Funeral- 2 weeks after their encounter

Cristina looked at herself in the mirror. She was wearing a black suit, light make-up and her hair was in a bun. She let few tears roll when she thought about her husband.

She went to check on her kids and see if they were ready. Melanie was wearing a black dress and her head was on the pillow and she was crying. She just lost her father. Cristina walked over to her and whispered "Sweetie, I know it's hard but we have to go now". Little girl rose from her bed and brushed her hair.

Next she walked into Jude's room and told him to get ready to leave. She felt sad when she saw her son's expression. Cristina hoped that she wouldn't have to know what it would feel like to lose a father.

The little family walked into the church and everybody gave them a sympathetic looks. Cristina noticed Oliver's parents in tears and three of them went to sit next to them.

The ceremony was beautiful and priest had many good thing to say about Oliver.

Cristina remembered how she went home two weeks ago. She was filled with guilt. She knew that Oliver had right to know about her one-night stand but she couldn't bear herself to tell. The week passed quickly and they tried to get back to their everyday routine until something shocking happened.

Cristian got a phonecall when she was making diner that her husband was in a car accident. She dropped the phone and drove to hospital as fast as she could. It was already late and there was nothing to do to help him.

Oliver's family members carried his coffin to his grave.

Cristina put a simple white rose to his grave and whispered him a good bye. Even their marriage wasn't successful she still loved him and respected him as a father. He was a caring father.