"No, please!" A girl, Miho, cried out.

A man stalked towards her, though he was shrouded in darkness.

"Please don't kill me! I'll do anything!" Miho cried.

"Anything?" He asked.

Miho nodded vigoriously. "Yes, anything!"

He forced her against the wall and lifted her skirt.

"No, please!"

"You said anything."

"No!" Miho cried as the man raped her.

Afterwards, he pulled out a butcher's knife from his coat and cut out her eyes. Her scream echoed throughout the dream.

Tea screamed as she woke up, startling her friends who were sitting in the classroom. She shook as she balled her eyes out.

"Miss Gardener, what is the meaning of this?" A teacher called.

Tea turned to Miho's seat and found her missing.

"Miho's dead!" Tea cried out and broke into more sobs.

Yugi, Tristian and Joey were at her side in an instant.

"Tea, what are you talking about?" Yugi asked.

"Blood," Tea whimpered. "So much blood! A man! H-He broke into Miho's house before he raped her then carved her eyes out with a knife!" She cried.

Some of the students began to talk.

"How do you know?" Yugi asked.

"I-I dreamt it."

"Tea, that's probably all it is. A dream," Joey comforted.

The teacher, Asuka-sensei, dismissed herself before she headed to the principals office. Meanwhile, the gang took Tea out of class where she shook, badly.

When lunch was called, the school was talking about how Tea had a breakdown in class, ultimately embarrassing herself. Later on, the school held an assembly where the principal assured everyone that Miho was out of school because she had caught the flu and was indeed, still breathing. After that, everyone just thought Tea was pathetic and she felt like a complete idiot.

"It was just a dream," Tea whispered that night before going to bed.

The next day, another assembly was called.

"Probably to have Gardener taken to an asylum," a girl snickered.

A group of girls giggled, laughing at Tea who stepped closer to her friends.

"Now that everyone is here, I have some terrible news," the principal announced. "Last night, one of our students, was murdered. Her name was...Miho."

Everyone gasped and turned to Tea whose eyes were widest of all.

"There will be a moment of silence for Miho and after, students may see guidance councillors to express their feelings over the death so please, everyone be silent."

For a whole minute, no one said a thing before the principal spoke again.

"Tea Gardener, I need to speak to you so please, go to my office," he said.

Tea headed out of the auditorium, feeling the eyes of everyone on her. Once in the office, she met with two detectives who took her statement about her dream. Apparently, Miho died exactly how she predicted.