The next day Botan woke up early and got ready. She snuck out of the room to find something to eat since she was starving. The ferry girl wandered the halls and was unable to find anything.

"What kind of place is this?! Where is the food around here?" she mumbled to herself, her stomach growling in protest.

"Oh my."

Botan froze at the sound of a voice behind her and chills ran up her spine. She knew that voice and it belonged to the creepy yet handsome magician. She turned slowly to see him grinning at her as he shuffled a deck of cards.

"You look like you've fallen out of the sky," he told her, flashing the queen of hearts in her direction.

"I'm not from around here," Botan answered in a quiet voice.

Hisoka let out a laugh that echoed down the hall and Botan trembled.

"You didn't dye your hair and aren't wearing contacts, I can tell. Your short little friend referred to me yesterday as a 'silly human' implying that he was something else… that leads me to believe that none of you are human," Hisoka said with a twinkle in his eye.

Botan crossed her arms, "I'm not telling you anything!"

The magician chuckled, "I'm not asking you to…"

He walked by her and whispered, "Beautiful like an angel," and continued on his way.

The ferry girl stared at his back and could hear him mumbling cheerfully as he disappeared down the hall.

He was saying something along the lines of, "What a joy it would be to kill a supernatural creature! Such a thrill!"

Botan quickly turned and ran back to the room where she knew she'd be safe. Hisoka was frightening and she had a feeling he would attack anyone or anything without mercy if he wanted to.

"Where the hell have you been Botan?" Yusuke snapped with an irritated expression as she closed the room door behind her.

Botan bit her lip in frustration when her eyes fell upon a cart that had breakfast foods assorted on it. She glanced at the two boys who were both eating. Yusuke cut a piece of pancake with his fork and rubbed it in the syrup on his plate. He popped it in his mouth and chewed it with a satisfied expression. Hiei poked at his food with a curious face and Yusuke snickered at him.

"You missed my lecture on breakfast foods to shorty here, he has no idea what most of this is," Yusuke said.

"Humans and demons don't have the same tastes when it involves food," Hiei stated dryly.

"You like this though, don't you?" Yusuke asked.

Hiei's eyes shot down and he wordlessly cut into a chocolate chip waffle.

"That's what I thought… Now where were you Botan?" Yusuke asked again.

"Well!" Botan sputtered, "I woke up and was hungry… so I left the room and tried find something to eat."

"You can be such an idiot sometimes Botan, they bring meals to you up here. You were gone an awful long time, if you were that hungry you should have called room service."

Botan narrowed her eyes, "I'm sorry I don't have that number memorized!"

Hiei grabbed the phone which was on the table beside him and held it up. Botan squinted and instantly saw a list of numbers attached above the keypad.

She huffed and folded her arms, "Whatever!"

"You'd better eat, our fights are in a few hours," Yusuke told her, motioning at the cart.

Once she had grabbed her plate and filled it with a variety of breakfast foods Botan felt better. She was very happy with the great taste of the food and it filled her up quickly.

"I ran into that strange man while I was out this morning," Botan told the two guys.

"The clown?" Hiei questioned.

"His name is Hisoka," Yusuke elbowed Hiei who growled at him.

"How do you know?" Botan asked.

"I was bored so I looked at the schedule and his name and picture are on it to fight some Kastro guy in a month," Yusuke shrugged and then added, "And those kids said his name when we first got to the 200th floor."

"Oh! I remember now," Botan blinked and then said, "A fight in a month? That's pretty far away!"

"Not really," Hiei said, "In between each fight 90 days can go by."

"I guess…" Botan trailed off.

"You should be more careful Botan, there are some weirdo people here that might take advantage of someone like you," Yusuke told her with a parental tone.

"Like me? What's that supposed to mean?" Botan asked defensively.

"A defenseless woman," Hiei spat, "You're an easy target for someone who wants to have a good time."

Botan stared at the fire demon with a confused expression and he rolled his eyes.

"Do I need to spell it out?" Hiei asked.

"Apparently," Yusuke whispered.

"You're both so mean!" Botan exclaimed.

"How are we mean when we're trying to tell you how to keep safe around here?" Yusuke questioned.

"Leave her be, if she gets in trouble it's her own damn fault," Hiei shook his head.


"That Gon kid got clobbered!" Yusuke exclaimed as they carried an unconscious Gon off the ring.

The boy had just finished his fight with Gido and it had looked promising for a while. Gon was able to dodge the spinning tops and then all of a sudden things went very wrong leaving the boy with a variety of injuries.

"Probably several broken bones with the way he was slammed around," Hiei noted.

"And next up we have Sadaso versus Yusuke!" the announcer proclaimed.

Yusuke turned around and gave Botan and Hiei a wink, "I won't let him get one attack in on me."

"Hn! Confident aren't you?" Hiei rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

Yusuke made his way down to the ring where he jumped up with a cocky grin. Sadaso slowly approached him and grinned with his deformed features.

"What an ugly man," Hiei commented, wrinkling his nose.

"Hiei! That's not very nice!" Botan scolded him, wagging her finger in his face.

He narrowed his crimson eyes and glared at her, but said nothing. They both turned their attention back to the ring where the referee had signaled for the match to begin.

Yusuke powerfully propelled himself forward and in the blink of an eye his fist connected with Sadaso's jaw. The man flew up in the air and Yusuke followed him, placing a hard knee in his lower back. Sadaso let out a gasp of agony and landed on the ground with a heavy thud. Yusuke smirked and blew on his knuckles as the referee signaled a KO hit. Yusuke's mouth formed a cheesy grin and he gave a peace sign to the camera.

Hiei huffed and stood, passing the spirit detective on the way down to the ring. Yusuke gave the fire demon a nod and bumped his shoulder with his fist. Hiei shoved his hands into the pockets of his black cloak and continued on.

"Great job Yusuke! That was so quick!" Botan applauded him.

Yusuke ran the top of his hand under his nose, "Well yeah Botan, that guy was really weak. I could have killed him if that punch would have been serious."

Botan turned her attention back to the ring where Hiei was standing with a bored look on his face. His opponent appeared on the other side in a motorized chair.

"What the hell? Hiei gets to fight a cripple?! That's not fair!" Yusuke pouted, folding his arms.

"Yusuke! That's incredibly rude and insensitive!"

"And next we have Riehlvelt versus Hiei!" the announcer exclaimed.

"Ready…" the referee started, looking back and forth between the two, "Fight!"

Upon the signal Riehlvelt pulled out two bullwhips and began rapidly swinging them around.

"And there's Riehlvelt's twin snakes' song of defense!" the announcer commentated.

The whips swung around at a rapid pace and Hiei pulled out his katana. He bent his legs and quickly pushed off the ground at lightning speed. The fire demon appeared behind Riehlvelt where he placed his katana back in its sheath. Riehlvelt was still swinging his whips and suddenly stopped as they split into several pieces, falling to the floor. His chair also broke and the man fell to the floor. Hiei turned around and stared down at Riehlvelt with an evil look.

"Surrender or I'll kill you."

Riehlvelt gasped along with the audience and turned to the referee.

"Hiei wins!"

The audience erupted and Botan rolled her eyes as she heard girls behind her talking about how cool Hiei was.

'You wouldn't think he was cool if you knew him first hand,' she thought with a small frown, 'He's quite frightening.'

Hiei returned to them and Yusuke gave him a sly grin, "You dog! You used a weapon! Was that guy really worth it?"

"No," Hiei stated dryly, "But I didn't feel like getting my hands dirty."

Yusuke stood, "Let's get out of here, the rest of these fights are going to be boring."

"Let's sign up for our next set," Hiei told him.

Yusuke nodded, "Sure."

Botan turned and looked up the flight of stairs where she saw a familiar face looking down at her with a grin. A shiver ran up her spine and she quickly looked at her companions who were talking avidly to one another. She glanced back up and a certain magician gave her a wink before disappearing.

"I think I'm going to go back to the room," Botan said with a blanched face.

"Whoa, Botan, you look terrible! You were fine just a second ago. What happened?" Yusuke asked, staring at her with a perplexed look.

Hiei pointed up the stairs, "The clown is watching her."

Yusuke looked up quickly, "Where?"

"He's gone now… how did you know Hiei?" Botan asked.

The fire demon pointed to the cloth that covered his jagan eye, "I see everything."

"Silly me, of course you do… well, I'm still going back to the room," Botan said.

"Be careful Botan, if you need help…" Yusuke trailed off and then said, "Scream, we'll hear that big mouth of yours no matter where you are."

Botan's face dropped, "Thanks."

She stomped up the steps and cautiously glanced from side to side. There were people walking around but no sign of Hisoka. Quickly, she darted into a crowd that was passing and watched her surroundings carefully as they walked. They came up upon the hall she needed to exit to and she left the group with a large side step. Botan turned in a full circle as she started walking down the hall and let out a scream as she came around to face forward again.

"You're not very sneaky."

Botan's eyes grew large and she took a step back only to bump into something hard. She shakily looked over her shoulder only to see another Hisoka staring down at her. She opened her mouth to scream again but the magician in front of her covered her mouth.

Behind her, he said, "Hush now, what have I ever done to you?"

Botan paused and thought. He was sort of right… he had never done anything to her to warrant her behavior. He was a bit creepy and that was all. She was nice to creepy people all of the time. Botan let out a sigh as he uncovered her mouth. She turned to face the Hisoka behind her but no one was there.

"Why are you looking that way? I'm over here you silly girl," Hisoka said in a joking voice.

"What do you want? You keep following me."

Hisoka let out a laugh, "I'm not following you, it seems like we keep popping up in the same places at the same time! It's fate!"

Botan watched with a stunned expression on her face as he pulled out a deck of cards and began shuffling them.

"Choose one and put it back in the deck, if I can show you your card on the first try you'll let me take you to dinner," Hisoka told her as the deck flew back and forth between his hands.

Botan gasped, "Absolutely not! I don't even know you! You could do terrible things to me!"

Hisoka laughed again, "If I wanted to do things to you I would have already done them and you do know me. We met this morning, remember?"

Botan pursed her lips and the magician added, "And it'll be in a public place so there would be no reason for me to do something to you."

The ferry girl looked down at the cards and then back up at the magician. She bit her lip and chewed on it nervously. She wasn't sure what to do but she did know that if Yusuke caught her with this man he'd kill him. Botan scowled, she was a grown woman and could make her own decisions, Yusuke wasn't her boss. She reached out and snatched a card from the magician who gave her a bright smile. Botan glanced at the card and shoved it back in the deck. Hisoka began wildly shuffling the deck until suddenly the cards were together with one sticking out at the top. He held the deck out to her and Botan grabbed the loose card.

Her pink eyes widened and her eyebrows shot up, "That's… my card."

Hisoka took the card from her and the deck disappeared from his hands. He folded his muscular arms and grinned at her.

"I'll be at your room to get you at 7," Hisoka said with a wink.

The magician walked past her out into the main hall and disappeared into the crowd; leaving Botan speechless. Slowly she lifted one foot at a time and continued to the room still unable to comprehend what had just happened. She opened the door and walked inside, collapsing into one of the chairs facing the television. Her eyes went to the clock which said it was around noon. She was extremely nervous and confused about her sudden evening engagement.

Botan pursed her lips and thought about how she could keep it a secret from Yusuke and Hiei. A flashback of Hiei and his glowing jagan eye zipped through her mind.

"I see everything."

She heard his voice ringing in her thoughts and it was at that moment she knew she'd have to tell them the truth.


"You're what?!" Yusuke almost shouted after Botan told him she had plans that evening.

"Unbelievable, you really are a moron," Hiei shook his head with a tired expression.

Botan pursed her lips, "I can do what I want! I don't need you two giving me orders all of the time! I'm not a child!"

"Are you sure?"

"Be quiet Hiei!" Botan snapped.

She nervously looked at the clock which told her that in fifteen minutes she'd be walking out the door with Hisoka. She kept telling herself that he had yet to do anything to her to warrant concern so she shouldn't judge him. Sure he was a little odd, but there were plenty of odd people who were still great to be around.

"Make sure you take your communicator with you… in case you get into trouble," Yusuke said in a low voice with a look of defeat on his face.

Botan gave him a sympathetic smile, "Of course I will."

She went to the bathroom where she did a last minute scan of herself. The ferry girl was wearing her pink kimono with her hair pulled back in its typical high ponytail. She didn't feel the need to get too fancy, it wasn't going to be a fancy dinner… or at least she didn't think so. Botan winced at the thought of being in a very public place while Hisoka was wearing his vibrant outfit with paint on his face. She tapped her chin, wondering what he would look like in normal clothes instead of the clown type suit. She jumped when she heard a knock on the door to the room and zipped out of the bathroom quickly. Botan glanced over in front of the television where Hiei and Yusuke were both turned in their chairs watching her. Yusuke sat with his arms crossed and a disapproving scowl on his face. Botan gave them both a small smile and slowly walked to the door. She reached out with a trembling hand and turned the door knob. The door opened and Botan's pink eyes became wide in shock. Who the heck was this guy? It couldn't be Hisoka… could it? She stared at the man who was on the other side of the door frame and her lips parted slightly.

"Don't look so surprised, I told you I'd be her at seven you silly girl."

Botan's mouth immediately shut, oh yeah, that was him. She couldn't believe how different he looked… how normal he looked. He was in a black suit with a black tie that had red hearts and diamonds on it. The star and tear drop were absent from his face and his hair was flat instead of spiked up. Botan heard a sharp growl from behind her and she hesitantly glanced over her shoulder to see Yusuke gritting his teeth as a bright aura surrounded him. Hiei had a plain expression but she could tell the fire demon was scrutinizing the newcomer.

"Oh my, what a tense atmosphere," Hisoka joked glancing at the two guys who were staring him down, "You must be a damsel in distress with meanies like them for roommates."

"Shut up you stupid clown!" Yusuke shouted, pointing at him accusingly, "You have her back here before nine or I'll hunt you down!"

"Yusuke please!" Botan said with an embarrassed expression.

"Yikes," Hisoka chuckled and motioned for her to come out of the room.

Botan turned around, closing the door as she backed up, "I'll be back later."

Yusuke stuck his tongue out at her and she rolled her eyes, the door clicking shut. She started walking down the hall with Hisoka next to her. Botan noticed how tall he was and how long his legs were immediately because in the time he took one step she had to take multiple steps to keep up with him. She stared at the ground, feeling very awkward and not knowing what to say. The pair got onto the elevator which was taking them all the way down to the first floor.

"Where are we going?" Botan finally asked as they traveled downward.

"A place close by, don't worry yourself," Hisoka replied, not looking at her.

The elevator door finally opened and Botan followed Hisoka out into the lobby of Heaven's Arena. She wordlessly stayed on his heels as they left the building and started walking down the city streets. After a few minutes they stopped moving in front of a quaint restaurant and Hisoka flashed a glance down at Botan with a small smile on his face. A chill ran up her spine and vanished as soon as the magician looked away. Botan could tell why people were so intimidated by this man, his eye contact was enough to send fearful bursts of adrenaline through her veins. She felt like a lamb going into the lion's den and couldn't help the nervous feeling in the pit of her stomach screaming for her to escape while she had the chance. The ferry girl trailed after the magician as they entered the building. The lights were dim and each table had its own glow coming from the lamps that were hanging over them. They were led to a private table for two in the back and Botan looked around curiously.

"What a cute place!" the ferry girl said in a cheerful voice.

Hisoka tilted his head slightly and said, "Aren't you going to tell me your name pretty lady?"

Botan gasped and her eyes shot down in embarrassment, "Sorry! Oh goodness! I completely forgot! How rude of me!"

Hisoka let out a chuckle and watched her intently as she spoke, "My name is Botan."

"Hmm…" Hisoka hummed out.

Botan continued on, if there was one thing she was good at it was talking, "And the two guys I'm here with are Yusuke and Hiei. The short grouchy one is Hiei, he's a bit temperamental, and the other is Yusuke."

"Ah yes, the silly goose who yelled at me to have you home before nine… what a protective boy," Hisoka said with amusement on his face.

Botan laughed nervously, "Yes, that's him, Yusuke is a great person, he can go a bit over the top sometimes."

"So let's cut to the chase… what are they? And what are you? I'm curious to know."

"Um! I don't think I'm at liberty to say!" Botan told him with a startled look and laughed nervously, "I'm just a normal, uninteresting lady!"

The waiter showed up and asked them what they wanted to drink and quickly brought them their beverages. Botan sipped thirstily on her pink lemonade and warily looked up to see the magician still staring her down.

"Is there any particular reason you're eyeing me like I'm a piece of meat?" Botan asked a bit defensively.

Hisoka clapped his hands and laughed, causing Botan to jump. She uncomfortably smoothed her kimono over her lap and narrowed her eyes at him.

"If you try anything Yusuke will tear you to shreds!" Botan said.

"Are your friends by any chance related to Gon and his little Zoldyck companion?" Hisoka asked.

Botan frowned, "No… but I can see why you'd think that. Hiei does look a bit like Killua and Gon and Yusuke have some similarities too."

"Tell me what the aura was that you three used to evade my nen when you first arrived on the 200th floor."

"Yusuke and I used spiritual energy and Hiei used demon energy," Botan said and then slapped her hand over her mouth, "Oopsie!"

Hisoka let out another laugh, "What an odd girl you are!"

Botan stared at the table with a pouty face as the waiter took their orders. He left and the ferry girl shot a glare at Hisoka who ran his hand over his fiery colored hair.

"So you're trying to tell me that your little short friend is a demon? Such a funny girl, next you'll tell me you're a long lost princess in search of her castle!"

Botan's face dropped as the magician laughed at his own joke.

Hisoka stopped and said, "But I'm inclined to believe you… so you and the other boy are spirits?"

"Yusuke is a human," Botan told him, "He's very special."

"So am I," Hisoka winked.

Botan's eye twitched and she huffed, "Why don't you tell me about yourself since you're so interested in learning about me and my friends."

"Oh, that's no fun! My past isn't important," he brushed her off.

"Why are you obsessed with cards? And why do you wear that weird clown costume?" Botan asked.

Hisoka narrowed his eyes and fear coursed through Botan. She shrank back and trembled.

"Ha! Are you afraid of me?" he asked excitedly.

"Does that make you happy? Do you like when people are afraid of you?" Botan questioned, noticing how his face lit up.

"Yes, of course! There's nothing more thrilling than the kill or the fear that I can strike into others."

"That's disturbing…" Botan mumbled to herself.

"Secrets, secrets are no fun!" he scolded her, shaking his finger.

The ferry girl shook her head, "If you aren't a clown… what are you?"

"If you don't stop referring to me as a clown I'll have to cut out that voice box of yours… I don't like being called that," he told her with a grin.

Botan jumped and her trusty baseball bat materialized in her hands. She held it defensively and gasped in shock once she realized what she had done. It disappeared with a 'poof' instantly.

Hisoka's eyes became large and he began clapping, "Are you a magician too?! What a clever trick!" he excitedly pulled out his deck of cards and began shuffling them enthusiastically.

"You're a magician?" Botan asked incredulously.

'A murderous creepy magician… how odd,' she thought as she watched him hold the deck out to her.

"Pick!" he told her.

Botan sighed and pulled out a card. She looked at it and shoved it back in the pile. The ferry girl stared at his black tie with red hearts and diamonds as Hisoka shuffled the deck once again. The waiter arrived with their dinner and placed it in front of them. Botan smiled with a delighted expression as she looked down at her plate, it looked positively delicious! She looked up at Hisoka who held a card up with a smug expression.

"Was this your card?"

Botan grabbed her fork and nodded slowly, "Yes… that was it. How did you get so good with card tricks?"

"I can build towers of cards to the ceiling too!" he proclaimed and then asked, "Now tell me Botan, what is it you do?"

"You already asked me that… I'm not going to say," she answered.

"I don't know who you think I'm going to go blab your secrets to… if you can't tell, I don't have any friends, there's no safer person to tell than me!"

Botan rolled her eyes, she supposed he was right, and she'd never see him again once she went back to spirit world.

"I'm the grim reaper."

Botan continued eating but Hisoka stared at her with a shocked expression. He was silent and a large grin spread across his face.

"Mmm, I think I might like you more than I initially thought!" he said in a sing song voice.

"It's quite a dull job. That's why I like breaks like this where I can be with other people instead of comforting and ferrying souls for judgment," she said.

A tremor ran through the magician and Botan noticed it. She gave him an odd look but continued with her meal.

"Thrilling," Hisoka said in a breathless voice.


"This is the spirit world detective kit!" Botan announced proudly.

Hisoka glanced down at the open kit and tapped his chin with a small smirk. Botan bent down and began shuffling through the items. The two were in the middle of a nearby park which was lit by the surrounding street lights.

Botan pulled out a small ring and put it on her finger, "This is the concentration ring and it increases the user's spirit energy sevenfold! But one has to be careful using it because it leaves the wearer exhausted!"

She placed the ring back in the kit and pulled out a watch, "This is the demon compass! Look here!"

Hisoka leaned closer and eyed the watch which pointed sharply in the direction of Heaven's Arena.

"It senses your grouchy friend," he said.

Botan nodded, "Yes! It's picking up on Hiei that's for sure!"

The magician took a step back when an oar materialized and Botan sat on it. She rose up into the air and held up a small magnifying glass with a smile.

"This is the psychic spyglass! You can see through walls, buildings, and even clothes with it!" Botan exclaimed as she peered through the monocle at the nearby skyscrapers.

Without thinking she looked down at Hisoka and let out a yelp, dropping the spyglass. He caught it with a grin and looked up at her through it.

"Oh yes, the view through this is dazzling."

Botan ascended quickly and swatted at the magician with a frustrated face.

"Don't do that! Goodness! That's not a very gentlemanly thing to do!" she scolded him.

"I'd love to show you some of my tricks, but I need someone to perform them with…" he trailed off.

Botan produced a whistle and held it up, "The mystic whistle!"

Hisoka's eyebrows shot up as she blew into it and he heard no sound.

Botan stopped and placed it in the kit, "There, that should do it!"

In seconds a shadowy figure appeared next to her.

"Why are you blowing that thing, what an atrocious noise!"

"Hi Hiei!" Botan smiled sweetly at him.

The fire demon let out a growl, "Why the hell did you blow it?!"


The ferry girl looked up only to see a desperate spirit detective racing toward her. He stopped in front of her huffing to catch his breath.

"I thought he was killing you! So I ran down all the stairs from the 200th floor to here!" Yusuke ground out through breaths.

Hisoka grinned, "How thoughtful! You brought me a pair of dummies that I can show you my tricks with!"

Botan smiled and pointed at Hiei, "He's very durable, but can turn into a big meanie, be careful!"

Yusuke collapsed and hit the ground, still trying to catch his breath, "God damn it Botan!"

Hisoka paused and stared across at the street where a pair of familiar boys were walking by.

"Oh wonderful! Gon!" Hisoka waved flamboyantly.

Gon and Killua stopped, staring over at the group with wide eyes. They started talking to one another and then slowly made their way over.

"Hello Gon, how's that nen training coming?" Hisoka asked slyly.

"Hisoka! What are you doing out here?" Gon asked.

"I had a date," the magician replied simply.

Hiei shook his head and Yusuke glared at the man angrily.

"See what I mean?" Hisoka asked Botan, "They all look alike!"

Hiei narrowed his eyes and stared at Killua who eyed him back skeptically.

"No we don't," they both said at the same time.

Botan's eyebrows shot up and she bit her lip to hold back a laugh. Hiei approached the boy and Yusuke busted out laughing.

"He's like twelve years old and still taller than you Hiei!" the spirit detective sputtered.

"Shut up!" Hiei snapped, "I could break him like a twig if I wanted to."

"Try it!" Killua spat.

The pair stared at each other and at the same time moved with lightning fast speed. They continued to navigate around each other, neither one able to get an opening on the other. They finally stopped with Hiei wielding his katana and Killua ready with his claws. Hiei closed his eyes and smirked as he placed his katana back in its sheath.

"Hn! Perhaps you aren't as worthless as you appear."

Killua grinned, "You're pretty good too."

"Okay, okay! I wanted to show off my tricks! Gon look-alike, come over here!" Hisoka said, pointing at Yusuke.

"What?! I don't look like that kid!"

Yusuke stood up with a defiant expression and marched toward the magician. Hisoka glanced at Botan and grinned.

"My nen type is transmutation. I can change my aura to mimic something else by copying the properties of real things. A notable transmuter trait is that we're whimsical liars!" Hisoka grinned madly.

Yusuke let out a gasp as he was suddenly flung up into the air. Hisoka rhythmically flicked his wrist in different directions when sent Yusuke flying all over. The spirit detective screamed out curse words as he hit the ground.

"That's called my Bungee Gum. I can stick anyone I want with it."

Botan stared at Yusuke, "I don't see anything."

"That's because it's my nen. It's imitating the wonderful rubbery form of my favorite gum!" Hisoka gushed.

"Get it the hell off of me!" Yusuke commanded, swiping at the air around him blindly.

"Come here," Hisoka said with a grin, ushering him forward with his hand.

As soon as he moved his finger Yusuke flew forward and landed on the ground as Hisoka's feet.

"You bastard! I'll kill you!" Yusuke snarled, aiming his spirit gun up at the magician's face.

Botan jumped and rushed to his side, kneeling down, "Now now, calm down Yusuke, don't be so rash."

"Rash?! This freak just threw me around the park like a ragdoll and all you did was watch! Now you're scolding me?!"

Hisoka ignored him and said, "Another trick of mine... Hello, little short grouchy man over there, yes you. Let me borrow that pretty sword of yours."

Hiei bared his teeth and firmly grabbed the sheath at his side.

"Hiei, just for a few seconds, or…" Botan trailed off, holding up the mystic whistle.

Hiei's face fell and he let out a growl, "Witch!"

The fire demon roughly threw the sword at Hisoka who caught it gracefully. Quickly he slid out of his suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his undershirt to expose his forearms. The magician lifted the sword and placed the sharp blade against his skin. Botan gasped as he cut downwards and her eyebrows shot up as nothing happened. Hisoka sheathed the sword and tossed it back to Hiei who caught it grumpily.

"Ta da! Magic!" Hisoka grinned, pointing at his unharmed arm.

"Ridiculous!" Hiei spat, "I'm sure I'd have no problem cutting you."

"My Bungee Gum and Texture surprise together!" Hisoka said, touching his arm where a cloth materialized.

Everyone watched in stunned silence as the cloth fell from his arm and they were able to see his gaping wound which was bleeding freely.

"I wrap the cloth with my Bungee Gum, and the cloth is disguised as my skin, it's a cool trick, right? Then you have no idea I'm hurt!"

"But how?" Gon squeaked out.

Hisoka made a few 'tsk' noises, "A magician never reveals his secrets!"

"I'm sick of this shit," Yusuke moaned, standing up and rubbing the back of his head, "I'm going to bed."

"I hope the damage I did to your friend isn't permanent," Hisoka said with a cheeky laugh.

They were riding the elevator back up to the 200th floor and Botan had come to the realization that even though he was creepy, he wasn't that bad. She actually enjoyed her evening and had learned some new things. Yusuke and Hiei were back in the room and Botan was heading that way.

They got off the elevator and started walking down the hall when Botan asked, "Are you hiding that wound right now?"

Hisoka was carrying his jacket over his shoulder and he glanced down at his forearm.

"Maybe," he said in a teasing voice.

"Let me heal it for you!"

"The grim reaper has healing powers?!" Hisoka asked and busted into a fit of laughter.

Botan grabbed his arm and jerked the sleeve up. She gasped as a piece of bloodied cloth loosely fell to the floor. Hisoka stared down at her with a small frown on his lips.

"Hold still," Botan told him, a healing light coming from her palms.

He watched in fascination as the wound became smaller and eventually vanished. The magician childishly poked at the skin where the laceration had been and grinned.

"Machi would be jealous of you…" he said in an amused voice.

"Who is Machi?" Botan asked as they continued walking.

"Nobody!" Hisoka sang as they stopped in front of Botan's door.

Botan nervously twiddled her fingers and said, "Thanks for dinner, it was a fun evening."

Hisoka grinned and bent down so he was eye level with her. He leaned forward and feverishly kissed her. Botan's shocked yelp was muffled and she eventually pushed toward him. At that moment Hisoka backed up and grinned at her once again.

"Farewell," he winked, "To the prettiest grim reaper I've ever seen."

The magician disappeared into the darkness of the hallway and Botan stared after him with pink cheeks. Her eyes shot down where a card had been shoved in between her fingers. She held it up and saw it was the joker card. Botan let out a small laugh and flipped it over to see that he had scribbled his cell phone number on the back. The ferry girl put the card up the sleeve of her kimono and entered the room.

"Is anyone still…" Botan started to ask but saw that both beds were occupied and smiled.

She let out a sigh, "I guess it's the couch for me tonight."

A/N: And that's it! I wanted it to be fairly short! Now I need to get back to finishing my other stories! :P Reviews are always appreciated!

I have also started a Sequel to this story! :)