Disclaimer: I do not own Devil May Cry.

Warnings: There are spoilers in this fic, because it is set after the events of DMC4. There will be eventual Dante/Nero stuff, but for now it's just Nero/Kyrie. This fic is filled with head cannon.

Lamest hero 64

Chapter One


After the savior was defeated, Dante left without a trace, and Nero was buried with reconstruction work. He was assigned to help with breaking up the savior, and placing the pieces in a barge to who knows where. As it turns out, there were more fleshy parts to the savior that met the eye.

After that first tedious task was completed, he was given even more tedious tasks. Oh joy.

He was told to help rebuild houses, and get supplies around. And while he was working he barely saw Kyrie. He saw her at night though; in the house he once shared with her and her brother, Credo. She was always so tired, but was always good to see her.

He felt really terrible for her, actually. Kyrie had too much to deal with in his opinion, but she was so strong. She was there for her friends, for people she'd never met. Helping out with funerals, and dealing with the sad families left in Sanctus's wake. And she did all this while grieving for Credo.

He wished he could take some of the work load off her shoulders, but he had enough to deal with on his own. Like that fucking voice in his head. He recognized the voice from when his arm changed, but why was it suddenly speaking to him again? Must be lonely.

He's told Kyrie about it, albeit hesitantly, and she didn't really know what to do. Why would she? She's a regular girl; what business does she have with knowing how to deal with some shit like that?

And then a year passes by since the incident. The reconstruction gets done faster than anybody could ever expect.

He promised Kyrie he'd stay with her to protect her, but there really wasn't a threat of demon attack anymore. With the hell gates closed, and the order of the sword gone, the decline in demon life on Fortuna had been so great they were basically extinct.

Nero lived a somewhat normal life with Kyrie in the old house he used to share with her brother. Their little island of Fortuna was a fishing city. With that being said, Nero worked on the docks. He loaded and unloaded ships, and he gave trucks their goods to deliver, and he was basically the guy you went to when something was too heavy for you to carry.

And it wasn't as if he wasn't happy living with Kyrie; he was just not ready to live the slow life, even after a year. He itched to kill demons. It seems like once you start it's hard to stop. Like an addiction. And with the order of the sword gone, he barely got to touch his Red Queen or his Blue Rose.

And the voice. He was getting sick of it. What could he do about it though? What was he supposed to do, see a therapist? He'd rather shoot himself in the foot. All it fucking did was mock him and rip on humans for being human, and sometimes it was so soft he couldn't understand what it was saying.

But there was always that persistent whispering in his ear and he hated it. It made him feel crazy and strange, and sometimes it made him feel even more out of place than usual.

So one day Nero comes home from the docks to a nice dinner for two. Kyrie and Nero had been together ever since he finished off those last few demons by the busted fountain on the day the savior fell. And it was nice. Very nice.

Their workday routine was that Nero would go off to work, and Kyrie would clean around the house, or tend to her garden, or see her old choir friends, and by the time Nero came back, dinner would be ready for him, and he always thanked her for the food no matter what. After dinner, sometimes Kyrie liked to sing along to Nero's acoustic guitar, and sometimes they kissed or held each other. Other times they just talked.

They always had to keep an extra pack of guitar strings handy, because Nero's Devil bringer worked well as a pick, but it cut like a knife when he wasn't careful. Whenever he broke a string he got frustrated with himself and apologized to Kyrie, to which she would always respond with something like, "Don't worry about it! It was just an accident."

And the kissing never really went beyond just kissing. Sure, they made out, and maybe they've touched, but like I said, it never went beyond that. Nero wasn't pushing her to do anything she didn't want to do, and while the anticipation was there, it wasn't as if he was rushing to get his pants off. She loved him and he loved her, but he guessed they were just waiting for the right time.

The talking never got boring, even after a year. They talked about Credo, about Dante, about the "savior incident" in general, work, money. You name it.

The point is, life was good and boring. Just the way she liked it.

It wasn't until one day on their couch that things became interesting again. It was after dinner, the point Nero looked forward to most during the day.

Kyrie was on his lap with her hands in his alabaster hair. She was going to kiss him; he knew it, but that god damn voice was really ruining his mood. All he could hear was her kissing him, her fingers raking through his hair, and that stupid fucking voice. It was deep and sharp. Pristine in pronunciation with an immaculate sense of anger. And it was always frosty.


"She is nothing but human scum."

"A demon has no business with a human unless it is to kill."

He must have let on that his mood was being killed. More like slaughtered. Kyrie stopped kissing him and asked, "Hey, what's wrong?"

She was always very sweet to him. How could he let his sinking mood ruin the moment for her? What an asshole he was.

"It's nothing." Maybe he was terrible at lying, or maybe she just knew him too well, but she wouldn't take that for an answer. She stopped playing with his hair and put her hands on the sides of his face.

"Did I do something wrong, Nero?"

Oh no! Now she was starting to feel bad. The only way to remove the blame from Kyrie was to tell the truth, so he said, "It's the voice." He put his hands on her wrists and gently lowered them to his chest.

He sounded really lame. He kind of wished he would've told a lie to avoid sounding so small, but that would've backfired horribly. He knew it.

"Well, I've actually been thinking about that," She started. Seems like Kyrie doesn't mind having a crazy, deformed boyfriend as much as he thinks she does, because she was ignoring his awkwardness just like she always does. Or rather, she was understanding it. "…And I think maybe you should go to see Dante."


"Well, yeah. I mean, you said that you heard the voice for the first time when you got your devil bringer, right? So that must mean it's of demonic origin. He might know how to handle it."

Oh, dear god, no. Nero was glad he had Dante to fight the Savior while he brought down Sanctus, but he was also really glad to see him go. When he asked him if he was going to see him again, it was because he wanted to make sure he was gone by then. Well, that's what he told himself, anyways…

"That guy is an asshole, Kyrie."

She let out a cute little chuckle. "Yeah, maybe. But who knows? Maybe he can help you? Being as deeply associated with demons as he is, he might be able to help. What if it's a curse?"

Well, he can't just walk away, even if in the back of his mind he really wanted to. How would Kyrie pay the bills with him gone? What if she needed him? Was she planning on going with him, if he even went at all?

"What about you?"

"What about me? I'll miss you while you're gone, but I'll be alright. I could get a job at Sara's flower shop. You know how she's been trying to get me to work with her forever." She sort of nuzzled his neck.

"Well, if you're gonna miss me then I really don't wanna go." He rubbed her back.

"I think you should, Nero. Do something for yourself once in a while. There's probably more demon killing going on in Dante's city, you know. You'd have a good time."

Well, that is true, but Kyrie was his main priority. That being said, there was still a fork in the road. If going to Dante about this voice in his head would make her happy, then he would do it, but the problem lies in leaving Kyrie alone.

And he trusted her completely, but if something bad were to happen to her when he could have prevented it, he'd never forgive himself. So decisions, decisions, decisions… Always a pain in the ass.

It'd been a while since either of them had said anything, but eventually Nero agreed with a bland, "Okay."

He was rewarded with a kiss to the cheek. He'd get ready to go in the morning.

Okay, I was trying to fall asleep when this came to me. I Remembered Nero saying that he had heard a voice say, "Power, give me more power!" when his arm changed. I was thinking, "What happened to the voice?"

I'm sorry this chapter is so short ^_^'

If you want more chapters, please leave a review telling me what you think!