My phone rings at the most inopportune time. She's getting ready to go down, I'm all hot and totally ready… But then I see it's my little brother calling. He's much more important and totally trump, Whatever-her-name-is…

"Hey little bro! What's up?"

"Elliot. How about hanging out with me in Portland for a couple days?"

"Portland? What are you doing in Portland?"

"What am I always doing? But yes. I'm here and thought you might like to join me. We haven't gone hiking for a while. We could do the Waucoma Ridge Area. Then maybe go out for some drinks."

This is odd. I'm usually the one calling him to get out and do something. But not wanting to pass this unusual opportunity by, I agree. "OK. Sounds fun! Where should I meet you?"

"I'm staying at the Heathman."

"Of course you are." I roll my eyes. The Heathman. Just once I'd love to see him at a Motel 6.

"OK, shut up. Could you be here around ten tomorrow morning? Oh and would you swing by my place and pick up my laptop for me?" His laptop? Wouldn't he have it already?

"Sure. I'll see you at ten in Portland!"

OK. There is definitely something up with Christian. First of all, we're in Portland… He's so not here on business… Hiking was cool and I love that he wants to hang out, but there is so much more to this than he's letting on. I'm done waiting for him to share, we'd be here forever! I just have to say something and get it on the table… "OK. Out with it little brother. Why are we here."

"Here?" His eyes travel around the room, " We're having drinks Elliot. That's what people usually go to a bar for. Note the tall glass filled with an amber colored alcoholic beverage." He holds up his drink and points to it with his other hand like some cheesy beer ad. He's trying to cover something up by being coy and funny. He's so bad at both.

"Right. You came all the way to Portland for a beer. And don't tell me you're here on business either, 'cause that's just bullshit. If you were, you would not have needed me to bring down your laptop. So, out with it…. Why are we here?" Christian looks at me with an expression of concentration and frustration. I know he doesn't want to tell me. He never wants to tell anyone anything. But really? All the way to Portland? Something's up and I mean to get him to tell me. "I'm willing to wait. I waited two years for you to say anything to me when we were younger, so an hour or so in this bar would be nothing. However, knowing that I'm willing to wait you out, you might as well spill it now. " I smile at him with what I hope is an expression of caring and support. He can be an ass but I do love him. He lets out a deep sigh.

"I've met someone." Met someone? I think I am in shock. Someone? As in another person with whom he has some attraction? Wow. This is big. I've never heard him talk about anyone…ever! The shock must show on my face because he gives me the patented Christian Grey expression of contempt. "Don't look at me like that."

"Sorry. I guess that was just the last thing I was expecting to hear you say. So… what's the story on this someone?"

"Nothing I guess. I don't think there's really any future in it." He actually looks sad about this.

"Why not? Where did you meet this someone?" I am SO dying to know about this! Christian has never had a girlfriend before. We all thought he was gay. Come to think of it, 'someone' doesn't really say one way or the other… Well really, I don't care. I'd just love to see him with someone, happy, and out of his ivory tower socializing with humanity!

"I agreed to do an interview for the WSU newspaper…"

That's a surprise. "Really? You hate doing interviews."

"Yes, well, the girl that was supposed to do the interview was tenacious and PR thought it would be a good idea… Anyway, she actually couldn't make it. Apparently she was sick and she sent someone else in her place."

"Oh… and that's the someone?" He nods in silence. "And?... Attractive? Great personality? Come on… give me something!"

"Attractive. Big blue eyes. Dark hair. Nice body. Appreciates my art work." I see him actually smile as he recollects his meeting this someone. "And I came to Portland to try to see 'this someone' again. The background check listed Clayton's Hardware for place of employment so I went there…"

"Background check? You went there?! A hardware store?" Yeah, it's confirmed. It's definitely a guy. "First, you in a hardware store I'd pay money to see happen anyway, but to see this someone? And I'm guessing without their knowledge? A little scary there bro."

"I know. But I did. I actually bought some things just to spend time…" He lets out another deep breath. "I found out the author of the article wanted some original photos so I agreed and stayed in town. Had coffee together after the shoot. But.." He stops there. What? He closes his eyes and shakes his head in defeat. "Like I said. I don't think there's really any future in it. So, I'm still here, in Portland, hanging out in a bar, having drinks with my brother."

I so want to give him a big hug right now. He looks like a lost puppy, and Christian is never lost. This guy is so in control of everything, he probably has a schedule of when to take a shit! And hugging? I've never gotten or given him a hug ever. I tried once when we were young. He just screamed and I let go! That was the last hug-like move that ever happened between us. I wish I could give him one now though. He turns his head to look around the bar for nothing in particular. I think he just doesn't want to look at me anymore.

"So why do you think there's no future in it? I have a hard time believing this someone wasn't attracted to you." Girl or guy, Christian is really good looking. "Did you say something offensive?" I don't know why I even asked this. Christian is usually so formal and proper it's like watching two British men argue. "Or did you scare this someone away with your stalking and showing up at the store?" He doesn't answer right away, but I can tell he's thinking about something upsetting. He's getting that dark, distant look in his eyes again. For someone so successful, he can be really hard on himself at times.

"Yes… the attraction is reciprocated…" See what I mean about formal? " …but I'm just not…" And there's the self-doubt. "…I guess we're just from different worlds. I don't think mine is what this someone as you keep saying, would want be a part of." Now what the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Different worlds? You mean like money? No one is from your world little bro. Get used to that."

"No, not the money. Actually, this is the first person who seemed put off by it. Not really impressed at all…. " Christian reaches in his pocket for his phone. It must be on vibrate because I didn't hear it ring. Actually, I haven't heard it all day, which is weird since spending time with him is usually just watching him answering the damn thing. Then he Iooks at the caller ID and I hear him say something else totally unexpected… "It's her!"

Her?! Again, I'm in shock. My eyes widen as I hear him answer it. "Anastasia?"

Anastasia?! I must have given my thoughts away with my expression because Christian looks at me with a knowing smile but quickly turns serious. "Are you alright? You sound funny…" Christian continues the conversation but I'm not even listening to what he's saying, I'm just so in shock. My little brother has a thing for a Miss Anastasia. This is getting interesting! Then I notice him hold the phone away from his ear and look at it in surprise. "She hung up on me." He looks up at me but not really at me. " She's drunk. I need to go get her." He calls his background-check guy to track her phone.

"Really bro? More stalking?"

"I know but she's drunk. Any manner of things could happen to her. I hate to think…" He doesn't finish that thought as the text comes in from Mr. Background-Check! "Let's go," he barks as he gets up with the focus of a man on a mission. I'm about to meet the first girl Christian has ever been interested in. I give him the warmest big-brother supportive smile I can.

"Well, all right then. Let's go get your Anastasia!" This is gonna' be fun!