…" Hiei said, glaring at the two young boys who were talking to one another across the room.

Yusuke looked up and saw them, a boy with dark spikey black hair and brown eyes along with a boy who had silver hair and blue eyes.

"Who knows, maybe they're really strong… You could be taken for a little boy too short stuff," Yusuke laughed.

Hiei let out a menacing growl and continued filling out his form. Botan had on jeans and a pink sweater with her blue hair pulled up. She stood with her back against the wall and her arms crossed. She noticed that everyone here was a regular human… they wouldn't stand a chance against Yusuke or Hiei.

"Botan, you'll have to buy a ticket if you want to see us fight," Yusuke said, breaking her thoughts.

She turned to him and saw that both he and Hiei had already turned their forms in. The three entered a gigantic room where several fighting rings with referees were set up. The crowd was huge and Yusuke grinned as cheers erupted.

"The purpose of the first floor match is so we can evaluate each of your skill levels."

Yusuke looked down at one of the rings where the referee was speaking.

"Hey! That's that black haired kid from before!" Yusuke exclaimed.

Hiei's eyebrows perked up as a gigantic man stepped into the ring, "This will be interesting."

"There's a three minute time limit to demonstrate how strong you are," the referee continued.

"I won't need three minutes," the big man growled at the spikey haired boy who stared up at him innocently.

"His name is Gon," Botan said.

Yusuke and Hiei turned to look at her with confused expressions.

"It's up on the score board," she pointed at the large screen.

"Fight!" The referee shouted.

The large man immediately charged at Gon who held his hand out, palm facing his opponent. Botan's eyes grew wide and Yusuke sat on the edge of his seat with a smile. The man hit Gon's hand and flew backwards, hitting the far wall with an explosion of dust and rubble.

"You advance to the 50th floor, best of luck," the referee told the boy, handing him a small ticket.

"What the hell?!" Yusuke exclaimed, "That was insane for a little kid! This is going to be more fun than I thought!"

They saw Gon go back up into the stands and high five his silver haired friend who then made his way down to the ring for his own fight.

"Killua," Botan said, "He's positively adorable! He kind of looks like you Hiei!"

The fire demon scrunched his nose and ignored her comment. Killua made his way to the ring with a confident smile and quickly downed his opponent with a blow to the back of the head.

The referee handed him a ticket, "I see you've been here before, you can go to the 180th floor."

"Ah, I want to take it easy, I'll start on the 50th floor," Killua responded casually.

Yusuke stood up energetically, "Oh yeah! It's my turn!"

Hiei sat back in his chair with his arms crossed as he watched Yusuke trot up onto the ring. Yusuke KO'd his opponent in a matter of seconds with a right hook punch. Hiei stood and passed the spirit detective on the way down.

"Not bad," he stated.

"Shut up Hiei, don't disappoint me," Yusuke shot back with a grin.

Hiei rolled his eyes and continued down to the ring. A muscled man stepped up and faced Hiei aggressively. Hiei clenched his fists and as the man charged he released a large burst of demonic energy which blew the man back and into the wall. The fire demon smirked and grabbed his ticket from the referee.

"Pitifully simple."


"Your fights were splendid!" Botan exclaimed as the three rode on an elevator up to the 50th floor.

The woman running the elevator was explaining the layout of the floor to the three of them but none of them were paying any attention to her. She started to get irritated but the door opened and they got off. They noticed Gon and Killua talking to a small boy and Botan beamed at Killua

"He's so cute! I want to hug him!" she gushed.

Yusuke grabbed her sweater and dragged her after him with a disappointed expression on his face.

"He's too young for you Botan."

"I didn't mean it that way!" Botan roared.

"Stop yelling," Hiei ordered with a serious expression, "I can't stand listening to you shouting this entire trip. If you don't stop, I'll make you stop."

Botan pursed her lips and huffed with attitude. She stomped after the two of them into another large room. Inside this room there was one giant ring which was surrounded by an enormous area of seating for the crowd. They found three seats and sat down as a fight was finishing up. Suddenly Killua's face appeared on the board next to the younger boy that he was talking to earlier, Zushi. Botan gasped as the two appeared and faced each other in the ring.

"He's so small!" she said in awe at Zushi's size.

"He's not pushover if he got to this point," Yusuke reminded her.

The announcer asked them to vote on who they thought would win the match. All three of them voted for Killua and Hiei rolled his eyes when the odds showed that they were in Zushi's favor.

"Idiots," he grumbled, "It's obvious that little boy isn't going to win."

Botan watched in astonishment as Killua continuously put Zushi down time after time but the boy kept getting up. Frustration was evident on the silver haired boy's face and his blows became more violent. Zushi got back up slowly and braced himself as though he was powering up for something. Killua jumped back with alarm evident on his face. Suddenly someone called out Zushi's name loudly in the crowd and the young boy stopped what he was doing.

"That man…" Hiei nodded at a black haired man wearing glasses, "He's powerful."

"He must be teaching Zushi," Botan concluded as Killua delivered the final blow to win the match.

Yusuke and Hiei stood, leaving Botan sitting in her seat.

"I'll race you shorty," Yusuke said as they made their way down to the ring, "Whoever beats their opponent faster is buying dinner."

"Hn!" Hiei huffed.

"Damn it Hiei!" Yusuke complained as he stared at the bill on the table.

"Quit complaining, you earned plenty of money from your fight," Hiei spat.

Botan laughed silently at them and reached out; grabbing the room key on the table for a private room on the 100th floor. She examined it and stared up at Hiei and Yusuke who were still arguing with each other.

"Is one room going to be big enough for all three of us?" Botan asked, causing the two guys to turn and stare at her.

"The room was for us," Yusuke said slowly, pointing back and forth between Hiei and himself.

Botan frowned, "Then what am I supposed to do?"

"You can sleep on the floor," Hiei stated.

"You jerk! Making a lady sleep on the floor?! You're not a gentleman at all!"

Yusuke started laughing and Hiei snatched the room key from her.

"You can sleep on the floor, or you can sleep in the hall."

Botan looked horrified, "Where any of these scary men could come up to me and do whatever they wanted? Absolutely not! I'll get kidnapped or something terrible will happen!"

"The floor it is!" Yusuke exclaimed.


The next day Botan moped about, rubbing her stiff neck. Sleeping on the floor hadn't been kind to her and her back ached. She followed the pair into another giant room that was centered around an arena. The crowd was already roaring in approval and Yusuke puffed his chest out.

"There's that Gon kid again!" he pointed at the ring.

Gon's opponent taunted him before charging straight into the boy's hand and flying into the opposite wall.

"That's exactly what he did on the 50th floor!" Botan exclaimed.

"Killua, report to the floor for your next match!" the announcer said.

Killua arrived at the ring and delivered a blow to the back of the head of his opponent, sending him crumpling to the floor.

"That's what he did on the 50th floor too…" Botan muttered in surprise.

"Those kids are pretty good," Yusuke remarked.

Hiei rolled his eyes, "You're overestimating them, they would be no match for us."

"Yusuke, report to the floor!"

"Good luck Yusuke! Do your best!" Botan smiled at him.

The spirit detective gave her a thumbs up and eagerly made his way to the floor. His opponent entered the ring and the teen braced himself as though he was ready for a street fight. His foe charged and Yusuke delivered a swift uppercut to the man's gut; his eyes rolled up into his head as he fell to the floor.

"Hell yeah! Making money has never been this easy!" Yusuke exclaimed.

Hiei arrived at the ring and finished his fight almost instantly with another burst of demonic energy. He met back up with Yusuke and Botan with a bored expression.

"That was dull…" he muttered as they made their way back to the room to grab their things.

They packed up their belongings and entered the elevator. The girl in the elevator tried to talk to them about the significance of the higher floors but none of them paid any attention to her. She gritted her teeth and heatedly opened the door once they had arrived at the 150th floor. Yusuke got the new room key and the group continued on. As they were walking Botan noticed Gon and Killua running down the hall. They blew by the trio and got on an elevator going down.

"Where the heck are they going?" Yusuke asked as he swiped their room key and the door clicked open.


Another day passed and Yusuke and Hiei easily won their matches. The group was now on the elevator heading to the 200th floor. The doors opened and the mood instantly changed. Botan started to walk but Hiei and Yusuke both blocked her off with their arms.

"Hold it," Yusuke told her, with a serious expression.

"Do you feel that?" Hiei asked Yusuke with narrowed crimson eyes.

Yusuke nodded slowly, "What the hell is that? It's not spirit energy…"

"And it's not demon energy…" Hiei added.

The hall on the 200th floor was long and eerie. The green tiles were shiny and the walls were plain. One of the lights on the ceiling flickered and Yusuke knitted his eyebrows.

"Let's continue with caution," Hiei said warily and then nodded at Botan, "Stay behind us."

Botan nodded with a worried expression and grabbed the back of Yusuke's shirt. The group began to move forward down the hall until a thick feeling started to fill the air. It hit Hiei and Yusuke head on and the pair froze. Yusuke held his arms up to shield himself and Botan.

"It's difficult to move," Hiei stated in a puzzled tone.

His jagan lit up underneath his cloth covering and his demonic energy flared. It created a shield around him and the fire demon started to move forward freely. Yusuke smirked as Hiei moved by him and the detective started emitting a blue aura to surround him and Botan.

Hiei casually glanced over his shoulder, "I see spirit energy does the trick too… I still don't know what force this is though."

Yusuke shook his head, "Not a clue."

A stewardess appeared in one of the side halls and pointed them in the direction of the reception desk. She eyed them with a surprised expression as they moved through the hall with ease.

"One more thing," the stewardess said to them, "From the 200th floor up, weapons are allowed in matches."

Hiei smirked and ran his fingers over the sheath of his katana.

"Botan, why don't you try putting up a barrier around yourself," Yusuke told her, "I can't be with you all the time up here."

Botan nodded with a determined expression and concentrated until her barrier formed. She stepped away from the dark haired teen and grinned at him.


Hiei rolled his eyes at her language and continued around the corner to the reception desk. He stopped instantly causing Yusuke to bump into him and Botan to bump into the detective.

"Hey shorty! What's the big deal?!" Yusuke barked, peering around the fire demon who was staring ahead with a deadly glare.

Around the corner was another long hall and the group saw Gon and Killua frozen; unable to move. Another stewardess was explaining the rules of the 200th floor to them but the boys looked like they were struggling immensely. Hiei's eyebrows shot up as a tall muscular man walked into view next to the stewardess. He had spikey flame colored hair with a pink star under his right eye and a green tear drop under his left eye. His shirt was cutoff at the shoulders and suit symbols were on the front and back of it. He gave the two boys a grin and they gasped.

"Hisoka! What are you doing here?" Gon and Killua exclaimed.

Hisoka started chuckling, placing his hand on his forehead as he laughed.

"What am I doing here?!" he asked them humorously, "Is that really all you've got to say to me?"

Yusuke glanced questioningly at Hiei as the jester pulled an ace card out of nowhere.

"To tell you the truth, I came here because the cards told me to," Hisoka continued.

Gon and Killua watched him with confused faces but said nothing.

"They told me our fates were intertwined!" he gushed.

Sickened expressions covered Gon and Killua's faces. They both looked as though they were ready to gag.

Hisoka began running his fingers through his spiked hair, "Of course I'm joking, fate had nothing to do with it. You purchased your air ship tickets on the internet, I merely searched your names and ta da! I knew exactly where you were going! When I saw you were coming here to Heaven's Arena I couldn't resist and boarded my private air ship and arrived here well ahead of you!"

Killua pointed at him accusingly, "So you're stalking us?!"

"Don't be silly willy! I'm a regular here on the 200th floor and I have been for a long time now," Hisoka brushed him off, "As someone who knows their way around here let me give you some advice… turn back now, because obviously the two of you aren't ready."

He brought his hand out and an unseen force blew the two boys back. They skidded backwards on the floor, ending up right in front of Hiei and Yusuke. They both looked up at Hisoka with serious faces; standing strong against him.

The magician sat down cross legged on the floor, "As for when you'll be ready… it's really hard to say, take my advice, come back another time, and try again."

"No way! We've come this far and we're not leaving!" Killua shouted at him as he held his arms up to try and shield himself.

"Can you get past me?" Hisoka asked, putting his hand up and releasing another wave of power to push the boys further back.

This time Gon and Killua fell onto the floor with frightened expressions. Hiei's head jerked around as a man walked past them, it was the same man they had seen with Zushi.

"He's right," the man said, "You don't have nearly enough training to overcome his nen. It's like you've wandered naked into a snow storm and you have no idea where you are or how to get home. If you stay here much longer you're not going to survive."

"Is this what nen is?! All he has to do is hold his hand up and we can't move a muscle?!" Killua exclaimed with an angry expression.

"I've decided to teach you the true nen, but right now we need to get you both out of here quick," the man said to them.

Hisoka put his hand down and the boys got up slowly.

Gon turned worriedly and said, "Yeah, but we have to register for our matches by midnight! What happens if we don't?"

The stewardess gave them a small smile and answered, "Then you'll have to start over again from the first floor and since Killua has been to the 200th floor before and not registered for a match, if he fails to this time he will never be able to compete here again."

Killua clenched his jaw in irritation, turned to the man and asked, "If we leave here with you right now, can we make it back by midnight to register?"

Gon glanced at the clock which read 8:30.

"That will depend on you," the man replied.

Hisoka let out a small chuckle from his spot down the hall on the floor. He leaned his chin on his knee and watched as Gon and Killua left with the mysterious man.

"Nen…" Hiei trailed off, "That's what this is."

"Great, we know what it's called, I still don't know what the hell it is," Yusuke grumbled.

"It doesn't matter, let's register," Hiei said, starting to move forward.

Hisoka's nen flared and hit the group powerfully. His eyebrows perked up in curiosity as they continued moving. Botan let out a heavy sigh behind them and Yusuke looked over his shoulder at her.

"Are you okay Botan?"

Botan nodded with a determined expression on her face.

"Once we get to our room and away from this clown freak you can relax," Yusuke told her.

Hisoka let out a loud laugh, "I'm not a clown, although I do consider myself quite humorous."

Hiei glared daggers and stopped only a few feet in front of him. The two stared each other down and a grin spread across Hisoka's face.

"Oh! This is too much fun!" Hisoka exclaimed excitedly.

"Be quiet you silly human," Hiei spat with an irritated expression.

Yusuke bit his lip and let out a snicker as the trio marched by the magician.

"What do we have here?!" Hisoka asked as they continued to walk away from him.

Botan turned around and glanced at him nervously. He was looking directly at her and gave her a wink. Botan let out a small yelp and her cheeks flushed. She took a few quick steps to get closer to Yusuke and scrunched her eyes shut tightly in embarrassment. Botan couldn't help it, he was an incredibly handsome man.

Yusuke marched up to the desk where he and Hiei were handed their forms. The woman running the desk smiled at them.

"Did you want to register for fights today? You have up to 90 days to register for your first fight but you can book a fight for any day during that time period. You need 10 wins to challenge a floor master, and 4 losses are a disqualification."

"We'll both register for fights as soon as possible," Hiei told the receptionist.

She stared at him with a surprised expression and Botan tapped Yusuke on the shoulder.

"What is it?" he asked.

"Um," she started, but Yusuke turned around.

"Who are you?"

Three fighters stood behind them and were watching them with hungry eyes.

"You want to fight as soon as possible?" one of them asked, "We're up for that."

Hiei rolled his eyes, "Whatever," he slid the papers back across the desk, "Anytime is fine."

The receptionist nodded and handed them their room keys. The three of them left the desk and made their way down a few halls before coming upon the door to their room. Inside, the room was gigantic with all of the amenities plus more. There were chairs, couches, a large television, windows to look down from the tower, and two large beds. The television lit up and Yusuke and Hiei's names flashed across the screen with the date and time of their matches.

"Both are tomorrow," Botan noted as she collapsed heavily into a comfy chair.

"You should rest Botan, that guy's nen was a force to be reckoned with. I was worried about your barrier holding up," Yusuke told her.

Botan nodded and while Yusuke and Hiei were talking about their upcoming fights she snuck into the bedroom. She quickly got ready for the night and slid under the sheets with a grin on her face. Later, Yusuke and Hiei entered the bedroom.

"What the hell?!"

"That's your bed," Hiei pointed at the bed the sleeping girl was occupying.

"Hiei! That's not fair!" Yusuke exclaimed.

The fire demon shrugged and pulled his cloak off; taking a seat on the edge of his bed.

"Looks like I'm on the couch…" Yusuke grumbled.