A/N The Vampire Diaries Settings and Characters all belong to LJ Smith and the CW. Any original characters and this story are copyright © 2011-2018 to Hopelessromanticgurl, all rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the author.

The next morning Elena woke up and groaned. Stefan was gone. There was a note left on his spot.


I had to go get ready for the Parade. I'll meet you at the school

Love you,


Elena sighed as she got out of bed and took a shower. Jenna came in to help her get ready.

Over at the Salvatore house Stefan was getting ready. Lexi walked in and laughed.

Stefan turned to look at her as she worked on his tie. "What is so funny?"

"You in that suit." Lexi laughed.

Stefan rolled his eyes but smiled. "I'm glad you find my outfit so funny."

"Oh come on, I'm just kidding, you look great. Plus, I've seen you in a lot worse."

Stefan chuckled as he put on the final touches. He looked to Lexi and sighed.

Lexi's smile vanished. "How is she?"

Stefan shrugged. "She's dealing the best way she knows how. Thank goodness this whole Isoble thing is over. Now we can focus on Jeremy."

"Stefan, I've been doing some thinking and I think I figured out who Elena's father is."

"What who?"


"What? John, as in her Uncle, John Gilbert?" Stefan asked.


Sighing Stefan nodded. "I was thinking the same thing. I was just hoping it wasn't true."

"You've got to tell her, Stefan. It won't take Damon long to figure it out and when he does you know he'll go running to Elena and tell her."

"I know. I'll tell her at the school when I get there. Are you coming to the parade."

"I'll catch up with you." Lexi said forcing a smile.

"You ok?" Stefan asked.

"Fine, Why?"

Stefan sighed. "Lexi, I'm not blind. I know something is up."

"I'm ok. Just missing him. I really loved him, I changed just so we could be together forever. Then he goes and hurts Elena and helps hurt you. I know it was the right move to break up with him. But I miss him." Lexi sighed.

Stefan knew she was talking about Lee. "I know it's hard. But trust me, you'll get through his. You're strong."

"Thanks, Stefan, now go before you're late." Lexi said.

Stefan gave her a hug and rushed out the door.

He arrived at the school and set out to find Elena. Only except of finding the woman he loves, he found Damon, who was in a good mood and had fun pushing his button and annoying him anyway Damon knew how.

He caught his brother staring at something… or rather, someone and turned to see who. He was in shock. If it wasn't for the vervain necklace he had given to her, he could have sworn he saw Katherine. Elena really did look a lot like her. It was moments like this where it actually scared him.

He quickly went over to her and they shared a kiss and hug hello. Then he told her about John being her father.

"John?! Is that even possible?" Elena asked in shock.

"There is no proof, but he dated Isobel when she was a teenager and he was the one who brought her to your dad's office for the delivery." Stefan said as gently as he could.

"My whole life I've never liked this man. I…" Elena trialed off an buried her face into her hands.

Stefan sighed and rubbed her back. "Sorry, I'm sorry. I just… I wanted to tell you before Damon drop it on you in some typically inappropriate way."

Elena looked up to him. "No, I'm happy that you told me I just… I really hope that it's not true. What I am supposed to do? Do I just… confront him and say "are you my biological father?""

"Yes, but only when you're ready." Stefan told her.

"I'm never going to be ready. Stefan, I have enough problems with the family that I actually care about. Jeremy hates me and why wouldn't he? My journal gave him every single reason to, plus what Anna told him."

"He's just hurt, and he's confused."

"He's never going to forgive me for Vicky, for lying to him."

"He's your brother, he'll forgive you. Just give him some time." Stefan soothed.

Elena sighed and nodded. She leaned into his arms and he stood there holding her close. After a few minutes he kissed her on the head. "Come on, we should get on the float." She just nodded. He held her hand and together they went to get on the float."

The ride on the float went by fast, they did a lot of waving and smiling. But once it was all over Elena was happy to run into he closest restroom and change back into her regular clothes, hoping she never had to wear that painful dress ever again.

She walked into The Grill afterward. She smiled when she saw Jeremy and went over to him. The conversation went nowhere. Jeremy was still mad at her. He ran off, causing her to sigh.

"Don't worry about him, he'll come around." Lexi said as she walked over.

"No, he won't he's going to hate me forever." Elena sighed. "Anyway, what are you doing here?"

"I came a little after Stefan. I was watching the parade."

"Where is Stefan?"

"He said to meet him here so I don't know."

"He told me the same thing."

"Then I'm sure he'll be here soon." Lexi said. "Are you ok? You seem off today."

Elena just sighed. "I'm ok. Just tired."

"Jeremy is going to forgive you. I promise you that."

Elena just sighed again. "Ok, if you say so."

Lexi was going to respond, but she noticed Stefan walking up behind Elena. He put his finger to his lips asking Lexi not to say anything. She nodded just enough for Stefan to notice. Lexi looked back to Elena. "I know so. He's confused, mad, and scared. He just needs to come to terms with what he has learned and then he will realize that you did all this to protect him."

"I hope you're… AHHHHHAHAHAH!" Elena trailed off into a squeal and laughed as someone came up behind her and squeezed her sides. She tried to push the hands away, but they were much stronger. "Stehehefan, lehehet me go!" Elena giggled.

Stefan chuckled and stopped tickling her, but pulled him into his arms. She turned and they shared a hug and kiss.

"Good you're both here. Let's go hang out at the carnival." Stefan said.

"Actually Stefan, I'm kind of tired. I think I'm just going to go home." Elena said.

"Yeah. It's been a long day." Lexi nodded.

Stefan shook his head. "Nope, my best friend and my girlfriend are both upset about one thing or another and I will not allow it any longer. You're both going to the carnival to have fun."

"Stefan…" Elena started.

"I can't tickle Lexi without her breaking hands, but I can and will tickle you." Stefan warned playfully.

Elena sighed, but smiled. "Ok, what's first."

"Fine, I'll stay." Lexi nodded.

"Great! Come on!" Stefan grabbed their hands and went outside to the carnival.

They played all kinds of games and went on some fun rides. Lexi got to pick the next game so she dragged Stefan over to the strength game.

"Really?" Stefan groaned.

"Yep." Lexi nodded.

Rolling his eyes, Stefan grabbed the hammer and raised it above his head and slammed it down onto the pad. The little piece went up so fast it smacked into the bell shattering it into a million pieces.

Elena burst into giggles at the shocked man's face. Lexi laughed at the look on Stefan's face, he was shocked too.

The man handed Stefan his prize, which was a little plastic trophy that said the strongest man on it. He chuckled and shook his head. He had a million of them so it wasn't anything special.

Elena got to pick the next game. She went over to a racing game. You had to squirt water at a small target and your character moved across a board above. Stefan and Elena played first. Stefan was winning. Elena looked to Lexi with a pleading smile.

Lexi nodded and smiled. She went behind Stefan and tickled is sides. Stefan gasped and squirmed in his seat as he tried not to laugh. "Le-Lexi, sto-stop!"

She chuckled and just continued to tickle him.

He let go of the water gun and tried to fight her hands away. In this time Elena's character gained speed and she won.

Lexi stopped and laughed.

"That wasn't fair!" Stefan groaned.

Elena giggled as the man handed her a stuffed bear that was pink and had red hearts on it. She thanked him and turned to Stefan. "Here, I won this just for you." She teased him.

"You are in so much trouble!" He playfully growled. He took the Bear from her and gave it to Lexi, then grabbed Elena and pinned her arms to her chest as he tickled her stomach. She giggled and squirmed in his arms.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, let me go!" she giggled.

Stefan laughed and set her down. He handed her back the Bear. He took her other hand and they started to walk to the next game. They were laughing and giggling the whole time.

Out of no where Damon walked over and grabbed Elena's hand.

Confused, she looked to him. "What are you doing?"

"Saving your life. Fifteen words or less… Tomb vamps are here, founding families are their target." He told her. Then he looked to Stefan. "Get her out of here, now!" With that, he turned to leave.

"Wait, where are you going?" Stefan asked.

"It's more than fifteen words, Stefan." Damon said and then was gone.

"Wait, Jeremy is out here somewhere." Elena said in a panic.

"Let's go find him, come on!"

"I'll go find him you two get out of here." Lexi said.

"No, I have to find him."

"We will split up, call me if you find him."

"We will and you do the same."Elena nodded.

Everyone took off in a run looking anywhere and everywhere for Jeremy.

Minutes later Stefan dropped down to his knees grabbing his head as he cried out in pain.

"Stefan, what's going on?" Elena asked dropped down next to him.

"My head! My head!" she groaned out.

Elena rubbed his back feeling helpless to do anything to help him. She was so happy seconds later to see Ric come over and help her grab Stefan and get him to underground stairwell place where he seemed to be in less pain.

"I don't know what happen, he just dropped." Elena explained.

Ric nodded. He didn't seem surprised as she was. "Yeah, he's not the only one. The Cops have gotten everyone who's gone down, they injected them vervain"

"What?"It took her a second to figure out what was going on. Then it hit her. "They're rounding up the vampires."

Stefan and Elena shared a look. Damon and Lexi were both still out there somewhere. What had happened to them?

Ric went out to try and see if he could find them leaving Stefan and Elena alone, but safe.

After a few minutes Stefan seemed to be ok. Elena rubbed his back. "Are you okay?"

"It's like needles were piercing my skull and it just stopped." Stefan explained.

RIc returned before more could be said. "I saw at least 5 vampires go down. None of them were Damon or Lexi. They're taking them to your old family's building."

"It's the Gilbert's device. It has to be." Stefan sighed.

"But how did he get it to work? Bonnie in un-spelled it." Elena said.

"Maybe she didn't." Ric guessed.

"She did, we saw her do it." Elena continued to defend her best friend.

"No, no, no, he's right. Think about it. We asked Bonnie to deactivate a device that could protect people against vampires." Stefan said. He knew this was going to hurt her, but he had to get her to see the truth.

"So we could protect you, and Lexi." Elena nodded.

"And Damon…. Vampires."

Sighing Elena realized he was right. Bonnie had lied to them. She didn't do anything. The hurt set in but Elena pushed it aside. There were more important matters to deal with. She looked to Ric. "Can you get my brother, take him home?" she asked.

"Of course." Ric answered.

Elena looked to Stefan. "Let's go." They had to find Damon and Lexi. And fast.

As they were running they were stopped by John Gilbert.

"Where is Damon?" she demanded.

"With the rest of them where he should be. It's over for Damon."

Elena noticed Stefan tense, but John didn't notice.

"You're crazy." She growled.

"Why? Because I'm doing what should have been done a hundred and fifty five years ago? This is the right thing Elena."

John looks to Stefan to see him staring at the building as it burns.

"Go ahead, you won't make it out. It'll save me the trouble of killing you myself."

Stefan ignored him and looked to Elena. "You know the building well, is there another entrance in?"

"The emergency door, it's on the side."

He ran off toward the building. Elena tried to follow, but John grabbed her arm to stop her. "You take one more step and I tell those DPDS that they missed a vampire."

"I'm asking you not to." Elena begged.

John laughed. "That doesn't mean anything to me."

Elena glared and she knew she had to confront him. It was now or never.

"As my father it should."

He didn't respond, he, they just stared at her. She glared at him.

"You know?" he asked.

"I wasn't sure, but now I am." She said. With that, she ran after Stefan.

When she finally arrived Bonnie was standing outside the door. She had a feeling Stefan had already rushed in to save them. She went to go help him, but Bonnie grabbed her arms..

"Bonnie I have to go after them!"

Bonnie ignored her and started muttering something under her breath. Elena kept trying to pull away, but Bonnie wouldn't let her go.

Suddenly Bonnie stopped and looked to Elena.

"What? What happen are they ok?" Elena asked.

She didn't answer. Seconds later Stefan burst through the door carrying both Lexi and Damon under his arms. Elena quickly ran to the other side and helped him with Lexi.

Everyone was safe. John hadn't killed them.

"Let's get home." Elena said.

Stefan looked to Bonnie. "Thank you."

They four of them walked away.

They all went to the boarding house and got some blood in them. Even Stefan had some saved animal blood for cases like this. They had all gotten their strength back and were ok.

"Oh no, I left my clothes and stuff at the Grill." Elena groaned.

"Come on, let's go back and get them." Stefan said with a gentle smile.

She nodded and they headed back to the Grill.

About an hour later, Lexi hadn't heard from Stefan or Elena so she headed back to Elena's house just to be sure they were ok.

When she got to the house, she was shocked to see Elena and Damon, only they were kissing. Something didn't seem right.

"Elena!" Lexi growled.

They both pulled away. Elena didn't look the least bit scared of being caught. Why couldn't Lexi hear her heart beating?

The front door opened and Jenna told Elena to get inside. Elena went inside without another word. Damon just looked to Lexi and smirked and then walked away.

Lexi shook her head, something wasn't right. She grabbed her phone and called Stefan.

"Hey, Lexi."

"Hey, where is Elena?" she asked.

"Right here next to me. We stopped to get some ice cream. But we are headed home right now."

Lexi looked back at the front door that "Elena" had just walked through. When it all clicked Lexi gasped. "Katherine"

A/N What do you think? Leave me your thoughts in a review. Make sure to check out the sequel "The Lexi Diaries Season 2"

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