The small group of people stand quietly, clothed in black, watching as a minister says prayers over a wooden coffin. A golden cross is engraved onto the lid.

"Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust.."

It's a grey evening, the clouds sagging as if saddened by the death of the girl. The crowd stands in the centre of Wammy's Cemetery, surrounded by empty graves. The children and staff from Wammy's are present, L's three potential successors standing rigidly as they watch the coffin. Sebastian, Silence's boss and good friend, is also there, a red rose clasped in his large hand. His greying hair blows slightly in the breeze.

The Task Force, including Soichiro and Misa, stand too with their hands clasped in front of them, eyes downcast. Misa hadn't wanted to come, but, was made to by the rest of the Task Force. She'd been a mess after the death of Light and had cursed Silence as her heart broke.

Soichiro, obviously, hadn't been keen on coming either. He, also, had been persuaded as he had genuinely liked and felt sorry for the girl who murdered his only son. It's ironic, really. Going to the funeral of the person who killed your child.

L and B stand nearer to the coffin, unwilling to leave the girl's body although it is nothing more than a shell of what was once Silence. They wear black suits and both hold their hands in front of them, clasped as if on prayer, fingers curling over one another.

Two unfamiliar people are also present, the woman's hand on the shoulder of a young boy of around fourteen. The man stands still, his hands balled into fists and his teeth gritted as he attempts to keep from crying. He has a rugged look about him. Broad-shouldered and well built with dark, cropped, hair and dark golden eyes.

The woman is smaller, slight in figure. Also with dark hair snaking past her shoulders in a long ponytail. She wears a long black dress and her skin is paler then what is considered healthy. Her tiny hand grips the material on the shoulder of the young boy.

This boy looks almost uncannily like Silence. He has short, greenish hair with brown eyes instead of golden. He stands about a head beneath his father, watching the funeral, his eyes boring into the small coffin in the centre of the crowd. He pulls on the black tie around his neck and it comes a little looser. He places his hand on top of his mother's in a gesture of comfort.

L catches the Wammy kids, including Matt, Mello and Near, glancing over occasionally, wondering the same thing that he is.

'Who the hell are these guys?'

Beyond shoots L a look which says the same and L shrugs slightly, returning his attention to the funeral.

The Minister finishes his sermon, closing his bible with a snap and a glance at the coffin. He knows who Silence was. How she was 'Ellie Moon', the most feared and deadliest girl in the world and he is not too approving. Killing is a sin, after all.

"Does anyone want to say a few words?" He asks, peering over his rounded spectacles at the crowd. A dark-haired boy steps forward, making his way to where the Minister is standing. He stands aside as the boy addresses the guests.

"Hi. I-I think that we'll all miss much. But, she wouldn't want us to dwell on it, you know? She'd want us to move on with our lives and to remember her the way she was. I'm gonna remember all the great times that we had. I-I remember one Halloween, L and I, we decided to scare her. That...didn't go too well. We jumped out at her and she screamed and then she shot us out of instinct. We probably shouldn't have done that so soon after she was trained.. Then, she hit L and... " Beyond hangs his head, thinking of what to say next.

"That's how I want to remember her. Not the way she was that night but.. The happy, laughing girl who was our best friend. Yeah, that's how."

Beyond steps down and walks back toward the guests, wiping silent tears away from his eyes. L plants a hand on his shoulder.

The guests turn away reluctantly, walking back towards Wammy's for the memorial. The thin woman with the ponytail is weeping quietly, her small shoulders shaking with grief as the sky begins to darken.

Eyes open slowly. Eyelids feel heavy. Tempted to fall asleep again. No, don't. Looking around, body in a box. Panics.

'Where am I?! What happened?! Oh, shit. Yeah... I died. I'm probably in a coffin right? Fuck...'

Rubs palm over the lid. Knocks a couple times.

'Doesn't seem so thick..'

Positions hand so the tips of fingers touch the wood. Curls into a fist then punches. Once. Twice. Three times. Repeating the same action.

'Never thought I'd have to use this part of my training..'

The wood is starting to give way. Splintering under knuckles. Earth falls. Holds breath and punches again. Tip then fist.

'Seriously, though. How the hell am I alive? Nobody survives the Death Note, L said..'

Dirt piling on top of body, suffocating. Blood on wood. Knuckles aching. Again. Wood gives way, piles of earth falling. Coughing.

'Check me going all 'Kill Bill' on this..'

Pulling body upwards. Hold breath. Crawling. Through the dirt and mud, to the surface. Hand pushing though the newly replaced ground.

'I feel like a fucking zombie..'

Breaks the surface. Breathing deeply. Lying on the ground, panting.

'That..was horrendous..'

Lights in the distance. Small, warm lights against the dusky sky. The heavens open, rain falling down. Pelts on cold skin. Dress sticking to body.

'I hate dresses..'

Gets up slowly. Staggers. Feet trudging forwards toward light.

'Wammy's... Matt, Mello, Near, L and Beyond.. my family..'

Matt looks out at the dark sky, the silver trails of rain as it hits the ground with a splash. It seems as though even the weather is mourning Silence.

'Wait...what's that...?!'

Matt's eyes widen as he sees the small figure making it's way toward Wammy's, staggering then falling over. It sits on it's knees in a puddle for a moment before picking itself up and continuing on. As it nears, Matt can make out the black dress and the long hair in pigtails, the silhouette of the figure against the light of the moon. It looks like a ghost, the way the moonlight reflects off of it's skin and the way the rain bounces off of it, giving it an almost otherworldly glow. It falls again, landing on it's stomach in the wet grass. It then draws itself up on the palms of it's hands and looks toward the House.

Matt seems to be the only one who's noticed it. Backing away from the window, he abruptly stands up, gripping the windowsill.

"Matt? What's wrong with you?" Mello questions, raising a blonde eyebrow.

Matt doesn't answer his friend, bolting out the door with a cry.


He races across the wet ground towards the figure who is stumbling to it's feet.

"M-Matt?" It's voice is raspy through lack of use and it's limbs stiff from not moving for so long.

"I-It is you! Silence!" Matt exclaims, throwing his arms around the girl who is breathing heavily with the effort of keeping herself standing. Her breaths come out in little clouds in the frosty air.

"How are you alive!?" Matt eventually says, holding the girl at arms length, palms on her bare shoulders.

"I-I don't know.." She coughs.

"God, we all thought you were dead, Silence!"

"I was."

"For good, though! Everyone was a mess! How did you breakout of the coffin!? It was sealed wasn't it? And there were these strange people at the funeral too.. A man and a woman with a boy about my age..."

"I- " Cough. "Have been trained for situations like this.., woman and boy?"

"Yeah," Matt shrugs, sighing.

"Any idea who they could be?"

Silence shakes her head, shivering slightly.

"Come on," Matt says, taking her by the hand and pulling her in the direction of Wammy's.

"We need to get you warm or you'll get sick."

Silence nods in agreement, attempting to walk forwards but stumbling on her stiff legs, grabbing onto Matt's shoulder for support.

"Can't you walk well?"

"My legs feel numb.."

"Come on, I'll help you."

Matt hooks Silence's arm around his shoulders and she leans on him for support as they slowly trudge back to Wammy's.

A/N:- Ahhh! She's alive! I got the whole 'digging yourself out' thing from the movie 'Kill Bill' and it got me thinking 'Wouldn't it be awesome if Silence did that?!' So, yeah.

I was debating on actually posting this chapter because everyone seemed happy with the ending but.. I decided that I would miss Silence too much to let her die!

I'm also debating on a sequal...should I, shouldn't I? Please review and tell me your thoughts on a possible sequal! :)