Chapter Five

Malone was unconscious when he was wheeled on a stretcher into the observation room that Roxton was asleep they were both hooked up to drips and an 'antidote' was being fed into their system. There had been an outbreak a couple of years ago though; it had been contained and the public never got to hear about it. The CDC didn't believe the explorers story, they were hoping Roxton and Malone's fever was of the same strain, they were hoping their cure would work.

Roxton tiredly opened his eyes and lifted his up head with difficulty, to see his surrounding's, he noticed the hospital bed beside him that contained Malone.

"Hey Malone? When did you get here?"

It was around five minutes before Malone answered he sounded out of breath when he did so and his words came out in raspy breaths, "I don't know…I…Fell I think…My heads…Pounding".

"What happened to Marguerite and Veronica?"

Malone would've shook his head if he could move it, "I thought they…. Were with…You".

Roxton closed his eyes and laid back, "God no please don't let anything have happened to them!"

* * *

Marguerite wandered through the streets trying to remember which route the cab had taken to get to the hospital the day before she'd been walking she guessed for about a half hour.

She'd had another dream the night before she remembered reading somewhere about a man that was vaguely familiar to her turning up at the hospital that one of his surviving victims was in, he'd attempted to finish off the job. Marguerite had a feeling this killer would do the same thing.

* * *

Susie Asher lay in her hospital bed staring up at the ceiling she was bored but thankful she was still alive, Tobin had only succeeded in pushing her down the stairs despite the searing pain from her broken leg she'd managed to find a security guard before the killer could do any more damage. She was nervous though being in a room on her own in the almost deserted hospital; she'd found out of the talkative police man that was guarding her room that some people had been brought in, in a bad way and the hospital staff were busy with them.

The cop wasn't at his post outside her door and she began to worry she could see a person standing outside the room; the person opened the door.

"Hello?" Susie called out in a timid voice; she tried to get off the bed but she couldn't move her leg, "Please leave me alone!"

"Its Okay I'm not here to hurt you" the person shut the door behind them and began to walk to the bed, "You're coming with me".

Susie saw the face of Tobin in front of her…Then he fell to the floor.