To our splendid readers:

First of all, I would like to thank our amazing followers for your continued love and support. I know how much you've been waiting for another chapter, and you have all been amazing with your patience... I realized that we shouldn't leave you hanging anymore. It's not fair. Which brings me to my apology. I have been the only editor for the story, but I don't see much of a point in editing when I am personally not proud of the story. I mean, it's a great role-play and we've worked very hard, but some role-plays are better off between two people.

I don't think this role-play is meant to be a story; it's complicated for readers and it's difficult to follow along at some points. Even with countless the views and heartfelt comments, I can't do it anymore. I'm not even willing to hire an editor, because I am not spending money on something I do not like. I wouldn't hire an editor for free either, simply because I would feel like a freeloader.

There is a way to read the rest of the story. All you have to do is message me WITH your e-mail address and I will send you an e-mail with attached .pdf files. However, it is unedited, extremely confusing, about 250,000 words, in the style of role-play, and I do not ask for any reviews. IMPORTANT: In order to send your e-mail in a message, you need to put spaces in the address. I will send you arc three and if you want more, I will send you the rest when you are finished. Just e-mail me back and remember to include Can't Get Enough in the topic.

Sincerely, Melissa and Kat (FatalNightmares).

Thank you and we love you all~!