The city was silent.

Gotham City, always alive with traffic and people crowding the streets no matter the time of day. Gotham City, where corruption ruled the streets and the pure of heart suffered. Gotham City, no longer alive and corrupted by the wealthy, but dead and ruled by those who would live to see its downfall.

Hooks Moltisanti sat cross legged in the middle of a four way intersection. Normally a person would only do that if they had a death wish, but cars had long ago disappeared from the streets of Gotham. She glanced at her surroundings, various buildings were still aflame from the recent release of criminals from Black Gate Prison, who deemed it their right to set them on fire. The road around her was leveled in places, chunks of concrete lay strewn about no doubt the result from the bombs Bane had set off. There wasn't a single person found wandering the streets, they were all holed up in their homes hoping Bane's men or a criminal wouldn't find them. Occasionally some would come out and line up in front of a soup kitchen for their only meal they would have that day.

Hooks listened intently, hoping to hear one shred of laughter, of happiness. The only thing she heard was the rumble of nearby tumblers and the occasional gunshot. She sighed, knowing that somehow, in some way, no matter how big or small, this was partly her fault.

On her lap sat an iPad, the screen frozen with an image of Bane. She had been watching the news broadcast of Bane's Black Gate speech, where he read Police Comissioner Gordan's speech about Harvey Dent. The true Harvey Dent. She had paused it when they had panned in so all you could see was Bane and the two people behind him.

Her and Barsad.

The reason she had paused it was because of the startling image of Bane. His eyes held darkness and hate, his stance stating that he was ready for anything anyone dared throw at him.

Behind him Barsad stood stoically beside her. He too had changed from the fun-loving prankster, to a lethal killing machine. His face was placid, but she could see the traces of a hidden smirk. He too stood in the same stance as Bane, his rifle held close to his chest, index finger tracing the trigger should anything go wrong.

Nothing would go wrong though, the power of Bane's presence alone would put anyone on edge. No one was safe in Bane's presence aside from Hooks and Barsad. But hooks was beginning to think even they weren't safe anymore.

Hooks twisted in her spot to watch a tumbler speed down the street behind her. She hoped whoever they were after now got away.

She glanced back down at the iPad and frowned. If only she could go back to the day they had started planning Gotham's demise. Or the day they had brought down the CIA's plane carrying Dr. Pawel.

Hooks thought back to that day. She could feel the truck bumping as Barsad steered it toward the waiting plane. She and Bane sat in the backseat, their heads covered with black sacks.

She could smell the fuel of the truck, feel it bumping as they tore through the field, and suddenly she was back to that day. The day everything changed.

Yay! I finally got the first chapter up! :D This is just the prologue to my story, so that's why it's a little short. Don't worry though, they'll be the same as the chapters in Vow to Protect.

As you can see, the title is Vow to Destroy. I had come up with that title a long time ago and was pretty sure that's the one I was going to use. There was a Guest review that also suggested Vow to Destroy, so I just wanted to say Gracias! Great minds think alike! Also I wanted to say thank you to everyone else that suggested titles. They were very appreciated and creative! You guys are awesome!

I hope this chapter isn't too bad, and I'm hoping I can get as many reviews as last time! I love hearing feedback from you, and it encourages me so much to write more!
So please! Read, review, do what you want! :D