Ian sat in the car with all the doors locked. He wanted to die. He still loved Anthony but David gave him something more. Ian wept into his hands. Anthony needed help. Serious help. He was delusional! Totally insane. Ian gave himself awhile to settle down. When he was calm enough he pulled out his phone. He went into his contact list. Yep. Dr. Hanlon was still in his contact list

Dr. Hanlon was a great psychiatrist. He had been there when Ian was going through a hard time. He was 15 and just figuring out he was gay. He had made it bearable to finally come out to his parents and his friends. This even included Anthony.

"Dr. Hanlon?"

"Yes who is this?"

"Dr. Hanlon this is Ian Hecox. You remember me right?"

"Ian! Of course I remember you! How are you? How's the film life treating you?"

"Um I'm...i'm alright I guess sort of. I'm actually calling about my...friend...Anthony."

"Ah yes! Anthony! I definatly remember him! I always thought you two were such a cute couple!"

"Um...well...yeah. Anthony and I are...not really together anymore."

"Oh I'm so sorry to hear that. Now what can I do for you?"

"I need to set up an appointment for Anthony."

"I'm sorry Ian but I can't just set up an appointment without the patients consent."

"Paul. Can I call you Paul? Just do it. Call him. I'll give you his number. He needs it."

"Well...uh...oh alright!"

A half an hour passed. David joined Ian in the car.

"You alright?"

"Take me home."