I just love the idea of Hiei x Botan. I did some writing in my earlier days and gave up for a long while. However watching some old dvd's has brought back my inspiration. I appreciate constructive criticism, not plain rudeness. I apologize for a particularly short and jumpy chapter, but I want to set the plot before I lose the idea. My apologies if you think anyone is ooc here, but keep in mind they are both very intoxicated :p. Please review, it's the only way I know what people think.

It had been his second winter actually living in the human world where all of the spirit detectives eventually decided to settle. It was an easier life, not that Hiei preferred easy. However, as much as he hated to admit, or even think about it, he did like to be around the people he had ended up spending so many years with. It did lack excitement, blood more so. Hiei sat against the window sill watching the snow come down heavily for what seemed like the millionth and threateningly annoying time this year. Hiei spent many mornings here, staring and thinking.

"HIEEEEEEIIIIII" A loud, piercing, irritated voice called out, interrupting his thinking. It always seemed to happen this way. A moments peace was far from a real thing in this house. He slumped his head into the glass and growled slightly, refusing to answer her. She would come find him, she always did. If only he hadn't drawn that stick.

It had been the only way they could all agree to live together. After many days bickering about their living arrangements the crew decided to split up their neighborhood homes into groups of two via the drawing of straws. This little game ended up with Kuwabara and Yusuke living together, how fitting. Eventually paired Kurama with Yukina, which Hiei approved of, as long as it wasn't Kuwabara. However he was beginning to think they had a romantic relationship which angered him deeply. Hiei was the last to draw so by default he was left with Botan.

Botan tried so heavily, so annoyingly to be a good roommate to Hiei but Hiei hated every moment of it. Hiei was a horrible roommate, not by normal humans standards. He bathed, cleaned up his mess, and kept up after things, but he wasn't Botan's idea of perfection. He was never social, or even vocal. He just sat in that corner for hours by himself, even when Botan tried to get him to do something. He ignored her, all the time which angered her the most. Botan found herself at her wits end trying to connect with the roommate she was forced to have, perhaps for quite a long time.

"Hiei!" she stated once more, reaching out to touch his shoulder. She was quickly met by Hiei's hand holding her wrist threateningly tight "Why must you always touch me" he snorted.

"Oh relax. Listen, everyone will be here soon" Botan stated as she swiped her hand back from him and continued putting in her earrings. Hiei sighed as he turned to face her. She was throwing one of those stupid party things again. He gazed up to her. She was wearing a purple dress, if that was enough material to call a dress. The back almost didn't exist, it was a crocheted pattern that adorned about half of her bare back. The doorbell rang, almost as if on cue of Botan's voice as she rushed to answer it. Hiei rose from the window sill and walked down the hallway to their bar and poured himself a large glass of whiskey, after tonight he would need it.

Several hours later, only after pushing a drunken Yusuke and Kuwabara out the door with Kurama, who of course remained sober, did Botan finally sigh of relief and remove those heels. Her face was flushed and warm, even removing the shoes proved a little difficult. "Botan you fool, you're drunk" she said to herself giggling wildly.

Hiei raised an eyebrow at her, watching from the doorway. He wasn't even sure she was aware that he was watching her. Hiei had many glasses of whiskey that night, in fact it was way too many glasses. Although he wasn't visibly intoxicated as horribly as Botan, he would like to think he was pretty drunk.

Botan rose to walk to her room, tripping on her coffee table. She filled the room with more giggles as Hiei sighed and walked towards her. He offered his hand "Come. You idiot. You're drunk."

"I'm not drunk Hiei my goodness no!" Botan giggled as she laid herself across the table swiping the contents onto the floor. " I just need to rest a minute, it's a little spinny in here"

Hiei rolled his eyes and huffed "If you want to sleep on the table like the lush you are fine by me." he stated as he turned to walk away. However, before his movement was complete Botan took his outreached hand and pulled him clumsily on top of her on the coffee table. Hiei as much as he didn't want to admit it, was too drunk to catch himself.

"You should rest too! You're,...you're" she started laughing once more "You're so drunk! You fell!"

Hiei pushed himself up onto his elbows "You're drunk! You pulled me!" he said heavily irritated.

"Hiei you know what?" Botan said resting her hand on his shoulders.

Hiei had to pause before he could stand, the room was spinning far too fast. He had no choice but to humor her "What..."

"I think you secretly like me. You looked at me in my dress tonight,...You like me"

"Ha. I think you're delusional" Hiei said as he finally gathered the balance to start to rise from her. She latched onto his white scarf and pulled him back down closer now to her face. Hiei grew angry with just how drunk he let himself get. He was so easily physically manipulated for lack of balance.

"Look into my eyes right now and tell me you don't want me" Botan spat back at him, returning his angry gaze.

Hiei's eyes shot open. He somehow managed to keep his jaw closed. Dear god was she ever drunk. So was he really. He paused to give her question thought. Did he want to? He pictured the thought momentarily. Emotionless, drunken sex with Botan? He was so drunk he didn't put much more thought into it.

"I don't fuck just anyone. Especially someone as drunk as you" Hiei scoffed trying to sober himself up just from repeating his words to himself. He was growing tired of fighting her off.

Botan removed his scarf tossing it across the room, and playfully revealed her shoulders from her own dress. "You can't tell me after living with me you never thought about it".

Hiei growled loudly, too loudly. His frustration was beginning to show through his fake sober facade. She was trying so hard, not that she really had to. Hiei gazed at her deeply for once taking in her features. She really did have an amazing body. However, Hiei only wanted her for what she was to him, a piece of meat.

"Botan..." Hiei growled as Botan closed the gap between them with her lips Hiei felt her tongue delve into his mouth. It was then that Hiei decided he had given up. Hiei pulled away from her "You remember this tomorrow. You remember you asked for it" he warned huskily while panting.

"Please" she panted.

Hiei reached underneath her and used his powerful grasp to flip her onto her stomach and pulled her into his waist via her hips. "Last chance." he stated harshly

Botan had no second thoughts, she had no words. She was drunk and way too drunkenly aroused to think.

Hiei ripped her dress upwards, out of the way smirking. Something was so thrilling to him about the thought of taking her on their coffee table right in front of those glass windows he gazed into only this morning.

Authors note: Lemon? No lemon? Are some things better left unsaid? Review or none for you.