Hey everyone!

I'm sorry it has been a VERY long time since I updated. And I have a good reason for it. For the past few months I have been unable to open up my PASTA300 account. Why? I have no clue. I created a new account 300PASTA to continue one of my stories that was on this account. I don't know how but today, miraculously my account let me log in. I was super happy! It was a Christmas miracle!

I'm updating a chapter today because I left you guys hanging for such a long LONG time (Again, I'm very sorry!)

I'm also sorry again because I don't know when I can update this again after today. You see, on my new account I have other stories and I'm not going to drop them now just for my past stories. I DON'T want to give up on this. In fact I HATE giving up, so expect another chapter eventually.

Alright! I hope you enjoy it! :)

Disclaimer: Himaruya owns Hetalia. I don't.

Prussia's P.O.V.

Austria the douche and I waltzed up to Lizzie's home.

"Alright!" I exclaimed. "I break the window and you hoist me up!"

I was about to make my way towards the nearest window when suddenly Austria stopped me, rolling his eyes might I add, and pulled something out of his pocket with the hand not holding the bouquet. In his free hand was a key. The noble approached the front door and unlocked it with the mysterious item.

I looked at him in shock. "You have a key?! You own a freaking key to her house?!"

"Well, I was her husband once."

"Once … Why do you still have the key now?!"

"Shut up. She let me keep it."

I huffed. "Sure she did …" Although I knew full well he was telling the unawesome truth.

As we entered her home the douche called out, "Hungary? Hungary!"

"She's not going to answer you, Austria the Douche."

He ignored me and sauntered up the stairs. I shrugged and followed after him. "Oh Unawesome Hungary~! Where are you?" I chimed as we stepped onto the second floor. As we continued down the hallway my suspicion rose. Were we heading towards …? "Where are we going, Austria the Douche?"

"I know you know where, Prussia," he responded with a tired sigh.

We stopped in front of a door and Austria hesitantly opened it. My suspicion was correct. We were in Lizzie's bedroom. Totally not cool Austria the Douche, even though I do sneak in there a lot.


I saw something stir underneath the covers on the bed but I never could've guessed what came next.

"Hungary?" asked the douche yet again. Finally the figure under the covers lifted themselves up and faced us. I can only say one thing. THAT. WAS. NOT. HUNGARY.

"AHHHH!" I shrieked as I stared wide eyed at the person in the bed. "Where is Hungary you Unawesome British Fiend?!"

The figure gave me startled look and shouted back, "Don't scream so loud you twit!"

The figure was that of a man's. He had messy blonde hair and ginormous eyebrows. The biggest question to us all was: Why the hell was he in Hungary's bed half naked?

"Wait … I have two solutions to this," I began. I took notice to how once those words left my mouth Austria the Douche and the man in the bed, England, face palmed. "Either England messed up a spell again making Hungary look like England or you really are England."

"I really am England!" he screamed angrily.

Little did I know that at that exact moment the person I was looking for had just gotten out of the shower and was heading towards the bedroom at a fast pace after hearing my obnoxious scream earlier.

Austria the douche then asked the obvious question. "Where is Hungary?"

"Yeah! Where is she?!"

"I don't-"

I cut him off because I didn't want to hear his unawesome answer. "D-Don't tell me! Did you and Lizzie-"

England's face was now as red as a tomato. "O-Of course not, git! Don't make stupid assumptions!"

I was going to press further but a bare foot collided with my face, causing me to stumble and fall to the floor. Above me stood Lizzie. Her hair was a little wet and she wore nothing but a bath towel. At the moment I was thinking she was smoking hot but then I remembered what was going on. She was practically naked. England was in her bed. He was half naked. She just got out of a shower (although I don't think that says much).

"So it's true! You two did sleep with each othe-"

This time she hit me with her frying pan that just happened to appear out from nowhere. So unawesome.

"SHUT UP PRUSSIA! We did not sleep together!" She glanced back at England. "Right?"

"Of course we didn't!" he exclaimed, glad that he had someone backing him up.

Lizzie smiled brightly at Austria the douche. "Hello, Austria."

"Hello, Hungary." He nervously handed her the flowers. "T-These are for you."

"Oh, how sweet of you!" She glared at me before turning back to England. "How was your night?"

"I have a hangover … Wait! You got me drunk on purpose didn't you?!" He declared. Hold on … what did I miss?

"I did not such thing," she lied, smiling sweetly.

"Yes you did! I was going to go pay for a room at the closest hotel but you got me drunk and made me stay here!"

I laughed at the hilarious news. Immediately I stopped and frowned at Hungary. "Hold up Lizzie. You got England drunk … And didn't invite me?!"

"I wasn't trying to humiliate him like you would've. I was merely toying with his head and making him easily follow what I said."

I whistled at that, slightly impressed. "Wow, that's cruel. Awesome Prussia likey."

She blushed but hit me again with her frying pan. Aww! Isn't that cute and PAINFUL!

Anyway, England was angry and he wasn't afraid to show it. "Well your stupid plan really worked although I hate to admit it. I didn't think you could be so rude as to do that to your guests Miss Hungary."

Did he just call her Miss Hungary?

"Well, sadly Prussia exists in my life and his rudeness rubs off on people."

"HEY!" I growled. But then again … It was true.

This comical moment was ruined however, by Austria the Douche when he asked, "Why were you even here England?"

I saw Hungary and England glance at each other nervously. What were they hiding from the Awesome Prussia?

"I …"

"He …"


I think we all winced at that shout.

Immediately Hungary ran towards England, grabbed him, and threw him in the closet. Austria the Douche and I both cocked an eyebrow at her. "Why did you just throw England into a closet?" Austria the Douche asked.

"I really don't have any time to explain but you can't let America or Italy know that he's here. Got it?!"

The two of us glanced at each other and then at Lizzie before agreeing.

"Thank you!" she exclaimed right before a head popped into the room. "Whoa! Prussia! Why're you here?"

Another head popped in as well. "Huh? Mr. Austria!"

The two of them smiled widely at us but stopped abruptly when they saw Lizzie. The two of them showed different emotions however.

"Wow Miss Hungary! You have a very nice body~!" Italy exclaimed. She smiled shyly at him before nudging him gently with a blush. WHOA! How did he do that?! If I said that she'd hit me with her frying pan!

My head turned to America who had turned away almost instantly. "I can't look, I can't look, I can't look ..." he panicked.

I snickered at this. I thought he could handle seeing half naked women. Oh well.

Italy smiled brightly and patted America's shoulder. "America! You don't have to cover your eyes! Miss Hungary doesn't mind!"

"Says you!" he shouted. "I can't just look at my mentor with little decency!"

Now I was laughing my butt off. America seemed to take offense to this but I didn't care.

Hungary giggled before saying. "I'll go get some clothes on. Then you two can tell me why you're here," she said pointing at Austria the Douche and me.

"Sure thing. But just saying, I like looking at you with little decency," I snickered.

She glared. "Go die."

And of course, before she walked out she hit me with her skillet.

America's P.O.V.

Once Miss Hungary left I finally opened my eyes and the rest of us headed down stairs. We sat down in her living room and waited for her return. After a few minutes of Prussia's constant laughter at me, she arrived. She wore a nice green dress with flowers along the bottom edge. They weren't real flowers. Obviously. Who would think that? Well, I know I didn't think that when I first saw the dress. I didn't question it at all. Nope. It was sooo obvious. I knew all along …

Okay I thought they were real flowers at first but hey! They looked real for god sakes!

Anyway I was actually glad she had put some clothes on. I mean after yesterday I grew some respect for Miss Hungary so seeing her with hardly anything on made me feel flustered and totally wrong … What? You didn't know the Hero could be sensitive too?

"So, why are you two here?" asked Hungary.

Austria answered first. "I just wanted to pay you a visit. It has been quite some time."

She seemed alright with that answer and turned to Prussia. "What about you?"

"Well, I saw Austria the Douche-" he paused when he saw her glare. "I mean I saw Roddie at the train station … so I decided to come along with him?" Wow, he really didn't have an answer did he?

When he saw the looks on our faces he shouted, "Hey! You all, stop looking at the Awesome Prussia like I'm stupid!"

I hadn't even realized that's what I looked like until he said so. All of us, even Italy, looked at him as if he were a moron. Ha! So that's what it feels like!

"So …" began Austria after a moment of silence. "What brings you two here?" he asked Italy and me.

I didn't want them to know about our mission to get smart YET. I had to think of a plan! "… I was hanging out with Italy because we were talking about setting up some more Italian restaurants in America. Then Italy felt like paying Miss Hungary a visit and since I really don't talk to her I decided to come too, you know?" Wow … Did I really just make that up?

Somehow Italy caught onto the lie. Phew! "Yeah! It's true! Since it was late when we got here Miss Hungary said we could stay~!" Italy exclaimed, happy with himself that he understood what I was doing.

"Oh, I see," was Austria's response. Well, isn't he boring?

Miss Hungary smiled in delight. "These two are such sweet hearts."

Italy cheered at that. I just shrugged. It ruins my reputation when people call me sweetheart (which is like, never) but since I didn't want her to hit me with her frying pan, I kept my mouth closed.

Just then a loud bang came from the front door and also some shouting. Who the hell could be shouting so loud so early in the morning on someone's doorstep? Wasn't that sort of rude?

Hungary stood up and made her way towards the front door. "Excuse me," she said.

Just as we heard the front door unhitch a loud scream resounded throughout the house. "I blame you, you stupid Potato Bastard! Never get near me again!"

Oh … it was them.