Minerva stood up once the curtain was closed, shielding her from the rest of the open hospital wing. The buttons of her blouse were forced through the appropriate holes by her slowly moving fingers. She stared blankly at the cream curtain in front of her. Her eyes were hazy, unfocused. Her motions were like that of an automaton. Her eyes glazed over as the flashback over took her sharp mind.


Madam Clearwater placed the potion in her open palm .The glass of the narrow vile chilled her already cold hand. Her eyes moved down to the potion in her hand. This will help my child stay alive and healthy. It was already uncorked, supposedly making it easier for her to drink, but it was not the physicality of it that made it so immensely difficult for her to drink it.

"Drink," She pushed. Her voice was gentle, trying not to startle her.

Arduously, the vile was lifted by what seemed to be an invisible force to Minerva. The scent of cherry wafted to her nose. The glass was like ice against her pink lips. It was downed in one swift motion and regrettably so.

Minerva grimaced as the potion slid down her throat. It didn't taste at all like it smelled.

"Did you expect pumpkin juice, Dearie?" Madam Clearwater said. Again, her voice was gentle and soft, hoping to lighten the mood.


Minerva exited the Hospital Wing and was now walking absentmindedly through the halls of Hogwarts, absorbed in her thoughts. A chill drifted up her back and spread throughout her entire body causing her to shiver.

Suddenly she found herself in front of the portrait of the noble Sir Godric Gryffindor. She was about to knock when he said, "Good day Milady."

"Good day Godric."

"Do you have the password?" He said with a hint of humor. She hadn't needed the password since her 3rd year.

"No… I-I um… don't," she stuttered.

"I'm merely jesting. You may enter."

There was no turning back now.

The portrait swung open to reveal Albus Dumbledore's office. The room was square. It was decorated with burgundy and gold colors to represent Gryffindor. Book shelves lined that left wall. There was a fire place on the right which kept the room nice and warm. In front of it was a Persian rug, a settee, and a coffee table. At the far end of the room, though, was Albus sitting at his desk, waiting for her.

"Miss. McGonagall, please come have a seat."

Her steps were slow. She reached the chair and bit her lip out of nervous habit.


"No thank you, Sir." She said all while avoiding eye contact.

"I'm not going to beat around the bush." Albus paused. "Have you thought about your options?"

"Yes. I've thought long and hard…"

"Have you decided…?"


He looked at her with open eyes, pleading.

"I've decided… I've decided to keep to the child Professor."

The silence was deafening, the tension so palpable you could cut it with a knife.

Standing up, Dumbledore moved to the opposite side of the desk next to Minerva's chair. He placed his hand on her shoulder. "Now that we have business taken care of why don't we move to my sitting room?"

He motioned towards the door, gesturing to the door behind his desk. She rose from her seat.

Together they moved to his private quarters and sat on the settee in front of the hearth. She stared into the blazing fire.

"Minerva," Albus called. There was no response.

"Minerva please look at me," She shook her head no, causing a tear to slide down her nose and on to her robes, leaving a dark circle on the fabric. He took her chin in his palm and turned it so she was looking into his eyes.

"Please help me understand."

"How could you possibly want me?" She cried.

"Why would you say such a thing?"

"I'm pregnant! Unwed! Spoilt! I'm going to swell up in a few months! Not only should the thought of me being pregnant be disgusting, it's is someone else's child, Riddles! Why would anyone even think of wanting me?" The tears fled from her eyes. They were uncontainable now. Her voice lowered to a whisper. "How could you want me?"

"My Dear, none of this is your fault. Yes you are pregnant, but that is not to change the way I feel about you nor will it change the way I look at you. You are not spoilt. You were hurt and are with child Minerva." His hand cupped her chin, "I want you in my life. I want you because you are an intelligent, brave, beautiful, funny woman; and a damn good chess player if I may say so."

"Lying isn't very becoming of you."

"My dear Minerva, I speak the true."

The tears slowed to a near stop. She looked him in the eyes and asked him, "What of the baby?"

"My dear, if you'll let me into your heart, I also would like to be in this child's as well." Albus placed a gentle hand over her abdomen, making her heart swell. "I want to be in its life and help raise it."

This brought tears to Minerva's eyes again, but this time, they were tears of joy. Albus' thumb brushed across the surface, caressing.

"Minerva… I want to help you as much as I can with this child, only if you'll have me."

"Oh, Albus, I don't know what to say."

He pulled her into his embrace and rocked her as she cried and cried. She was truly glowing now. They sat like this in front of the fire like this for hours.

She was cuddled into his strong side, her right arm around his slim waist. Minerva relished in the moment. He smelled of lemon and hot chocolate. The scent of the two made her feel safe. Minerva was able to feel his muscular sides through his robes.

Albus was speaking. She listened to his low and alluring voice. His chest rumbled as each word slipped from his lips.

"Minerva, dear?" He called.

They looked deep into each other's eye. Their eyes connected like opposite poles of a magnet. Neither knew who initiated the first move but soon their lips were locked in a steady rhythm.

When the kiss broke, they looked into each other's eyes. She closed her eyes and rested her head against his shoulder.

"Albus?" she called, "I think I'm in love with you."

"I think I'm in love with you both."