Agent Gibbs woke up on a nice Sunday morning. He didn't want to get up, but he had to. He had kids. Gibbs walked down stairs, where his older half-brother was already eating his breakfast.

"Hey, Ducky," Gibbs said to his brother.

"Goodmorning, Jethro," Ducky said,"Beautiful morning."

"Yeah, Duck, it is. Kids up yet?"

"No. Jethro don't wake-" Ducky started, but it was too late. Gibbs whistled loudly to get the kids up. Three kids came running down, they stood military style, facing their dad. Nine year old Tony, his oldest, stood tall and cofidently, his light brown hair slightly messy. Tony was from his first marriage, they divorced when Tony was 4. Then eight year old Ziva stood quietly with her dark brown hair in one loose pony tail, then six year old Kate stood tiredly, next to Ziva. Ziva and Kate were from his first marriage also, they divorced when the girls were babies. Gibbs looked down the line at the three.

"Seems we are missing one," Ducky said. Gibbs looked towards the steps and whistled again, even louder. Then the pitter patter of tiny feet running could be heard. Then a little girl with black hair and yellow-green-hazel eyes, ran down the steps next to Kate.

"Abby," Gibbs said acknowloging his youngest, who was three. Then he turned to all four of his kids,"Hurry up and eat your breakfast, then get dressed. Uncle Ducky is taking you to the park."

"Daddy," Abby said tugging on his pantleg," Won't you come too?" She smiled widely.

"No, I have to go to work," Gibbs said making Abby's smile disappear.

"Oh," Kate said. The kids always wanted to spend time with him, but he was always busy. Then they all ate and got dressed, then waited in Ducky's car for him. Ducky walked over to Jethro.

"Jethro," Ducky said,"You need a girlfriend."

"What makes you say that?" Gibbs replied.

"Because it's Sunday and you are going to work." Then Ducky left. Gibbs kept thinking that Ducky could be right, but Gibbs had just gotten divorced from his forth wife and it had taken a major toll on everyone. This woman was ruthless, she treated all of the children harshly. Abby was from his second marriage, his wife Lily, had died when Abby was one. Gibbs knew his kids needed a mother, but he didn't want to put them through any more pain. If he ever did find 'the one' he would be very careful, to never let it slip.