It had been three years since the couple had graduated from McKinley. Three years since they had moved to New York. Sebastian currently attended New York Academy of Art, whilst Kurt attended LIM college. Sebastian in drawing and studio and Kurt in fashion. They were both moving into their final year, and it was getting pretty hectic. Kurt was trying to study for his classes as well as plan their wedding.

Kurt was currently sitting in the living room of their two-bed apartment, loads of paper spread out in front of him as he wrote some notes on another piece of paper. Sebastian entered the room, rubbing a towel over his head as he had just come out of a shower.

"Babe?" Sebastian had an eyebrow raised as he looked at his fiancé, and then all the paper.

"Planning the wedding, be quiet," Kurt rushed out.

Sebastian sank into the seat next to Kurt, wrapping an arm around the pale boy's waist.

"Can you just stop for one second, please?"

Kurt placed the pen and paper on the table, turning slightly to look at Sebastian who surprised him by kissing him. Kurt kissed him back eagerly, wrapping his arms around Sebastian's neck.

In the space of minutes, both males shirts had come off and Kurt's pants had been unbuttoned and unzipped. There was a sudden scream and a loud thud.

"Boys!" Summer scowled.

At the end of her senior year Summer had flew up to New York and moved in with the couple. And was always turning up in the middle of something.

"Our apartment," Sebastian growled.

"I pay rent so it's also mine," Summer replied, picking up the shopping bags and carrying them to the kitchen.

"No you don't," Kurt raised an eyebrow, unimpressed.

"I just bought all of this for my date tonight so, I pay rent."

"You have a date? With who?"

It always amazed Kurt how fast Sebastian changed to being the protective brother.

"Ryan? You know, the guy I have been dating for like, over three years now."

"You're dating him?" Sebastian looked appalled.

"Don't approve of your sisters boyfriend choices?" Kurt asked.

"Definitely not. If I had known she was dating him then I would have talked to him a long time ago, he is in most of my classes."

"Oh, wow, awkward," Summer laughed.

"We shall just sit here till an hour before your date," Kurt said.

"Only going to sit here, are we?" Sebastian winked.

"You never know," Kurt smirked, pressing his lips to Sebastian's for a long, heated kiss.

"What happened to my innocent best friend?" Summer laughed as she started to make dinner.

The couple ignored her, carrying on with their little make-out on the couch.

When there was a knock on the door, Sebastian and Kurt jumped up from their spaces on the couch, grabbing their shirts and running to their bedroom, laughing. They came out five minutes later, wearing different clothes and their hairs had been redone.

"Hey Ryan," Kurt smiled as he looked into the living room where Ryan and Summer were.

"Oh hey Kurt, Sebastian," Ryan nibbled on the inside of his cheek.

"We will probably be out late, so don't wait up," Sebastian grinned, before walking out of the door.

All the couple heard when the door closed was laughs. They headed down to the local bar, hoping for it to be rather quiet. But obviously it wasn't, it was karaoke night and Rachel Berry was performing whatever song expressed her love life at the moment.

"Fuck," Sebastian mumbled as he and Kurt took a seat at the table furthest away from the make-shift stage.

"Ignore her, 'Bastian. No one has spoken to her since graduation, we all made that promise in junior year at McKinley."

But what surprised them was as the night went on more of the old New Directions turned up.

"They planned this," Sebastian muttered.

"Come on, let's go. We can hang out in our room for the night till Ryan leaves, if he leaves," Kurt stood up, linking his hand with Sebastian's.

"This is our song for our old classmates, Kurt Hummel and Sebastian Smythe," they heard Finn say.

"No. No you don't. I know what you are going to do. Sing a song that says you are sorry but I'm sick of it. It's been three years and you've finally decided to say sorry? Not good enough."

Kurt had stormed up to them, angry. Music started to play, making both Kurt and Sebastian smirk.

(Kurt) Never made it as a wise manI couldn't cut it as a poor man stealingTired of living like a blind manI'm sick of sight without a sense of feeling

(Both) And this is how you remind meThis is how you remind meOf what I really amThis is how you remind meOf what I really am(Sebastian) It's not like you to say sorryI was waiting on a different storyThis time I'm mistakenFor handing you a heart worth breakingAnd I've been wrong, I've been down,Been to the bottom of every bottleThese five words in my headScream "are we having fun yet?"(Both)Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, noYeah, yeah, yeah, no, no(Rachel) It's not like you didn't know thatI said I love you and I swear I still doAnd it must have been so badCause living with me must have damn near killed youAnd this is how, you remind meOf what I really amThis is how, you remind meOf what I really am(Kurt) It's not like you to say sorryI was waiting on a different storyThis time I'm mistakenFor handing you a heart worth breakingAnd I've been wrong, I've been down,Been to the bottom of every bottleThese five words in my headScream "are we having fun yet?"Yeah, yeah, yeah, no, noYeah, yeah, yeah, no, noYeah, yeah, yeah, no, noYeah, yeah, yeah, no, no(Sebastian) Never made it as a wise manI couldn't cut it as a poor man stealingAnd this is how you remind meThis is how you remind meThis is how you remind meThis is how you remind meOf what I really amThis is how you remind meOf what I really am(Both) It's not like you to say sorryI was waiting on a different storyThis time I'm mistakenFor handing you a heart worth breakingAnd I've been wrong, I've been down,Been to the bottom of every bottleThese five words in my headScream "are we having fun yet?"[3x]Yeah, yeah, are we having fun yet?Yeah, yeah, no, no.

The old New Directions stared at the pair, insulted.

"We are never going to befriend you, ever."

"Summer said you had changed," Quinn said.

"Doesn't mean we have changed our opinions on you," Kurt snapped.

"Problem is, Kurt. You haven't changed at all. You are still that sassy gay guy that nobody likes," Blaine walked into view, his hand linked with someone's.

"Take that back!" Sebastian shouted, pulling Kurt behind him.

"Why? Because it's the truth?"

"Just because I didn't like you back!" Kurt shouted before pulling Sebastian's arm and walking out.

The pair ran back to their apartment, running straight to their bedroom. Summer didn't question the pair for the whole of that night. She didn't question why Kurt was crying, why Sebastian wouldn't let Kurt go anywhere on his own. Why the pair barely spoke to her anymore, unless if it was important. Because she knew it was her fault, it was her fault because she thought the couple should be reunited with their old friends. But she was wrong. And they all knew it.

But Kurt had achieved in the things he had wanted to. He had walked in the hallway, holding hands with his boyfriend. He had danced at his prom with his boyfriend. That he could be whoever he wanted to be.

A/N - Never let me write an epilogue again…seriously, this sucked. There was so much drama and yeah…Oh god. Just please, whenever I ask if I should write an epilogue, put tape over my mouth! I'm being deadly serious here. Okay, so the end of Proven Wrong, what did you think? It really failed in my mind but I'm not the reader so you tell me. See you in Play Pretend, possibly.