Warnings: None.

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Note: Please go to YouTube and have the following link playing while you read this chapter: www .youtube watch?v=bxeoLhLdqnQ (take out the spaces and add the . COM at the end of youtube)

This is the sound I thought of when I wrote this story.

Many thanks to princesspomegranate who did the BETA work on this for me and suggested the inclusion of the above link. Her stories are awesome and should be read as well.

Rap Tap Tap Tap

The golden, shining city of Asgard lay out before her. Bright, glowing with an inner warmth against the dark star and nebula-filled sky. The bridge of rainbow and iridescent light hummed under her feet with every step.

Rap Tap Tap Tap Rap Tap Tap Tap

The air smelled like the beach; salty, slightly humid, and warm.

Rap Tap Tap Tap Rap Tap Tap Tap

"What do you think, Lady Jane?" asked Thor, smiling down at her.

"It's… it's breathtaking," breathed Jane, her eyes wide, "but the drumming? Does it ever stop?"

"Drumming? There are no drums at this time. Drums are only used in times of war," said Thor, the corners of his lips turning down.

"Oh, well, it's probably just a side effect of the Bifrost jump," murmured Jane, waving off his worried look.

Rap Tap Tap Tap Rap Tap Tap Tap

"Come," he said, stepping up to a white horse that was waiting patiently on the bridge, "let us ride to the palace."

He easily lifted her up into the saddle and then mounted the animal behind her. Thor wrapped a massive arm around her waist, grabbed the leather reins in his right hand and spurred the horse into a gallop. A squeal of surprise and excitement escaped her lips as they flew down the bridge faster than she had ever ridden on a horse. Her hands clutched the arm that held her securely in the saddle.

One year had passed since the battle of New York and she was finally getting to see Thor's home. Using the power of the Tesseract, the Bifrost had been repaired in that time, giving the realm the ability to travel safely once again. Giving him the power to travel to Earth once again.

But Jane wasn't the patiently waiting maiden that he was expecting.

And she was not in love with him.

Two years of absence, finding out that he had been on Earth for a period of time and didn't even leave a note, and then another year on top of that had killed any affection she might have developed in those three days. She was only human after all. She didn't have forever. Thor had been sad and disappointed, but said that he would still keep his promise of showing her Asgard.

So, here she was, in the Realm Eternal.

Rap Tap Tap Tap Rap Tap Tap Tap

It would be perfect if someone just stopped that blasted drumming.

Upon arriving in the courtyard of the palace, Jane had been taken to a guest chamber that would be hers for the remainder of her stay. She had freshened up and changed into something more Asgard appropriate, a long cream colored dress with gold trimming, before being escorted by Thor to meet his mother and father. Jane found the queen to be very kind, welcoming her to the palace, and even thanking her for watching after Thor while he was on Midgard. Jane blushed and hoped he hadn't told her about how she'd hit him with a car… twice. Thor's father, on the other hand, was distantly polite and she could tell he was not exactly thrilled that Thor had brought her before him.

Thor, the dear he was, was completely oblivious.

Afterwards, he had then taken her for a less formal meeting of his friends out on the practice grounds. She had, after all, met them for just a moment several years ago. Fandrel was a charmer but seemed to be holding back; his eyes kept glancing Thor's way each time he made a flirty comment. She suspected his friends thought she and Thor were together but chose to not correct him and make the whole situation any more uncomfortable. Volstagg was loud and friendly, Hogun, polite and quiet, just as she remembered.

Then there was Sif.

She was a tall and stunning warrior woman. She smiled at Jane but it never reached her eyes. Right then, Jane knew that Sif was in love with Thor. It made her embarrassed and sad for the woman, who was probably sick from seeing another woman she thought was a serious love interest of Thor's. Jane made note to try and gently bring up that she and Thor were not together as soon as possible.

After that, Thor had shown her around the opulent golden palace with polished marble floors and towering columns. He had promised to show her the grounds and the royal gardens tomorrow.

Rap Tap Tap Tap Rap Tap Tap Tap

But always with those mind numbing drums.

By the time dinner was to be served, the constant drumming had settled into a headache in her left temple and behind her eyes. She had done her best to make it through the meal, smiling and making conversation about Earth, or Midgard as they called it, but by the end of the meal she was sure she was going to be sick. Thankfully, Thor's mother had noticed and suggested Thor to take her to her chamber.

But that hadn't meant rest.

At the door Thor had asked to come in for a moment and she reluctantly agreed, praying that she wasn't going to throw up in his presence. He quickly explained to her that, before the evening meal, his father had told him that he wanted Thor to go on a journey with him to Jotunheim. It seemed that now, after all this time, someone was going to be able to give them information as to what was wrong with Loki. Fear had leapt through her heart at the mention of his brother's name. Thor's face became pained as he spoke, pacing the room and running his hand back though his long hair. Despite her headache, she listened as he described how his brother had changed over the years until he was someone that Thor no longer recognized.

After he had brought him back from Midgard, Loki had quickly descended into madness, constantly muttering nonsense and having fits of laughter that had disturbed his guards so much that no one would go near his room. The All-Father had stripped his magical powers and locked him away in an unused wing of the palace until they could understand what ailed him.

Thor was very apologetic and she assured him that she understood; his brother came first. Thor promised it would only take a few days and he would return as soon as he could to see her for the rest of her stay. She considered asking him to take her back to Earth, just to be able to get away from the migraine inducing drumming, but it had taken her this long to get to Asgard, who knows how long it would take to get to back. So she chose to say nothing as he told her he would be leaving tonight. Thor then left her with a kiss on the cheek and a promise to return as quickly as possible.

Now, standing on the balcony of her room three days later watching the sun sink down behind the blue tinted mountains, she was more sure than at any point in her life, that she was going mad.

Rap Tap Tap Tap Rap Tap Tap Tap