Lucy POV

*beep* *beep* *beep* *ploop*

"Ugh, just shut up already!" I glared at my alarm clock dangerously until it began to grow quieter. "Good!" I decided to take a shower and summoned Plue. His little body was so kawaii and funny when we're in the hot water. I smiled and giggled and wondered how my day was going to turn out, of course it involved Natsu and the others and a new mission, but they're my nakama. I'm sticking with them until the day I die.

Natsu POV

"Gee, Lucy's pretty late this morning," I thought. "Yo flame brain, watcha thinking bout'?" "Wanna go Ice Princess?" "Is that a challenge Ash Breathe?" "What challenge," Erza horrifically said while glaring at the two. "Nothing, we're good ol' pals rite Ice Princess," I sickly asked. "Yeah, old Ask Breathe and I are getting along just fine," Gray said while gritting his teeth with a vein popping out of his big forehead.

"Morning everyone!" I turned around and showed off my toothy grin to my blonde nakama. "Hey Luce! Wanna go on a mission with us? We're planning on taking Wendy too." "I don't know, what's the request this time," she shot me a questioning look. "Here," I handed her the paper and her jaws dropped completely, even I was shocked and taken back a bit.

Wendy POV

"Good Morning." "Oh hey Wendy," Lucy waved at me with a huge smile on her face. "I see you're holding the request paper Natsu got for our team," I smiled. "Yeah! 6,000,00 jewels! With this money, I will have enough money for rent, more food for "certain people," and maybe we can go shopping with all the girls," Lucy playfully said. I giggled at the "certain people" part in Lucy's sentence. "So it's settled. We're leaving tomorrow morning at 11. Don't be late," Erza bluntly said with a grin on her face. "Just make sure Flame brain here doesn't drool over his dream food tomorrow morning." Gray snickered. "What did you say Ice Block," Natsu glared over to Gray. I shivered, but as usual, Erza broke up the fight.

'I can't wait until tomorrow' I thought to myself gleefully.